ENGL101 Vocab Session #1

ENGL101 Vocab Session #1
inextricably (adv) incapable of being disentangled or untied
pontificate (v) to speak or express your opinion about something in a way that shows that you
think you are always right
eloquent (adj) having or showing the ability to use language clearly and effectively; clearly
showing feeling or meaning
fathom (v) to understand the reason for something
apt (adj) likely to do something; having a tendency to do something; appropriate or suitable;
suited to a purpose
intriguing (adj) engaging the interest to a marked degree
confrontation (n) a situation in which people, groups, etc., fight, oppose, or challenge each other
in an angry way
vex (v) to annoy or worry; to bring trouble, distress, or agitation to someone or something
ameliorating (adj) the quality of to making something, such as a problem, better, less painful,
scintillating (adj) very clever, amusing, and interesting; brilliantly lively, stimulating, or witty