Followings are what you will find at the end of... For LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Highlight the main idea for EACH...

Pre CH23 HW for Silberberg
Followings are what you will find at the end of the chapter in your textbook.
For LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Highlight the main idea for EACH objective. Ready carefully so you
don’t highlight everything.
For MASTER THESE SKILLS: Highlight the main idea for each skill. Ready carefully so you don’t
highlight everything.
For KEY TERMS: Make sure you can define it and/or give an example of it. Pick TWO terms of your
choice and actually write the definition or an example.
For KEY EQUATIONS AND RELATIONSHIP: Next to EACH, define each term. Be very specific.
Page 1045
Learning Objectives Relevant section (§) and/or sample problem (SP) numbers appear in parentheses.
Understand These Concepts
1. The positions of the d- and f-block elements and the general forms of their atomic and ionic electron
configurations (§23.1)
2. How atomic size, ionization energy, and electronegativity vary across a period and down a group of
transition elements and how these trends differ from those of the main-group elements; why the
densities of Period 6 transition elements are so high (§23.1)
3. Why the transition elements often have multiple oxidation states and why the +2 state is common
4. Why metallic behavior (prevalence of ionic bonding and basic oxides) of transition elements decreases
as oxidation state increases; how valence-state electronegativity explains transition metal atoms in
oxoanions (§23.1)
5. Why many transition metal compounds are colored and paramagnetic (§23.1)
6. The common +3 oxidation state of lanthanides and the similarity in their M3+ radii; the radioactivity of
actinides (§23.2)
7. The coordination numbers, geometries, and ligand structures of complex ions (§23.3)
8. How coordination compounds are named and their formulas written (§23.3)
9. The types of constitutional isomerism (coordination and linkage) and stereoisomerism (geometric and
optical) of coordination compounds (§23.3)
10. How valence bond theory uses hybridization to account for the shapes of octahedral, square planar, and
tetrahedral complexes (§23.4)
11. How crystal field theory explains that approaching ligands cause d-orbital energies to split (§23.4)
12. How the relative crystal field strength of ligands (spectrochemical series) affects the d-orbital splitting
energy (∆) (§23.4)
13. How the magnitude of ∆ accounts for the energy of light absorbed and, thus, the color of a complex
14. How the relative sizes of pairing energy and ∆ determine the occupancy of d orbitals and, thus, the
magnetic properties of complexes (§23.4)
15. How d-orbital splitting in tetrahedral and square planar complexes differs from that in octahedral
complexes (§23.4)
Master These Skills
1. Writing electron configurations of transition metal atoms and ions (SP 23.1)
2. Using a partial orbital diagram to determine the number of unpaired electrons in a transition metal atom
or ion (SP 23.2)
3. Recognizing the structural components of complex ions (§23.3)
4. Determining the coordination number and charge of the central metal ion in coordination compounds
(SP 23.3)
5. Naming and writing formulas of coordination compounds (SP 23.4)
6. Determining the type of stereoisomerism in complexes (SP 23.5)
7. Correlating a complex ion's shape with the number and type of hybrid orbitals of the central metal ion
8. Using the spectrochemical series to rank complex ions in terms of ∆ and the energy of light absorbed
(SP 23.6)
9. Using the spectrochemical series to determine if a complex ion is high or low spin (SP 23.7)
Key Terms Page numbers appear in parentheses.
transition elements (1017)
Section 23.1
lanthanide contraction (1021)
Section 23.2
lanthanides (1024)
actinides (1024)
inner transition elements (1024)
Section 23.3
coordination compound (1026)
complex ion (1026)
ligand (1026)
counter ion (1026)
coordination number (1026)
donor atom (1027)
chelate (1027)
isomer (1031)
constitutional (structural) isomers (1031)
coordination isomers (1031)
linkage isomers (1031)
stereoisomers (1032)
geometric (cis-trans) isomers (1032)
optical isomers (1032)
Section 23.4
coordinate covalent bond (1034)
crystal field theory (1036)
eg orbital (1038)
t2g orbital (1038)
crystal field splitting energy (∆) (1038)
strong-field ligand (1038)
weak-field ligand (1038)
spectrochemical series (1039)
high-spin complex (1040)
low-spin complex (1040)
Page 1046
Answer the following questions. Show your work.
1. (a) Write two examples of complex ions. For each, write its name and coordination number.
(b) What does bidentate ligand mean? Give one example.
(c) Explain cis/trans isomers. Draw one example of each.
(d) Using your own words, explain crystal field splitting.
(e) Draw one example or explain the complex being low spin.
(f) Draw one example or explain the complex being high spin.