Spring 2016 Paragraph Rubric Items Ideas and Content Organization and Coherence Clarity Sentence Structures Very Good a) Ideas are interesting, fresh, and original b) Content shows careful thought and planning c) Followed directions and topic given Satisfactory a) Ideas are ordinary 20 19 18 17 a) Main idea and all sentences are related b) Clear major and minor supporting sentences c) Topic sentence shows clear topic and controlling idea and is very effective d) Shows clear logical order 16 15 14 13 12 11 a) Main idea and most sentences are related 20 19 18 17 a) All sentences can be understood b) Ideas are expressed very well 10 9 8 a) Many correct complex, compound and simple sentences 10 Verb Tenses: 1 point deduction for each verb tense (VT), verb form (VF), or subject-verb agreement (S-V) Word Choice: Singular/plural Vocabulary choices Word forms Signal words/ transitions 8 b) Adequate topic sentence Some supporting sentences are off - topic c) Shows some elements of logical order – 16 15 14 13 12 11 a) Most sentences can be understood b) Ideas are expressed mostly clearly 7 6 5 4 a) Some correct complex sentences , mostly correct simple and compound sentences 7 6 5 b) Content shows little thought or planning c) Did not follow directions regarding the assignment – off topic 10 ----------------------- 1 a) Main idea not clear or many sentences not related to the main idea b) Topic sentence is not effective or not present Organization of supporting sentences is unclear c) Doesn’t really show elements of order 10 --------------------------1 a) Many sentences can not be understood b) Ideas are not expressed clearly 3 2 1 a) Very few or no complex sentences b) problems creating correct simple and/or compound sentences 4 3 2 1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Level 4 Vocabulary Mostly correct word forms/ choices. Correct forms of signal words Satisfactory vocabulary, Word forms/ choices Mostly correct forms of signal words Below level 4 Major problems with singular and plural nouns Incorrect or no signal words used 10 Spelling Punctuation Capitals 9 b) Content shows some thought and planning c) Somewhat followed assignment’s perimeters – some off topic Below Standard a) Ideas are dull or not developed 9 8 Correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization 10 9 7 6 5 Mostly correct 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 Below level 5 4 3 2 1 Spring 2016 Paragraph Rubric