The Harlem Renaissance Trimble Writing Exercise #8

ENGL&101 – English Composition I (Online) – The Harlem Renaissance
Trimble Writing Exercise #8
This writing exercise has three parts. Use this form to complete all three parts and then submit it to me using the drop box
at the bottom of the Week 8 page.
Part 1: How did you go about choosing which essay to revise? Once you decided, what strategy (or
strategies) did you take to improve the essay?
Part 2: Paste the introduction to your Revision in this space and explain, in at least 50 words, what is
different about this intro from the original version.
Part 3: Review Trimble’s section on punctuation, and then quote four sentences from your revision that
were NOT in the original draft you turned in: one that uses a semicolon correctly, one that uses parentheses
correctly, one that uses a colon correctly, and one that uses a dash (or dashes) correctly. Paste your
sentences in this space:
Semicolon sentence:
Parentheses sentence:
Dash (or dashes) sentence:
Colon sentence: