Document 15680570

Writing Test #1
Name: _______________
A. Identifying topics and controlling ideas: in each topic sentence below,
circle the topic and underline the controlling idea.
1. Hiking is the best way to explore nature closely.
2. My uncle had a frightening experience as a young man.
3. Singapore is a very popular vacation destination in Asia.
4. There are some very specific differences between my part of the world and the
western countries.
5. Text messaging has become popular among teenagers.
B. Identifying topic sentences: For each set of sentences, write “TS” next to
the topic sentence. There’s one topic sentence in each group.
1. _______ a. One of my favorite hobbies is listening to international music.
_______b. I have a large collection of world music recordings.
_______c. My friends and I like to introduce each other to new international artists
we discover.
_______d. I enjoy going to concerts by musicians from different countries.
2. _______ a. You can use the Internet to find a great deal of information, but if you
don’t have the right skills, you can waste a lot of time.
_______ b. The Internet can be incredibly useful if you know how to use it.
_______ c. There are opportunities to buy and sell products on the Internet, but you
have to know the proper way to spend money.
_______ d. The Internet is a good place to find a job for people who know how to
use search engines.
C. Write three Major supporting sentences for the topic sentence below. Use
transition words.
There are several reasons why I am learning English.
a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________
D. Write a topic sentence for the paragraph below.
_________________________________________. It burns calories more quickly than
any other form of exercise. In fact, running burns twice as many calories as swimming,
the second best calorie-burning activity. While swimmers burn around 600 calories per
hour, runners can burn up to 1,200 calories per hour. Running is also a great form of
exercise because it can be done almost anywhere. Finally, running is a budget friendly
activity as the only item you need is a pair of running shoes.
E. Choose/write the best concluding sentence for the paragraph.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After sleeping all night, breakfast gives
your body the boost of energy your body needs to start the day. Eating a healthy breakfast
helps you think more clearly and even improves your memory. Studies show that children
who eat a nutritious breakfast are more alert and do better in school. Similarly, adults who
eat breakfast perform better at work. ___________________________________________
a. Some people skip breakfast and eat a large dinner.
Children who study hard usually do better in school.
c. My mother was right all along when she said, “Remember to eat a good breakfast.”
There are many reasons why I like to wear a uniform to school. First of all, it saves time. I
don’t have to waste time picking out my clothes every morning. Wearing a uniform also
saves money. It’s cheaper to purchase a few uniforms than to go out and buy lots of school
clothes. In addition, I don’t have the pressure of keeping up with the latest styles. Most
importantly, wearing a school uniform gives me a sense that I belong. I think it really adds to
the feeling of school spirit and community. _______________________________________
Diagram the paragraph below. Label each sentence with a TS, MSS, mss, or CS