.. .. .. .. .. Victory Heights Cooperative Preschool . . . . . . . Parent Handbook Toddlers rev. 04/2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . Table of Contents Overview What is a co-op preschool………………………………….. How the pieces fit together…………………………………. Role of the parent…………………………………………... 2 2 3 Policies and Procedures In the classroom General guidelines for the working parent…………… Preschool procedures from A to Z……………………. Daily schedule………………………………………... What to expect in Pre-3s……………………………… Specific guidelines for classroom participation………. Teacher’s helper duties………………………………. Outside the classroom Inclement weather…………………………………….. Health policy When your child is ill………………………………… TB testing…………………………………………….. Head lice……………………………………………… Weekend cleaning…………………………………….. Getting all the documentation you need The VH All-School Yahoo Group……………………. 4 5 6 6 7 9 10 13 14 15 17 18 By-Laws Template……………………………………… 19 Standing Rules Template………………………………. 25 About this document Author: Cathy Munsen, VH parent from 2003 through 2008 First version (for PM class) published: as Parent Coordinator, Spring 2005 Second version (for all classes) published: as All-School Co-Chair, Fall 2008 Revised: to include amended health policy, by VHToddler Class, April 2012 1 .. .. .. Overview What is a co-op preschool? Co-op preschools in Seattle are run by parents enrolled in the parent education program at North Seattle Community College (NSCC). Leadership for the program comes from the college (via the Parent Educator), the preschool teacher, and parents via the board. How the pieces fit together The relationship between the parents and the program is diagramed below. Sold lines indicate direct responsibility. The dotted lines indicate advisory responsibility. North Seattle Community College Child and Family Department Parent Educator Class Board Individual Parent & Group Co-op Teacher Co-op Program Parent Education 2 .. .. .. Role of the Parent As a participating parent, you have several responsibilities to the co-op program, the teacher, the instructor, and the co-op board. The first step in becoming familiar with the co-op is to attend the spring orientation. You will also need a current TB test for yourself (click here for details) and a record of current immunizations for your child as required by Washington State Health Regulations. On-going school responsibilities 1. Work as a teacher’s aide one school session per week 2. Attend monthly parent meetings, which include co-op business and parent education lecture/discussions. 3. Sign up for a job for the cooperative functioning of the group. This could either be a board position (e.g. Parent Coordinator) or a “committee” position (e.g. Photographer) Responsibilities to the teacher 1. Become familiar with general classroom procedures. These include the schedule of the day (click here for the class schedule), the routines involved, and the general guidelines of the class. 2. Be aware of the curriculum. To bring in materials as requested by the teacher (e.g. buttons, egg cartons, old greetings cards, etc.). 3. Prepare and lead small group activities in pre-three and 3–5 groups. This is an opportunity for parents to share their talents. The most rewarding experience you will have when working in school will come from the children: getting to know them, helping them learn, and recognizing the individual personalities that emerge. Other responsibilities 1. To the parent educator. Attend and participate in monthly parent meetings. When working in the classroom, practice material learned in parent meetings. 2. To the co-op board. Share your concerns and give your opinions in a timely fashion. You may also be approached to assist the teacher with a special classroom project. 3. To your child. Help your child become comfortable at school. You will have the ongoing support of the other parents, the teacher, and parent educator in doing this. 3 .. .. .. Policies and Procedures In the classroom General guidelines for the working parent 1. Give the children your undivided attention. Keep at the children’s level at all times while talking and playing with them. 2. Notice what the children are doing and comment on what you see. For example, you might say, “You put all the big blocks on the bottom.” or, “You are all building this together.” or, “Jenny is putting the blocks on the shelf now.” 3. Pay attention to the time and to our schedule. Start winding down the play five to ten minutes before pick-up time. This will make the transition easier for the children. 4. Keep adult conversation to a minimum. 5. Keep your station orderly and inviting. Try to keep things together that belong together. Don’t let your station become cluttered with too many toys. You can put some things away if you have to. A few helpful hints to ensure success in the co-op system Be on time. Direct questions about the co-op to the parent coordinator, class chair, teacher, or parent educator. Focus your attention on the children and their activities. Save adult conversation for later. Remember to have a fun! The children will have more fun when they see you doing so. 4 .. .. .. Preschool procedures from A to Z Arrival Clothes Please be as prompt as you can. Have your children put their things away in their cubbies, wash their hands, and then help them find a station to play in. Be sure to dress your children appropriately for the weather. We go outside in cold weather. Have your kids wear shoes that are safe for climbing (shoes need to have traction). Diaper changing Since parents are always with their child during preschool time, the parent is responsible for changing diapers when needed. The ideal place is downstairs on the play mats. First aid supplies The first aid box is on the shelf opposite the telephone. The emergency information box is next to the first aid box. Illness Contagious children and contagious adults should not come to school. (Click here for details on the school’s health policy). Lunch Parents may bring a lunch for their children (and themselves) and must wash their hands before eating. Pick up your lunch tray from the cubby counter by the front door. Outside play Parents are responsible for supervising their own child in the play areas during outside time. Hand Washing As outlined in the NSCC Risk Management Manual available at http://coops.northseattle.edu/forms/forms.html, hand washing shall occur at the following times: 1. Arrival (when coming in from outside play) 2. Before lunch 3. After changing diapers, coming in contact with bodily fluids (e.g. nose-blowing) 5 .. .. .. Daily schedule The Toddler class meets on Thursdays from 11:00 am to 1 pm. Time (am) Activity Parent responsibilities / special notes 11:00 Outdoor or indoor large motor play Supervise your child 11:30 – 11:55 Transition and circle time Reading a complete story during this circle is a goal, though it often doesn’t happen until the spring when the children are older. Special songs (some including the use of the felt board) are also sung during circle time. 11:55 – 12:15 pm Lunch Make sure children wash hands before eating. 12:15 pm – 12:50 pm Free play or Parent discussion group Parents are divided into two groups at the beginning of the year based on their child’s age. These two groups rotate weekly between staying upstairs with children for free play and going downstairs for discussion group. 12:50 pm – 1:00 pm Pick up and good-bye song The song which says good-bye to each child individually is generally sung. What to expect in Pre-3s If you are a first-time co-op parent planning to move ahead at Victory Heights, you should be aware of how adding one extra day of preschool in the Pre-3s program changes both your commitment and your child’s routine. Class Attribute Toddlers Circle time Two short ones Class meets Once/week (Thursday): 11 am to 1 pm Diaper Buddies None On-call sign-up (be available to work for another parent on your unassigned work day) Not needed since your child is not at school without you Pre-3s One longer one at the end of the preschool day Twice/week (Tuesday/Thursday): 9:15 am to 11:15 am Each parent is assigned a child who needs help with diaper changes/potty on the day their parent isn’t working. Once every two months 6 .. Class.. Attribute .. Parent education Toddlers Pre-3s Scheduled during classtime (class is split into two groups – each group goes downstairs for parent ed on alternating weeks). There is additional parent ed at the monthly parent meetings Scheduled during monthly parent meetings (1 hour). Parent Educator is also in class on alternating Tuesdays & Thursdays to observe. Work at an assigned station, both inside and outside. This set-up dictates less parent interaction during class as the focus is on the kids coming to the stations. 1 day/week. Means you have two hours/week to yourself on the day when your child is in preschool without you. Parent participation Move through the day with your own child Parents work 1 day/week. Set-up/take-down None For each preschool day: in the morning For the schoolyear: once in May Small group activity None Begins mid-year – parents coordinate (on a rotating basis) a stimulating activity for their child’s snack table. Each parent will have to plan for 6 to 8 activities for the year. Snack Bring your own lunch (for yourself and your child) Provide snack for entire class on a 10week rotation Snack tables Not assigned, sit where you want Grouped by age (beginning in January), sit at same table every class Weekend cleaning for non-board members Once per year Same Specific guidelines for classroom participation Circle time Parent participation and assistance is crucial to the success of a co-op pre-school’s circle time. The teacher’s role is to plan and conduct the circle activities. The parents’ role is to supervise and guide the children as well as model the activities and appropriate circle time behavior. Guidelines for parents who are assisting at circle time 1. Give your undivided attention to the children. The teacher depends on you to do this because she/he must concentrate on presenting activities. If the teacher has to stop to solve a disruptive behavior problem, the momentum of the circle activity is lost; the children may become restless while waiting for activities to resume and general disruption may be the result. 7 .. .. Try.. to spot restless children before a small disruption develops into a big one. Whisper 2. Assist the teacher by passing out props, instruments, etc. 3. “Look at what the teacher is doing” or “I wonder what teacher is going to do next?” or “Let’s listen to the teacher.” 4. When giving direction or helping a child, keep your voice low or whisper so the children will do the same. 5. Comment positively on the appropriate behaviors you see. Eye contact, smiles, hugs etc. are very reinforcing when children are behaving positively. 6. If a child doesn’t appear to have heard the teacher’s direction, softly repeat it and begin modeling the appropriate responses. 7. Instead of “Shhhhhhh” or “Sit still” or “Stop that” try things like “It’s time to listen” or “When we are still, everyone can hear” or “ When you stay in your places, everyone can see” or “We take turns listening and talking, otherwise we can’t hear anyone.” If a child starts to become disruptive, try whispering a question or remark (instead of giving negative attention), such as “Can you see what teacher has in her hands?” or “Oh look, she’s going to read a story now” or “Let’s stay in our places so we’ll be ready to get a bell.” If all else fails, feel free to take your child out of the circle and return when he/she is calm. 8. Be relaxed and attentive. Participate joyfully, enthusiastically, and have fun. Your modeling and positive attitude are very powerful influences on the children at circle time. Free Play During free play, the children have their choice of four different stations among which they can move freely. Below are some hints and tips about how to work at each one. Station What’s going on, how to help Art Blocks Home center Sensory The children are experimenting with and exploring the different art media. The process is more important than the product. Please do not make things for the children. If you would like to participate, use the material in the same manner as the children use it. Offer an apron to the children. It is OK for kids to paint without aprons on. Please don’t pressure the children to do art. You can tell the children what the art project is, and let them decide whether or not to participate. Encourage the children to build away from the block shelves so that other kids have access to the blocks. Encourage the children to work together if there is a shortage of blocks. The clean up in this area is very time-consuming so be sure to start the clean up five to ten minutes before the pick up time. Involve yourself in the imaginative play, but remember to let the children direct the play as much as possible. Keep this area swept at all times. Sensory material must stay in this station. Redirect children if the area seems too crowded. 8 .. .. that the table doesn’t become overloaded with toys. Return toys to the Be sure .. if more space is needed. shelves Table Toys Hints for successful lunch time Reinforce the behavior you desire rather than focusing on those behaviors you would just as soon avoid. “Sophie, I see you shared some of your crackers with Jane. She looks happy to have them.” “You are sure waiting patiently today for the water, Michael.” Manners will come with time, experience and your excellent example. “Please” and “Thank you” need not be insisted upon at this point, but eating together is not a freefor-all time. Spills can be handled matter-of-factly with the sponge provided on your snack tray. The child can assist in any clean up. Please do not bring any peanut or nut-based products in your lunch(es). Victory Heights is a “nut-free zone” due to known or potential nut allergies. Teacher’s helper duties On a rotating basis, two parents are assigned to be the teacher’s helper each week. You are likely to have this job a minimum of twice/year and a maximum of three times/year. When done Task Spray down all the tables in the classroom with bleach solution. Before class Prepare 4 trays of water pitchers, napkins and cups, as well as 4 small trash cans with wet sponges. Bring upstairs into the entrance room. At lunchtime Pass out the trays and trash cans to each table. After lunchtime After lunchtime, collect all trays and trash cans, wipe down all tables and sweep under tables if needed. After class, vacuum and sweep the upstairs, wipe down tables, make sure everything has been put away. After class Clean and put away the trays, pitchers, cups and small trash cans in the downstairs kitchen. Collect and take out all trash. 9 .. .. .. Outside the classroom Inclement weather/emergency procedures Earthquake policy General maxims Drop and cover Turn away from windows Wait until shaking stops Listen for instructions What to do during the earthquake Do not enter or leave building in the middle of an earthquake! If indoors and upstairs: Take cover, hands over head under heavy tables (art table, table toys table). For adults unable to fit under tables, stand under doorways (stairs, teacher’s closet or against an inside wall). Stand away from heavy cabinets that aren’t bolted down (few, if any). If indoors and downstairs: children and adults against inside walls and doorways (furnace room, kitchen doorways and hallway). If outdoors: move away from building to center of field. Stay there until shaking stops. If in moving vehicle: stop as quickly as safety permits. Stay in car until shaking stops. When initial quake subsides, check for injuries and give first aid if needed. What to do right after the earthquake Teacher and working parents first need to be concerned with safety of children, not notification of other parents. Parents need to come to school to get their children. Set up an earthquake family for each co-op group. A phone number where information about school and children can be given out. Turn on radio to get the latest emergency bulletins and instructions from local authorities. If school building has sustained structural damage, evacuate calmly and carefully — stay away from exterior walls and power lines when outside. Meet in middle of playfield. Do not re-enter building until utility official says it is safe. Do not turn off water, as our boiler may blow up without water for cool down. However, it is important to turn off main gas valves and shut off electricity at meter box. 10 .. .. .. After earthquake, the All-School Chair(s) will have the sewage lines checked before allowing flushing (if disruption of sewer is suspected) as well as the chimney. Emergency supplies onsite include: kitchen (cupboard-food, candles and matches), bathroom (sealed gallons of water). For more information on general earthquake before and after procedures, see http://www.fema.gov/hazard/earthquake/. Fire evacuation Fire extinguishers are located outside the kitchen and at the top of the stairs, between stair door and archway. To operate, pull out pin, point hose at base of flames and squeeze trigger in spurts from edge of fire to source. Smoke detectors are located both upstairs (in main entry area, which is above the furnace room) and downstairs (outside kitchen). Batteries are to be replaced at the start of each school year. What to do if there’s a fire at Victory Heights Inform everyone in advance of meeting place outdoors: in basketball court. Designate two adults to exit first. One leads children to meeting place, the other remains just outside to hold the door. Other adults help children move toward exit. The last adult out will (ideally) take the class attendance sheet and check all children and working adults off once outside. How to get out of the building From upstairs: Exit through front door, then around school to basketball court. From downstairs: Exit through kitchen door toward merry-go-round. Door between playroom and kitchen must always be kept clear. Never block doorway with equipment from either playroom or kitchen side. If kitchen exit is unsafe, exit upstairs. Snow policy When the Seattle Public School District is closed because of weather conditions: No classes will be held at Victory Heights Evening parent education classes are cancelled. When the Seattle Public School District is running late (either one or two hours) because of weather conditions: The morning classes at Victory Heights will be closed. Both afternoon and evening Parent Laboratory Programs and evening parent education classes may meet. A decision to cancel evening classes should be made in 11 .. .. joint consultation between the parent educator and the designated representative of .. the cooperative. Rescheduling of cancellations A parent meeting cancelled due to weather conditions must be made up. A meeting time will be established by the parent educator and the board. Classes do not have to be made up. The cooperative board, teacher, and parent educator will be responsible for decisions regarding any possible make-up sessions. 12 .. .. .. Health Policy When your child is ill Infectious illness is very common in the preschool age range. A clear distinction should be made between infectious and contagious. Keeping this distinction in mind, the Victory Heights Toddler Class illness policy was written with an intent to limit the spread of infection. When to stay home When a child is ill to the extent that he or she requires a significant increase in attention or care, or is not able to comfortably participate in activities because of illness, they should not be in school. If these or one of the criteria below are met, a parent will be asked/called in to take the child home. Please stay home and/or keep your child at home if either or both of you are experiencing any of the following: · A fever with other signs of illness. A fever is a temperature greater than 100°F under the armpit or greater than 101°F orally or rectally within 24 hours of the start of the school day. · An acute change in behavior, especially lethargy, lack of responsiveness, irritability, difficulty breathing, or a rapidly spreading rash. · Diarrhea, particularly if it can’t be contained within a diaper · Blood or mucous in stool not explained by constipation, dietary change, or medication. · Vomiting > 2 times in the last 24 hours, unless it is clear that the vomiting wasn’t caused by infection. · Mouth sores, unless cleared by the child’s physician. · Rash with fever or behavioral change, unless cleared by the child’s physician. · Persistent abdominal pain. · Any of the following illnesses, unless cleared by the child’s physician: conjunctivitis, strep throat, influenza, active tuberculosis, impetigo, scabies, chicken pox, rubella, pertussis (whooping cough), mumps, measles, hepatitis A, or any illness determined by a health department official to be appropriate for exclusion from school. The following are not considered reasons for exclusion from school, unless they meet any exclusion criteria listed above: common cold (including runny nose and/or cough), croup, bronchitis, otitis media (ear infection), fever without any associated signs of illness, MRSA colonization or infection (as long as the lesion can be covered with a dressing), and molluscum contagiosum. Reporting illness Parents are requested to report any suspected communicable (contagious) disease, or contact with communicable disease, to the Teacher and Health and Safety Officer, so they may determine appropriate follow up to keep all of our kids safe and healthy. Please notify Teacher and Health and Safety Officer immediately if your child contracts a known infectious disease. These can be harmful to pregnant women or medically vulnerable children or adults. Examples include, but are not limited to: 13 .. .. CMV . Fifth.. Disease .. related infection MRSA . Chicken Pox Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease Questions not answered by this document should be referred to your Health and Safety Officer. TB testing Initial test The Parent Education Program requires that all teachers, teacher aids (including all parents who regularly participate in the classroom), and parent educators provide proof of a current negative TB test before initial participation in the classroom. (“Current” means within the past two years.) Parents must provide a copy of their test results before attending class for the first time. . . . Retesting . . . . . . Only one TB test is required for adults in the classroom during the time they are consecutively enrolled in the program, unless the individual is exposed to the tuberculosis disease. Retesting is required after exposure to a person with the disease or after traveling to a country in which there is a high frequency of this disease. Consult your health care provider for more specific guidelines. If parents, teachers, or instructors are absent from the program and then return, they are expected to retest if they do not have results of a negative test taken within the last 2 years. All parents are expected to keep a copy of their TB test results, so that they can provide a copy to the co-op for each class in which they participate. Ideally everyone takes their forms at the end of the year to transfer to the new class they are joining in the fall, but realistically such a transfer does not always happen, so it is best to keep a copy to avoid the need for retesting. Weekend cleaning To maintain order and cleanliness throughout the school year, cleanings are scheduled by the PM Vice Chair on a weekly basis. Since, in theory, the PM class has the most experience with this process and knows where things are located, the PM class parents begin cleaning the school in the fall while the Toddler parents complete the weekend cleanings in the spring. Board members are exempt from this chore, but everyone else who holds a committee position will be responsible for one weekend cleaning. The checklist for the work that needs to be done (approximately 4 hours for one person, 2 hours for two) is available for download on the All-School Yahoo Group. (See next section.) . .. .. .. Head lice Lice Basics Head lice are a small parasitic insect that infest the scalp. They feed on human blood and lay their eggs on the hair. The egg sack is known as a nit and is glued to the hair shaft. Head lice do not fly or jump, only crawl. Nits do not fall off a head, a hair with a nit attached my fall off a head. A louse cannot survive more than 48 hours without a host. A nit will not hatch unless on a warm head. Eggs hatch 7 to 10 days after infestation and multiply 8 to 10 days after hatching. Signs and symptoms are itching, scratching, and soreness of the scalp. Hair lice does not spread disease but is considered a nuisance pest. How do I check my child’s head? Starting at the base of the head, use a comb to look through 1-2 inch sections of hair under very good light (sunlight is best). If you spot a white-to-tan opaque grain near the scalp that does not move when you blow on it or cannot be otherwise easily removed with your fingers, that’s an egg or nit. (If it moves or you can easily remove it with your fingers, it’s simply dander.) What to do if a child is infected If a child has lice, he/she must be kept out of school until treatment is completed and there are no nits. If lice is discovered while the child is at school, a parent will be notified immediately and asked to pick the child up. The child will be properly monitored to ensure that the lice is not spread. Reporting and responding to head lice in Co-op Parent of the affected child: • CALL the health and safety officer for your class to inform them of the outbreak. The number is on your roster. Call the chair if the health and safety officer is unavailable. An email is not enough!!! • CALL the school at 206-365-6256 immediately IF school is currently in session or about to start so that the teacher or other first responder can isolate certain items, immediately. 14 .. .. .. First Responder (person who answers the phone at school): • Tell person calling to also inform their health and safety officer or consult the parent handbook for more information. • Please place the following items in the library area: • dress-up clothes • art aprons • baskets of dress-up supplies (necklaces, goggles, etc.) from the home center. • Dolls and doll clothes/blankets that are on the beds. • Library cushions • If time allows, vacuum library. The library should be off –limits to students until vacuumed. • This policy ASSUMES that the large main carpet is vacuumed after every class, if the previous class did not, the large carpet should be vacuumed immediately! • Do not set out bike helmets of affected class nor allow affected class to use the all school helmets. • Do not set out construction helmets in sand box. • Do not use scarves or other items that may be in direct head contact during circle time. • A non working parent will be asked to move the isolated items into the furnace room when it is convenient and non-disruptive to the class AND asked to vacuum the library. Items shall remain in isolation for 10 days. Health & Safety Officer (affected class) 1.Will verify that the school has been contacted if during a school day or just before class starts. 2.Inform (via e-mail) the rest of the affected class, other teachers, and other Health & Safety Officers that a student has lice as soon as possible. Student’s confidentiality should be maintained. Suggested content of e-mail: A case of head lice has been reported in your child’s group. Head lice continue to be one of the most prevalent communicable childhood diseases among children, and outbreaks are possible whenever and wherever children gather. Screen your child regularly and notify us immediately if head lice or their nits (lice eggs) are detected. (We welcome the opportunity to teach those of you who do not know how to check your child for head lice). Working together helps protect all of the children, including your own. Thank you for your cooperation." 3. If lice is discovered during evening hours, or over the weekend, the Health and Safety officer of the affected class will arrange to have a parent (not of the affected child/children) to go to school and perform all 7 steps of the first responder including vacuuming the library and moving items to the furnace room for isolation. A key will need to be obtained from one of the all school chairs or a teacher to get access to the school. 4. The Health and Safety officer is not solely responsible for the clean-up. As a co-op, the duty should be shared by all parents of the class. A lice on call list is suggested as one method to fairly share the duties. Simply asking for a volunteer is ok. On-going and final steps (for 10 days from last reported incident) • Coats from affected class should be stored in cubbies at school not on hooks. It is recommended that other classes take this precaution as well. • Any helmets used by the affected class should be isolated for 10 days and they should not use other helmets. • No item may be taken out of isolation before 10 days unless exposed to high heat (30 15 .. .. .. minutes in dryer) or thoroughly vacuumed. • The parent of the affected child will move the items from isolation back into use after 10 days. When is it considered an “outbreak”? If 3 or more kids from one class are identified as having lice within a 10 day period, it will be considered an outbreak. In the event of an outbreak, head checks should be performed in bright light, preferably outside in sunshine at the start of the next school day before any children will be admitted. A lice inspection kit is available for use in the hallway by the phone. Fresh supplies should be used for each child. If the lice kit is used, the supplies should be replaced by the class using them. The child’s parent or another parent can do the check. Any child found with lice/nits will be immediately sent home. In summary: 1. School will not close because of a reported case of head lice. 2. School will be cleaned the same day head lice are reported/discovered. 3. The clean up will be organized by the Health & Safety Officer of the affected group. 4. All parents will be informed to check their child/self frequently for 14 days after initial report of infestation. 5. In the case of an outbreak, specific measures including head checks and bagging of coats must be followed for two weeks after the last reported case. 16 .. .. .. Getting all the documentation you need During the course of your co-op preschool experience, questions such as the following will most likely arise: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What exactly do I have to do when I clean the school next weekend? Is there a big change when my child moves to from Toddlers to Pre3s? Where is the list of all the committee positions for the AM class? How do I download photos off the VH camera? I’m thinking of taking the Parent Coordinator job next year, but would like to know what the job entails. Is there a list of duties somewhere? Finding it on-line The good news is that these questions, along with many others you don’t even have yet, can be answered with documentation stored in an on-line central repository: the VHallschool Yahoo Group. Membership is available to any enrolled parent through the current All-School Co-Chair who serves as Moderator of the Group. There are many files available for download. The descriptions and usage information for these files can be found in the Master Index of Forms document also posted on the Group under the “Files” link. 17 .. .. .. By-Laws Template Article 1. Name The name of this nonprofit corporation is Victory Heights (fill in your class name here) Cooperative Preschool. The corporation will be referred to as the “cooperative” in these Bylaws. Article 2. Principal Offices The initial principal office for the transaction of the business of the cooperative is located at 1747 NE 106th Street, Seattle, Washington. The Board of Directors may change the principal office from this location to another location within this city. Article 3. Purpose & Powers This cooperative, in conjunction with North Seattle Community College of Seattle, WA, is organized to support families with young children by providing programs where children and parents learn together as participants in a college laboratory setting. The preschool shall provide a flexible, stimulating environment in which each child may freely experience, at his or her own rate, a broad range of physical, social and intellectual activities. The preschool shall provide parents with an opportunity to be directly involved in the education of their children and to get instruction in the skills of parenthood. In furnishing services to its members, the cooperative’s operations shall be so conducted as nearly as possible at cost and not for profit. The cooperative shall have all of the general or specific powers conferred on this cooperative by the laws of the State of Washington, all of which are hereby expressly claimed. Article 4. Membership Section 4.1 One Class of Members; Joint Membership: The cooperative shall have one class of members, which shall consist of the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) of a child or children enrolled in the preschool. The parent(s) and/or guardian(s) of an enrolled child(ren) shall be considered joint members of the cooperative. A single parent or guardian of an enrolled child(ren) shall be considered a member of the cooperative. Section 4.2 Eligibility for Admission and Membership: The Victory Heights (fill in your class name here) co-op preschool admits students of any race, color, gender, religion, national and ethnic origin, age, handicap, or sexual orientation and does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, or other school administered programs. Provided, however, a condition of the 18 .. .. .. admission of any child(ren) is that the parent(s) or guardian(s) of such child(ren) shall agree to be member(s) of the cooperative and to comply with all of the policies, rules and regulations of the cooperative. Section 4.3 Voting Rights: Each member or joint member shall be entitled to one undivided vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the membership. A joint member vote may be cast by either of the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the child(ren) enrolled in the school. Section 4.4 Termination of Membership: The Board of Directors, by an affirmative vote by a majority of the Directors present at any regular meeting at which a quorum is present, may suspend or expel any child(ren) and terminate any member for cause after appropriate notice and hearing, including but not limited to, the non-payment of tuition as herein provided. Section 4.5 Powers of Members: The membership shall elect a Board of Directors and Officers at the annual membership meeting. The membership may rescind any action of the Board of Directors by majority vote of the members at a regular monthly membership meeting at which a quorum is present. Section 4.6 Admission and Membership Eligibility Criteria: The cooperative may establish tuition requirements and admission standards for students and membership requirements for parents/guardians, which shall be set forth in standing rules, which shall be available to all members and potential members. Section 4.7 No Personal Liability. No Member shall be liable to third parties for this Cooperative’s acts, debts, liabilities, or obligations. A Member will, however, be liable to this Cooperative for tuition and annual dues and assessments as provided by these Bylaws and for other contractual obligations of the Member to this Cooperative or as may otherwise be agreed to by this Cooperative and the Member. Article 5. Meetings of Members Section 5.1 Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of the members shall be held in May of each year and known as the “Spring Orientation Meeting”. Such annual meeting shall be held at such place and time as designated by the Board of Directors. Section 5.2 Special Meeting: Special meetings of the members may be called by the President, or a majority of the Board of Directors, or not less than 50% of the members. Section 5.3 Notice of Meetings: All notices of meetings of members shall be sent or otherwise given not less than ten (10) days before the date of the meeting. Such notice shall state the nature of the business expected to be conducted and the time and place of the meeting. No business shall be transacted at any special meeting other than that referred to in the notice. Provided, the failure to give notice or of any member to receive notice shall not invalidate any action taken at the meeting if a quorum was present. Section 5.4 Quorum: At any meeting of the members of the cooperative a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for any and all purposes; provided that if a quorum is present, thereafter, the meeting may be conducted until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough members to leave less than a quorum, provided that not less than onethird of the members are present. 19 . .. .. 6. Board Directors and Officers Article . Section 6.1 Number and Qualification of Officers and Directors: The authorized number of Directors shall be no less than three (3) and no more than eleven (11). The Officers of this cooperative shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, each of whom shall be Directors. Any two or more of the foregoing offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of president and secretary. Any member in good standing is eligible to be elected as an Officer and/or Director. Membership in the cooperative shall be a continuing qualification to hold office as an Officer and/or Director. Any Officer or Director who ceases to be a member shall be deemed to have resigned as an Officer and/or Director and his/her position shall be deemed vacant. Section 6.2 Election and Term of Officers and Directors: Officers and Directors shall be elected by the members at the annual meeting of the members. The Officers and Directors so elected shall hold office for a term of one year beginning in June; however, if any annual meeting is not held, or if Officers and Directors are not elected at any annual meeting, they may be elected at any special members’ meeting subsequently held for that purpose. Each Officer and Director, including an Officer or Director elected to fill a vacancy or elected at a special members’ meeting, shall hold office until expiration of the term for which elected and until a successor has been elected. Section 6.3 Nomination of Officers and Directors. At the time of the annual meeting, any member in good standing of the cooperative may nominate himself or herself to be an Officer and/or Director. In addition, any member may nominate any other member to be an Officer and/or Director. It is intended that candidates shall be nominated to serve as both an Officer and as a Director or as a Director. Candidates nominated to be both an Officer and a Director shall be voted upon by the membership for both positions at the same time (i.e., on the same ballot). Section 6.4 Vacancies: Except as otherwise provided by law, vacancies in the Board of Directors, whether caused by resignation, death or otherwise, shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the members of the Board of Directors. A Director thus elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired term of his predecessor and until his successor is elected. If there is a vacancy caused by resignation, death or otherwise of a Director who is also an Officer, any member, including the existing Officers and/or Directors may be nominated for the vacant Officer/Director position. If an existing Director is elected to fill the Officer/Director position of the departing Officer/Director, additional elections shall be held as may be needed until any vacant positions are filled. Section 6.4 Meetings by Conference Telephone or Similar Communications: Except as may be otherwise restricted by the articles of incorporation or bylaws, members of the Board of Directors or any committee designated by the Board of Directors may participate in a meeting of the Board of Directors or committee by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time. Participation by such means shall constitute presence, in person, at a meeting. Section 6.5 Annual Meeting: Following each annual meeting of the members, the Board of Directors is authorized to hold a regular meeting for the purposes of organization, and the transaction of other business without further notice of such meeting. 20 .. .. .. Section 6.6 Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held monthly, or at such times and at such places as the Board of Directors may determine. Oral or written notice of such meetings shall be given not less than 24 hours prior to the time of meeting. But such notice may be waived by all the Board of Directors, and their appearance at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice. Section 6.7 Special Meetings: A special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held whenever called by the president or by a majority of the directors. Only the business specified in the written notice shall be transacted at a special meeting. Each call for a special meeting shall be in writing or by printed notice given by electronic transmission, stating the place, day and hour of the meeting. Notice of any such meeting of the Board of Directors shall be given at least two (2) days prior to the meeting. Section 6.8 Quorum and Failure of Notice: A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board. The failure to give notice or of any Director to receive notice of a Regular or Special Meeting shall not invalidate any action taken at the meeting if a quorum was present. Section 6.9 Powers and Duties of Directors: Subject to the limitations provided in the articles of incorporation, other sections of these bylaws, and of Washington law, the business of the cooperative shall be exercised by the Board of Directors. Without limitation, the Directors’ powers and duties include the following: 6.9.1. 6.9.2. 6.9.3. 6.9.4. 6.9.5. 6.9.6. General supervision and control of the business and the affairs of the cooperative. Subject to any applicable policies of NSCC, authority to admit and terminate members and to adopt rules and regulations to govern the operation of the cooperative and the members. Authority to procure insurance covering general liability of the company for accidents. Directors shall provide for installation of an accounting system adequate to meet the requirements of the cooperative. To select one or more banks to act as depositories of funds of the cooperative. The foregoing enumeration of powers and duties is not intended to be exclusive and shall not limit or restrict the exercise of the general or specific powers conferred on this cooperative by the laws of the State of Washington. Section 6.10 Reimbursement and Compensation: The cooperative may reimburse Officers and Directors for actual and reasonable costs of travel, meals, and lodging for attendance at conferences, seminars, and training sessions that are for the benefit of the cooperative provided that such expenses shall be approved by the Board President (preferably in advance) or if the expense is for the Board President by two other Board officers. Directors serve in a volunteer capacity and will not be entitled to compensation for attendance at meetings or for travel to and from regular and special meetings. No voting member of the Board of Directors, or member of the immediate family of any Board member, shall occupy any position in the cooperative on a regular salary. Section 6.11 Removal of Directors: A Board member may be removed from office for cause by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members. Any Board member who resigns or fails to attend at least three (3) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings without cause shall be deemed as having resigned from the Board of Directors. 21 .. .. 7. Article .. Officers and Committees Section 7.1 Officers: The following Officers of the cooperative shall be elected as Officer/Directors by the membership: Section 7.2 President: The president shall (1) preside over all meetings of the cooperative and of the Board of Directors; (2) call special meetings of the Board of Directors; (3) appoint such committees as the Board of Directors may deem advisable for the proper conduct of the cooperative; and (4) perform all acts and duties usually performed by a presiding officer. Section 7.3 Vice President: In the absence or disability of the president, the vice president shall perform the duties of the president, provided, however that in the case of death, resignation, or disability of the president, the Board of Directors may declare the office vacant and elect any eligible person president. Section 7.4 Secretary: The secretary shall keep a full and complete record of all meetings of the cooperative and of the Board of Directors and shall have general charge and supervision of the books and records of the association. The secretary shall sign papers pertaining to the cooperative as authorized or directed by the Board of Directors. The secretary shall serve all notices required by law and by these bylaws and shall perform such other duties as may be required by the cooperative or the Board of Directors. Upon the election of a successor, the secretary shall turn over all books and other property belonging to the cooperative. Section 7.5 Treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for the keeping and disbursing of all monies of the cooperative, and shall keep accurate books of accounts of all transactions of the cooperative. The treasurer shall perform such duties with respect to the finances of the cooperative as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. At the expiration of his term of office, the treasurer shall promptly turn over to his successor all monies, property, books, records, and documents pertaining to his office or belonging to the cooperative. Section 7.6 Other Officers. The Board of Directors, as they may deem for the best interest of the cooperative, may provide for the appointment of additional officers to manage the activities and affairs of the Cooperative. Such additional officers may be appointed from within or outside the membership and may, but need not be, members of the Board of Directors. Article 8. Miscellaneous Provisions Section 8.1 Books and Records: The Cooperative shall keep the following at its principal or registered office: (a) current copies of the Articles, Bylaws and Standing Rules, if any; (b) copies of correct and adequate records of accounts and finances, including the approval budget; (c) minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors, Members and any committees; (d) records of the name and address of each of the Members; and (e) such other records as may be necessary or advisable, including copies of all contracts of the Cooperative. Section 8.2 Fiscal Year: The Cooperative’s fiscal year shall end on June 30. Section 8.3 Rules of Procedure: To the extent that it is not inconsistent with the Articles, these Bylaws or applicable law, the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all questions of parliamentary procedure at meetings of the Board of Directors or the Members. 22 .. .. .. Section 8.4 Conflict of Interest/Compensation: No Officer, voting Board member, or Member of the Cooperative shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in any activity undertaken by the Cooperative. No Board member, committee member, or Officer shall receive compensation for their service, but may receive reimbursement for approved expenditures incurred on behalf of the Cooperative. Board Members, Officers, and Members of the Cooperative shall be eligible to apply for tuition scholarships. Section 8.5 Dissolution: Should the Cooperative be dissolved, the Board of Directors shall be responsible for liquidation and disposition of all assets, including equipment and cash on hand. Upon dissolution, all assets remaining after payment of all liabilities shall be distributed to another nonprofit. Section 8.6 Standing Rules: The Board of Directors may adopt such Standing Rules, relating to the amount and payment of tuition and all other matters which the Board of Directors deems appropriate, as the Board of Directors may deem beneficial to the fulfillment of the purposes of the cooperative. Section 8.7 Amendment of Bylaws: These Bylaws amend and restate in their entirety the Bylaws of the Cooperative heretofore adopted, as same may have been revised. These Bylaws may be further altered, amended, or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members. Section 8.8 Indemnification, Limitation on Liability and Insurance. The cooperative may indemnify any director, officer, or former director against all judgments, penalties, fines, settlements, and reasonable expenses, including attorney’s fees, in connection with any proceeding to the maximum extent authorized under RCW 23B.17.030, subject to the provisions of Chapter 23B.08.560 RCW, as now enacted or hereafter amended. The risks covered by this indemnification may be protected against by the purchase, maintenance, and payment of premiums for such insurance as in the discretion of the Board is deemed to be appropriate. Section 8.9 Non Discrimination. The cooperative will comply fully with all applicable state or federal statutes and regulations forbidding recipients of state or federal financial assistance from discriminating on the ground of race, color, gender, national origin, age, handicap, or sexual orientation. Furthermore, the cooperative shall provide equal employment opportunities without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, handicap, or sexual orientation. I hereby certify that the forgoing Amended and Restated Bylaws of Victory Heights (fill in your class name here) were duly adopted by the Board of Directors at meeting held on (fill in the date voted on). Secretary (fill in your class Secretary name here) 23 .. .. .. Standing Rules Template INTRODUCTION This document is meant to be used as a supplement to and in association with the Victory Heights Cooperative Preschool By-Laws Template. Throughout this document, the fill in your class name here shall be known as “the cooperative.” ARTICLE 1 — Affiliation and Education The cooperative shall be affiliated with the Health and Human Services Division Parent Education Program and with the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) of North Seattle Community College (NSCC). The cooperative is a Washington Corporation organized pursuant to RCW 24.03 et. seq. The members shall be provided with three types of parent education: member education, business meetings (parent meetings), and participation in the children’s laboratory (preschool classroom). ARTICLE 2 — Purpose A. The parents work as teacher's assistants in their child's preschool classroom, attend parent education sessions, and learn leadership and business management as the joint-operators of a small business (the non-profit cooperatively-run preschool). B. The children participate in a developmentally appropriate classroom experience. The curriculum is designed to meet children's age-related needs as identified by current educational research. ARTICLE 3 — Membership A. Any parent or legal guardian ("Parent") of an age-appropriate child, as determined by NSCC, who wishes to enroll in the parent education course and is willing to accept responsibilities of active participation in the cooperative is eligible. The cooperative is run by its members; therefore, the parent must fulfill the requirements for participation as outlined in the Parent Contract. (See Parent Coordinator for most current version.) B. Only parents and/or legal guardians are eligible to participate in the Cooperative; therefore no nannies, childcare providers, or other family members may attend class. Short-term exceptions may be considered by the Board, if requested by the currently enrolled participating parents. ARTICLE 4 — Participating Parents A. Each cooperative parent shall participate on his/her assigned workday (one day per week) under the supervision of the preschool teacher. If the parent finds that an absence is unavoidable, it is the parent's responsibility to find a substitute and notify the Teacher as specified by each class. In an effort to provide support to the parents of twins (or other multiples) and to facilitate each child's ability to be independent, the group shall make 24 .. .. .. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. every effort to ensure the parent is assigned only one workday per week. The number of committee assignments and cleaning days required of the parent shall be negotiated with the Board with approval of the full membership. Full tuition shall be paid for each enrolled child. The parent is responsible for participating in the transportation of his or her child to and from preschool. The parent shall follow health regulations as stated in the Policies and Procedures and the NSCC Risk Management Manual which can be found at http://coops.northseattle.edu/forms/forms.html The parent shall be responsible for cleaning the school on days assigned by the Vice Chair/Scheduler. The Cooperative Board ("Board") shall be excluded from school cleaning. The parent shall, when necessary, participate in transportation for field trips. The parent shall hold either a committee position or Board position (See Article 14 for description of Board positions, Parent Coordinator for most current committee position descriptions.) Notification of withdrawal from the cooperative shall be given to the Parent Coordinator. Failure to give at least four weeks notice shall result in forfeiture of all paid tuition to the cooperative. Tuition to NSCC is not refundable through the cooperative, though a prorated refund may be available through the college. See Article 11 for parent meeting requirements. ARTICLE 5 — Grievances and Dismissal Policy A. Grievances between parents shall be handled in the following manner. The aggrieved party shall contact the Parent Coordinator and explain the problem. The Parent Coordinator may act as a mediator between the parties, but must immediately inform all parties and the Chair of the problem. At the discretion of the Parent Coordinator or at the request of any party to the grievance, the Board shall be informed of the dispute and appoint a Grievance Committee to investigate it. The Grievance Committee shall consist of one member of the Board (other than the Parent Coordinator), one randomly chosen parent not involved in the dispute, and the Parent Educator. The Grievance Committee shall evaluate the dispute and make a recommendation to the Board regarding its settlement. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding and must comply with the content of the Parent Handbook and the Parent Contract. Gross misconduct on behalf of a parent is grounds for immediate dismissal. B. Failure to perform the duties outlined in the Policies and Procedures, By-Laws, and Parent Contract, or lack of cooperation in fulfilling other stated obligations shall make the parent subject to dismissal from the cooperative. Dismissals from the cooperative shall be handled in the following manner. The parent shall receive written notification of the Board's consideration of their dismissal which shall include: specific reason for possible dismissal, specific procedures for elimination of the problem, and a statement that a fourweek probationary period shall commence. Dismissal from the cooperative shall be by secret ballot and majority vote of the Board. The dismissal may be appealed to the Board within two weeks. ARTICLE 6 — Family and Maternity Leave 25 .. .. .. A three-week leave of absence from responsibilities in the preschool classroom shall be granted (at the discretion of the Board) for childbirth (including adoption), major illness or hospitalization, and/or death in the family. The weeks of leave need to be taken consecutively and within two months of the birth/adoption. Special circumstances may be accommodated with prior notice, subject to Board approval. During this time, the enrolled child may attend without the parent's participation. Additional leave can be built up by trading with other parents in advance. In the event of births of multiples, prolonged recuperation (e.g. Cesarean section or birth complications), up to six weeks leave of absence may be granted. ARTICLE 7 — Schedule /Operating Hours A. The class schedule will approximate that of the Seattle Public Schools in regard to opening, closing, and holidays. The Board shall recommend to the cooperative the specific schedule of the preschool sessions. B. The actual days and hours are to be determined by the cooperative along with the Teacher. The current schedule is as follows: fill in your class days and times here ARTICLE 8 — Registration Procedures A. Current members of the Cooperative feeder group shall be notified by the Parent Coordinator no later than two weeks before in-house registration regarding registration procedures for the upcoming year. B. The dates and times for in-house, crossover, and open registration shall be set by the Parent Advisory Council (PAC). Specific procedures for registration and reporting as well as priority for infants and toddlers shall follow PAC guidelines and NSCC policies. Registration forms and a non-refundable registration fee are required to hold a place. Inhouse registration priorities are as follows: 1. Student moving up from the feeder group: fill in your feeder group name here 2. Students returning to the same class 3. Sibling starting with continuing VH parent 4. Sibling starting with a formerly enrolled VH parent (alumnus). C. The cooperative reserves the right to determine the number of slots, if any, that will be held available for open registration. D. Eligibility for enrollment is determined by age by August 31: fill in your class age range here E. Enrollment shall be ideal at 20, preferably no lower than 18 but no higher than 22 students per calendar year. Any over enrollments (over 22) shall be approved by a vote of the class with a recommendation from the teacher. It shall be left to the cooperative whether or not to replace a withdrawing student, provided this number does not go below the desired minimum of 18. If the student is not replaced, the withdrawing parent's Board or committee position will be reassigned to another parent as recommended by the Board. F. Pre-payment of registration, TB test, and immunization forms are required. The first month's tuition (September) shall be paid at the Spring Orientation meeting. Class placement will be forfeited if unpaid by the parent after this time, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Parent Coordinator or Treasurer (the only Board member who knows a family’s scholarship status). Application for admission through open registration will not be accepted from a family with outstanding debt to Victory Heights Cooperative Preschool. ARTICLE 9 — Fees and Finances 26 .. .. .. A. A non-refundable registration fee shall be paid to enroll a child in the cooperative. The amount of such fee may be set by the authority of the Board. (See Parent Contract for current amount.) B. Advance payment of the first month's tuition is required of the parents. Advance payment is refundable upon cancellation of enrollment up to September 30 and if a replacement can be enrolled. C. Tuition fees are subject to change on recommendation of the Board and approval of the cooperative. (See Parent Contract for current tuition amount.) D. Tuition for the last month of the school year must be paid by January 31 or upon enrollment in the event of a start date later than January 31, and is refundable with proper notice of cancellation of enrollment and if a replacement can be enrolled. E. Total monthly tuition is due at the Parent Meeting of the preceding month and is considered past due at the end of the month. In the event of non-attendance at the meeting, payment shall be mailed directly to the Treasurer. Late notices will be sent by the Treasurer at the end of the month if no tuition has been received. During the first week of the current month, contact will be made by the Treasurer. If no payment is forthcoming and appropriate arrangements have not been made, the parent and child will be told not to attend preschool, beginning in the second week of the current month, until tuition is caught up. F. While enrolled, full tuition must be paid each month whether the child attends or not. No tuition or registration fee will be refunded without the approval of the Board. G. Each quarter the parent is required to pay a non-refundable tuition to NSCC. H. Additional funds may be raised through fundraising projects. I. In-house scholarship funds may be available. The Treasurer shall maintain scholarship guidelines. J. The cooperative’s fiscal year shall run from July through June. K. The cooperative is a non-profit organization and shall be operated exclusively for educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision in any subsequent United States Internal Revenue Law). The cooperative shall not conduct any activities precluded by this Code for an organization exempt from taxation under this Section. ARTICLE 10 — Insurance A. The enrolled children of the cooperatives affiliated with NSCC are covered by an insurance policy. The policy covers legal liability for bodily injury, accidents, and property damage. The policy is on file at the Organization of Parent Education Programs (OPEP) which covers all cooperative preschools in community and technical colleges statewide, and a coverage outline is sent to the All-School Treasurer. B. The preschool classroom is intended for the enrolled parent/child only. Non-enrolled children are not covered by insurance, therefore, bringing siblings or any unenrolled child to school is prohibited unless there is a designated special event officially requested by the cooperative and approved by NSCC. Adult visitors are welcome on an occasional basis. ARTICLE 11 — Parent Meetings A. Parent meetings shall be held once a month, September through May, to discuss business issues concerning the cooperative and parent education. The dates and times shall be set at a Spring Orientation Meeting to be held by May 31. 27 .. .. .. B. Monthly parent meetings are mandatory. According to NSCC guidelines, parents shall allow approximately 2 ½ hours per meeting. In the event that the parent is unable to attend, it is the parent's responsibility to obtain information regarding the business meeting and contact the Parent Educator to make up the parent education portion. No make-up project is required for the first absence. Membership in the cooperative will be reviewed by the Board following two absences. C. Parent meeting decision making shall follow a simple majority of voting members present at the parent meeting, unless otherwise agreed by the cooperative. The exception to this is Standing Rules changes which must have a 2/3 majority (see ARTICLE 17). ARTICLE 12 — Parent Education A. Parent education shall be an integral part of the cooperative. B. Parent education shall consist of the following: 1. A portion of each parent meeting or classroom time 2. Attendance at optional parent education seminars 3. Special activities as arranged ARTICLE 13 — Board Section 1. Composition The Board shall consist of the following officers: a Chair, Vice Chair/Scheduler, Parent Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, and PAC Representative. Each Board member shall have one vote. The Teacher and Parent Educator shall be ex-officio (non-voting) members. The All-School Chair(s) are voting members of the Board. Section 2. Resignation An officer shall give at least two weeks notice of resignation from the Board. Section 3. Vacancies Any vacancy in office shall be announced to the membership, and candidates shall be solicited from the group at large. The Board shall fulfill the officer’s responsibilities until the next regular membership meeting, when members shall elect a new officer. Section 4. Responsibilities of the Board In addition to duties indicated by the By-Laws, the Board: A) Plans and advises the cooperative. The Board is responsible to conduct all routine business between monthly meetings and submit issues and recommendations to the entire membership. B) Attends all Board meetings (The specific dates and times to be set by the Board members) and assist in planning the agenda for the parent meetings. C) Makes it clear that the Board Meetings are open to anyone in the cooperative who wishes to observe. If participation is desired, the Chair must be notified in advance for placement on the agenda. D) May make emergency decisions on behalf of the membership, including emergency closures; or suspension of the teacher, an officer, or a member of the cooperative due to gross misconduct. E) Works closely with the Teacher and Parent Educator to plan and implement a qualitylearning environment for members and children. F) Is responsible for a written performance evaluation of the Teacher in January and 28 .. .. .. renegotiates salary changes or termination to the membership in February. Submits a letter to the Teacher in February, stating the cooperative’s intent to rehire and requesting input from the teacher about terms of his/her employment agreement if appropriate. Prepares and signs the teacher’s employment agreement by March 31. G) Is responsible for appointing and supervising a teacher selection committee, if needed, to recruit, interview, and hire a new teacher. H) Encourages members, officers, and teacher to attend professional development workshops and classes. Resolves all disputes brought to it and participates in Grievances process as outlined in Article 5. I) Is responsible for setting up the Spring Orientation meeting, at which members enrolled for the coming year elect a Board to take office at the close of the current school year, except for the Treasurer who goes through June 30. Enrolled members not on the Board select committee positions for the upcoming school year. ARTICLE 14 — Officers Section 1. Positions Officer positions shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, Parent Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, and PAC Representative. Section 2. Eligibility Any member who is registered at NSCC, is a member in good standing, and is working in the classroom on a regular basis shall be eligible to serve as an officer. Section 3. Selection Process The outgoing Chair and/or Parent Coordinator will notify incoming pre-registered members of the open Board positions to be filled at the Spring Orientation Meeting. At the Spring Orientation Meeting the presiding officer (generally the Parent Coordinator) will invite incoming members to nominate themselves or other members to fill Board positions. If more than one person is nominated for a position, the presiding officer will initiate a discussion. If multiple members still seek the Board position, each will have the opportunity to give a two minute speech. At the conclusion of the speeches, the membership will vote by confidential ballot to decide who fills the position. Section 4. Term of Office Cooperative officers shall serve a one-year term. New officers shall meet with the outgoing officers to arrange for the transfer of responsibilities at the end of the school year, normally in May or June. In addition to the duties outlined in the By-Laws, the officers are responsible for the following: A. Chair 1. Shall be responsible for all business details needed to operate the cooperative. 2. Shall plan and conduct the parent meetings. 3. Shall co-sign checks with Treasurer. 4. Shall attend leadership workshops and classes whenever possible. 5. Shall decide with the Teacher and Parent Educator when school is to be canceled due to snow closures or emergencies. B. Vice Chair/Scheduler 1. Shall conduct the parent meeting in the absence of the Chairperson. 29 2. 3. 4. 5. .. .. Shall be empowered to co-sign checks with the Treasurer. .. Shall attend leadership workshops and classes whenever possible. Shall assist the Chairperson as needed. Shall provide and distribute to the parents a monthly calendar that shows school days, holidays, meeting days, clean-up person's weekend, snack person's days, field trips, and special events. C. Parent Coordinator 1. Shall work together with other Board members (non-voting members included), registering parents and children for enrollment in the cooperative. 2. Shall arrange for parents to visit and observe the preschool classroom. 3. Shall work with the parents in helping them to fulfill their responsibilities to the cooperative. 4. Shall keep a current roster of parents and children. 5. Shall maintain a waiting list of families interested in enrolling in the cooperative. D. Secretary 1. Shall keep minutes of business transacted at every meeting. 2. Shall post the minutes on the parent bulletin board and give one copy to each Board member. 3. Shall handle outside correspondence, as necessary. 4. Shall keep record of attendance at all parent meetings and class sessions, and submit to Parent Educator. E. Treasurer 1. Shall receive and deposit, with the bank, all fees, tuition, and other income. A Treasurer Assistant may also handle these duties at the Treasurer’s discretion. 2. Shall promptly pay all bills and fulfill tax requirements. 3. Shall submit to the cooperative a complete monthly financial report, complete an annual budget to be approved by the membership in the spring for the upcoming year. 4. Shall maintain a complete set of Treasurer's books, which will be available at parent meetings and will be open for audit. 5. Shall attend PAC sponsored Treasurer's workshops. 6. Shall be a member of a teacher employment agreement committee and provide financial information regarding the proposed budget and proposed teacher's salary to the membership. 7. Shall hand over the Treasurer's books for review by June 30 per NSCC guidelines. 8. Shall submit to NSCC an end-of-year Treasurer’s report no later than June 30. F. PAC Representative 1. Shall attend all scheduled PAC meetings and activities or provide a substitute. 2. Shall report to PAC on pertinent activities of the cooperative. 3. Shall report back to the cooperative on pertinent PAC activities. 4. Shall post a copy of PAC minutes on the parent bulletin board. G. All School Co-Chair (A two-person position elected from any of the four Victory Heights Cooperative Preschool Classes) 1. Shall set agenda for and facilitate three all-school Board meetings (held once per quarter). 2. Shall act as a liaison with the Seattle Parks Department (from which the VH building is leased) on any standard or special maintenance project. 3. Shall negotiate and sign any agreements with Seattle Parks Department. 30 .. .. .. 4. Shall provide, on an annual basis, an updated “Public Benefit Offset” document to the Seattle Parks Department to ensure our rent remains at the below-market contractual amount. 5. Shall oversee all-school committee positions to ensure their smooth function. H. All-School Treasurer (An additional position held by the PM Class Treasurer) 1. Shall promptly pay all-school bills including rent, utilities, and all-school reimbursements. 2. Shall create a quarterly billing for all-school expenses and distribute it to the class Treasurers. 3. Shall keep the all-school account balances and write a monthly (minimum quarterly) statement. 4. Shall file an annual property tax exemption form with the state. 5. Shall act as general liaison between teachers and parents for budgeting and paying for all-school projects. 6. Shall coordinate with the other class treasurers. ARTICLE 15 — Ex-officio Members Section 1. Teacher Through its Board of Directors, the Teacher is hired, supervised, evaluated, and paid by the cooperative to teach the children’s preschool program affiliated with NSCC. The general duties of the Teacher are as follows: 1. Shall supervise and plan children's activities with the assistance of the parents. 2. Shall model for and supervise parent participation. 3. Shall attend meetings and workshops scheduled for the professional development of the teacher. 4. Shall request purchase of Cooperative supplies. 5. Shall attend monthly Board and parent meetings 6. Shall oversee compliance with the Risk Management Manual in the classroom. Section 2. Parent Education Instructor (Parent Educator) The Parent Educator is assigned to the cooperative by NSCC Parent Education Program for three hours per week. The duties are as follows: 1. Shall supervise the adult education program. 2. Shall attend each parent meeting for the purpose of helping the Cooperative function in a democratic manner 3. Shall help individual Cooperative members with any problems they may have concerning the development of their child. 4. Shall act as a resource person for the Teacher and as a liaison between the Cooperative and NSCC. 5. Shall attend monthly Board meetings. ARTICLE 16 — Teacher’s Employment Agreement An agreement between the Cooperative and the Teacher shall be executed and considered binding. The Teacher's employment agreement shall be negotiated by the Board. A returning Teacher's proposed salary shall be approved by a simple majority of the Cooperative and all parties shall sign the agreement by the end of March (see Article 13, Section 4F). 31 .. .. .. of the Cooperative may propose changes to the Standing Rules. The Standing Any member ARTICLE 17 — Amendments to the Standing Rules Rules may be amended at a membership meeting. A 2/3 majority vote of the full membership shall be required. Proposed amendments to the standing rules must be distributed in writing to all members at least two weeks (14 days) prior to the date of the meeting. ARTICLE 18 — Disaffiliation In the event of disaffiliation with North Seattle Community College (at the college’s or cooperative’s initiative) and if the cooperative continues to function as a non-profit program, the equipment shall remain with the cooperative. 32