Workforce Education Application Worker Retraining, Workfirst, BFET, & Opportunity Grant DATE: ____________ NAME: _____________________________________________________________ BIRTHDATE: ___________ (Last) (First) (MI) ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________ (Number & Street) (City) (State) (Zip) PHONE: _________________________________________ / _________________________________________ (Day) (Evening) E-MAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY #: ______________________________ STUDENT ID #: ____________________________ Have you lived in Washington State for past 12 months? Do you need a Parking Permit □ YES □ NO Bus Pass (Not available in all programs) Current number of people you financially support in your household: Self: 1 + Spouse/Partner: + School-aged children: + Other: _____ = Total in household: _________ CURRENT GROSS HOUSEHOLD INCOME Your earnings from work: $ ___________ Spouse/partner’s earnings: $ ___________ Child support: $ ______________________ Public Assistance: TANF: Yes / No Unemployment Insurance: $_______/wk Other Income: $ _____________________ circle one: BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY OTHER: ____________ circle one: BI-WEEKLY MONTHLY OTHER: ____________ circle one: PAID RECEIVED Basic Food: Yes/ No Disability Lifeline: $_______/mo Soc Security: $______/mo Veteran’s Benefits: $_______/mo Source: ____________________ __________________________ EDUCATIONAL HISTORY Course / Program of Study: ________________________________________ Program code (staff use only): ______ Education (circle one): Less than high school High school/GED Some college Degree/certificate:_________ FUNDING INFORMATION Have you received Opportunity Grant funding at any other Washington State Community or Technical College? d □ YES □ NO Are you planning on applying for any additional funding? sd □ □ TAA □ WIA funding (TRAC/Pacific Associates) Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) □ □ Veterans / GI Bill Other: __________________________ AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION We adhere to FERPA regulations regarding the privacy of student information. The information you give us is confidential. We will share it with our WorkSource partners in order to give you access to employment and training services. Partners typically include Employment Security, the Department of Social & Human Services (DSHS), the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, community colleges, and other internal office staff of NSCC. Your signature authorizes this release of information and certifies that the above information is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. _______________________________________________________ (Student Signature) _____________________ (Date) _______________________________________________________ (Staff Member Signature) _____________________ (Date) ELIGIBILITY CODING (staff use only) □ 76 (TANF – HW / HD and Health/IT) □ 77 (TANF - employed 20+ hrs/wk) □ 79 (TANF or Low-inc – ABE/GED/ESL, soft skills, not CJST) □ □ □ □ 80 (18+ mo. industry exp.) 81 (Less than 18 mo. industry exp.) 82 (Extended UI) 83 (Displaced Homemaker) □ □ □ □ 84 (Formerly self-employed) 85 (Former Boeing worker) 86 (Vulnerable Worker) 88 (Displaced Veteran) STUDENT NAME: _____________________________________________ SID: ______________________ PERSONAL STATEMENT Please describe your personal, academic and career goals. Please describe how Workforce Education funding can help you overcome barriers and achieve those goals. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PLAN: ACADEMIC Training Program: ________________________________________________________ Pre-requisite Classes Goal of Training (select one): Short-Term Training (one year or less) Retraining for new career Long-term Degree (more than one year) Skill upgrade in current occupation My goal is to get a job in my field of study by ____________ (Date: mm/yyyy) EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PLAN: CAREER Please list any/all job titles that you may be qualified for after completing your training. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________ Please list the skills you will acquire in your training program to qualify for the position(s) above. 1._________________________________________ 2. _ ______________________________________ 3._________________________________________ 4. _ ______________________________________ EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PLAN: PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Previous Occupation(s) and Employer(s): _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Of Years at Most Recent Company: ________ # Of Years in Previous Occupation (any company): _________ Revised 3/10