List of Written Assignments and Due Dates:

Engl & 230 _Technical Writing. Fall Term 2014, Prof.Suess_v1.1; 10-20-14
List of Written Assignments and Due Dates:
All assignments that ask for a response should be in essay form, with at least five paragraphs; from one
to two pages in length.
All Assignments are to be typed, with your name, course number and assignment number on the first
page, upper left corner; use one inch margins; 11 point type. A footer should be included on each
page, including the assignment number, your name and the page number.
Page numbers for assignments refer to Technical Communications, Gerson and Gerson, unless otherwise
Assignment #
Assignment #1
Assignment #2
Date Assignment
Mon. 9/22
Wed. 9/24
Assignment #2b
Wed. 9/24
Assignment #3
Mon. 9/29
Assignment #4
Mon. 10/6
Assignment #5
Wed. 10/1
The Assignment
Due Date
Quest 1, pg 27
Quest 2, Wiki Report -- pg 27; Select
one wiki application to learn about
and use it to create a test wiki.
Write a brief report defining a wiki,
its use and step-by-step set up.
“Individ and Team Projects” page
47, top. Create three items: e.
Storyboards, f.Org Chart, g.
Wed. 9/24
Mon. 9/29
Mon. 9/29
Also Item 2, Rewrite flawed letter
Select one of the “Assignments” at
Mon. 9/29
the top of page 73 and write a one
to two-page response.
“Individ and Team Projects” page
Wed. 10/8
107 – answer questions for
Avoiding Sexist Language and
Achieving Audience Involvement. Pg
107 – 108,
Teamwork: How to Use a Cell
Wed. 10/8
Phone. (Android Team; iPhone
Teams). Possible topics:
Make a Call
Retrieve a Message
Send a Voice Text Message
Check for and Send Emails
Manage Photos –Taking,
Storing, Sharing Photos
Find Your Way – Navigation
Use Team Wiki to store sections of
your guide.
Assignment #6
Mon. Oct 6
Assignment #7
Wed. Oct 8
Assignment 7b
Assignment #8
Wed. Oct 8th
Wed. Oct 15
Assignment #9
Mon. Oct 20
Assignment #10
Wed. Oct 22
Assignment #11
Assignment #12
Mon. Oct 27
Mon. Nov. 3
Select one of the questions in the
“Problem Solving” section on
page 127. In a two-page paper,
define the ethical dilemma and
explain how you would resolve it.
Reference the Chapter
Research Paper: on page 148
“Problem Solving” section, select
one of the questions 1.2.3 or 4 to
research. Or select a technical
topic of interest to you. Write a 5
to 7 page research paper (body of
the paper) using techniques
described in Chapter 6. Paper
should include a Cover Sheet and
a Works Cited Sheet (these are
extra, beyond the 5 to 7 pages of
the body of the paper. Note:
Please include at least two
primary sources, and five
secondary sources. )
Research Paper Outline
Social Media Scripts: “Apply your
Knowledge” – Case Study page
200-201. Write scripts for the
case study, appropriate to various
forms of Social Media.
“Individual and Team Projects”,
page 339. Individually, develop a
two to three page paper in
answer to Question 4.
Description / Process Analysis
related to your major field of
interest. Use effective design
elements and visual aids, as
Develop one of the key
documents described in Chpt. 14
(Instructions, User Manual, or
Standard Operating Procedures)
for a product of process of your
own choosing. Use design
elements and visual aids with an
emphasis on logical development,
clarity and concise writing.
Version 2 of Research Paper
Create a 3 to 10 page Website,
using Word Press, related to
topics on page 398 – Web Sites.
Use earlier storyboards, and
revise as necessary for guide for
your web development
Wed. 10/8
Due Wed. 10/22
Mon. 10/13
Mon. 10/20; due
date moved to
Mon. 10/27
Wed. 10/29
Mon. 11/ 3
Wed. 11/5
Wed. 11/12
Wed. Nov 12
Write and External or Internal
Proposal, see page 502,”Individ
and Team Projects”, follow the
guidelines in items 1 or 2.
Wed. 11/19
Assignment 14
Wed. Nov 19
Prepare a 3 to 5 minute
PowerPoint Presentation based
on your research paper or one
of the other written
assignments – Proposal,
Instructions, User Guide,
Standard Operating
Procedures, Description or
Process Analysis.
Mon. 11/24 and
Wed. 11/26.
Be prepared to make your
presentation in class and handin the paper print outs of the
presentation, two slides to a
Assignment 15
Mon. Nov 24
Present your
projects/assignments in a
Portfolio for final Review.
Include a 2 to 3 page paper that
reviews/reflects on your work.
Mon. 12/1, or
Wed. 12/3
Portfolios Due.
Final Exam
Mon. Dec 3 – Review for
final exam.
To be based on Chapter
Highlights at the end of each
assigned chapter in Technical
Communications, Gerson and
Mon 12/ 8 – First
day of Finals Week
Also, on Strunk and White,
Elements of Style. Assigned