HUM 200: Reading the Media Fall Quarter 2012 North Seattle Community College Sections: HUM 2001.01 MWF 12:00-1:20pm Classroom IB 3315 Instructor: Bradley Lane Office: IB 2312A Office Hours: 10:00am-12:00 noon daily and other times by appointment Office Telephone: (206) 934-4536 Email: Required Texts: Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. NY: Penguin, 2009. ISBN 014103579X Thornham, Sue, Caroline Bassett and Paul Marris, eds. Media Studies: A Reader. 3rd Edition. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2009. ISBN 0748637842, Note: You need the 3rd edition of the Media Studies Reader. It is available on Amazon for around $25.00 in paperback. Required Materials: 3-Ring Binder (at least 1” -- try to find one with pockets) Loose Leaf Paper or Notebook Writing implements for writing in class Flash Drive for saving word-processed assignments Description : HUM 200 examines the way that cultural identities are constructed by and represented by contemporary media such as film, television, news and digital media. In particular, the Reading the Media courses surveys the making and meaning of race, gender, class, sexuality and identity in popular culture. Emphasizing ways in which the form and technology of popular culture have changed during the twentieth century, the course explores contexts as fiction, theater, cinema, music, television, journalism and other mass media. Issues interrogated may include the power of the image; theories of representation; critical approaches to analyzing and interpreting media texts; audiences and spectatorship; and the politics and economy of US media. Approximate Reading Load: 800 pages of college-level reading for the quarter. (There will occasionally be a reading load of up to 40 pages a night). Approximate Writing Load: 15 pages for the Quarter. Prerequisites: This course is an interdisciplinary college level class. Your enrollment in this class requires that you been placed into ENGL 101. In order to succeed at HUM 200, it is strongly recommended that you have taken ENGL 101 and passed with a 2.0 (C). Please see your instructor if you have concerns about your placement in this class. HUM 200 F12 Lane p. 2 Course Outcomes: Upon successfully completing this course, 1. You will learn how our cultural identities are constructed through media representation. 2. You will learn to read and analyze media products as texts through methodologies grounded in cultural studies and media theory. 3. You will read and apply relevant theoretical texts to your analysis of course media. 4. You will learn to read culture as a text. 5. You will acquire a working vocabulary for discussing culture at work. 6. You will expand your understanding of how knowledge itself is constructed. 7. You will improve information literacy skills, especially those related to the critical use of media sources related to identity and culture. 8. You will articulate the intent/effect of images and representation across US cultural groups, such as through stereotype or subversion of stereotype. 9. You will recognize the diversity of identities in America in terms of race, gender, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, etc. 10. You will recognize American/Judeo-Christian/Western cultural values and attitudes as disseminated in media. 11. You will demonstrate awareness of bias as presented in both written and visual languages. By meeting these outcomes, you fulfill many requirements for the A.A. degree here at North, as well as our College’s institutional learning outcomes. For instance, this course fulfills credit for the Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts [VLPA] category of the A.A degree, which requires you to take at least 15 credits in the Humanities (Art, Language, English, Communication, Drama, Music) from two different disciplines. This course also fulfills US Cultures requirement for the AA degree, which requires you to examine the relationship between US ideals and realities and to compare the experiences of diverse US cultural groups. This course fulfills the Communication requirement for the AA degree as well, by making use of small group processes in order for students to gain experience working collaboratively. In this class, small groups will be used to 1) explore primary texts in class sometimes without instructor leadership; 2) research, rehearse and present some aspect of the course to their classmates; and 3) produce some creative project of their own design. Finally, this course satisfies multiple institutional learning outcomes that North Seattle Community College wants every student to master before leaving the college. These include - Critical thinking and problem-solving Communication and self-expression Information literacy Intercultural knowledge and competence HUM 200 F12 Lane p. 3 Course Policies: Attend daily. The importance of attending regularly cannot be overestimated. Please arrive at class on time and expect to remain until class is over. Your attendance and participation will figure into your final grade in two ways: in the form of points deliberately assigned for participation, as well as in the form of seminar papers that may be submitted on their due date only. Seminar papers are not accepted late, with no exceptions. If you are absent on a day that a Seminar Paper is due, you cannot make this work up or turn it in later. In order to protect your grade from suffering from a rare, unavoidable absence, I will count only 4 of the 5 required Seminar Papers. Therefore, if you turned in all the other seminar papers but missed one seminar day, missing that one Seminar Papers wouldn’t count against your final grade. Alternately, if you attended all seminar days and submitted all 5 Seminar Papers, you would have some extra points left over. Assignments must be typed. All assignments should be typed, double-spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font. I will not accept handwritten drafts. Save your work. It is your responsibility to keep an extra copy of all assignments that you turn in. Complete course assignments on time. An assignment is counted late if you do not submit it at the beginning of class on the date it is due. For each class period a major assignment is late, your grade on that assignment will be reduced by ten points. If an assignment is turned in even 1 minute after class time on the day it is due, it will be counted as late. Absolutely no late work will be accepted after Friday, December 7. If you know will be absent on the date an assignment is due, make a plan with your instructor ahead of time so that you can submit your assignment without any points deducted. Work that is due should be brought to class in paper form. Only in a documented emergency will I accept assignments via email. It is a good survival policy for you to locate several possible printer locations on campus where you could print out your work if your home printer is not working. A printer not working is not a valid excuse for missing the due date of a piece of written work and does not allow you to turn that work in late. Moreover, plan to have your assignment printed before the start of class. If you arrive to class with your assignment after class has already begun, both you and your assignment are counted as late. Classroom etiquette items: o I’m happy to allow beverages in class, as well as food that is not overly pungent or disruptive to eat. You are also welcome to bring food to share. I only also ask that you be sure to take your cans, bottles, and food cartons with you at the end of class and not leave them on your desk or the floor. o Students who wish to use laptops, tablets, or e-readers during class should sit in the first few rows and commit themselves to using their computers only for work directly associated with this course during class time. o Lateness is actively discouraged: chronic lateness is disruptive, rude, and damaging to your academic success; therefore I will personally counsel students I observe to be habitually late to find a course that better fits their schedules. o Finally, I insist that you silence your cell phones while you are in the classroom and that you do not send or receive text messages during class. In the event of a cancelled class session, please visit the course ANGEL page for updates about assignments, homework, or due dates. HUM 200 F12 Lane p. 4 Absences: If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to seek a trustworthy classmate to provide you with notes on class discussion and lecture material, information about assignments, handouts, and announcements. Extra copies of all handouts will be in the box outside my office door, IB2312A. Please stop by there before returning to class after an absence so that you will have the material you missed. While you are under no obligation to lend your notes to another student who is absent, I encourage you to form study partnerships or study groups with friends from class and to work with each other on course content. While I cannot personally catch you up on material you missed simply because you were absent, you are always encouraged to meet with me during office hours to discuss course readings, course themes, or any material with which you need extra assistance or simply want to talk more about.. Please let me know as soon as possible if chronic health problems, a personal emergency, or extraordinary circumstances threaten to interfere with your regular and timely attendance so that we can decide the best course of action for you. Grades: Your grade will be based on a variety of projects and assignments, including in-class and out of class writing assignments and a midterm. Grades are posted on the course ANGEL page. Maximum points possible under each category are as follows: Assignments: Seminar Papers (4 x 30 pts each) Media Journal (10 entries x 10 pts each) Media Report Presentation Midterm Final Project Class Participation 120 points (can earn 150/120) 100 points 80 points 100 points 100 points 100 points You can earn up to 600 points in this class. In order to calculate your final grade, you will add up the total number of points you have and divide it by the total number of points possible, which is 600. This is your overall percentage, which corresponds to a GPA score in the chart below. Percent 96% -100% 94-95% 93% 92% 91% 90% 89% 88% 87% 86% 85% 84% 83% Letter A+ A AAAAB+ B+ B+ B B B B- GPA 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 HUM 200 F12 Lane p. 5 82% 81% 80% 79% 78% 77% 76% 75% 74% 73% 72% 71% 70% 69% 68% 67% 66% 65% BBBC+ C+ C+ C C C CCCCD+ D+ D+ D D 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 The grade given at the end of the quarter will be based on a 4.0 scale. Scores below 65%/D/1.0 are recorded as F/0.0. No grades of I (“incomplete”) or NC (“no credit”) will be granted except in the most extreme circumstances. If you do not feel you will be able to complete the course to your satisfaction, it is your responsibility to drop/withdraw from the course. For more information regarding withdrawing and other registration related questions, see the following: The specific point value assigned to any assignment or exercise will correspond to how well you meet the terms of the assignment. Grading criteria for assignments include organization; providing support from the class texts and lecture material for your ideas; the use of Standard English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure; and meeting the requirements of the particular assignment. Participation: Your active participation in class is expected. You should be ready to ask and to answer questions about the readings, and to make thoughtful contributions to group discussions in class. Occasionally, I may ask you write a brief response to a question ahead of time, write a question or set of questions in anticipation of class ahead of time, or write a brief response to a question in class. These written products will be collected and included in the assessment of your participation. Excellent and poor levels of participation will impact your participation grade alike. If you have any questions or concerns about your level of class participation as the quarter proceeds, please see me. Around midterm, I will give you a preliminary participation grade and inform you if your class participation could be improved. OTHER COURSE POLICIES: Classroom Diversity Statement: Respect for diversity is a core value of this classroom. Our college community fosters an optimal learning climate and an environment of mutual respect. We, the college community, recognize HUM 200 F12 Lane p. 6 individual differences and value them; therefore, everyone in class is responsible for the content and tone of her or his statements and everyone should strive to be empathetic listeners and speakers both. Behavior Statement: Students should always conduct themselves in a respectful manner. No conduct will be tolerated that might endanger or threaten anyone in the class. Disruptive behavior, substance abuse, downgrading or disparaging remarks, and any behavior that shows a lack of respect for the instructor or other students will not be tolerated. At my discretion, a student who causes problems may be asked to leave class for the session. If a student persists in causing problems, further disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including dismissal from the class and/or college, according to the policies outlined in the Student Handbook, available for download at Academic Honesty Statement: To take the words or ideas of someone else and present them as your own is plagiarism and is unacceptable in academic life. The nature and causes of plagiarism may cover a range from the accidental to the dishonest. Examples of plagiarism encountered in academic writing may include the following: - incorporating into your own writing, without proper and complete acknowledgement, words and sentences from a print, electronic, or oral source - inserting longer passages (such as four or five consecutive sentences or whole paragraphs) of somebody else’s writing into your own without complete acknowledgement - paraphrasing so closely or so extensively from a source that sentences or ideas really belong to the original writer - submitting as your own entire assignments written by another person or taken from a printed source or off the internet - receiving so much help from another person that the work could not honestly be called your own. Students, by their attendance here, agree to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, which states, in part, that “academic dishonesty, to include cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the college” may bring disciplinary action. I exercise my professional judgment as to the nature and cause of each case of suspected or proven plagiarism and respond in a manner suited to the case. Responses may include the following: - requiring that a piece of writing be revised to eliminate the plagiarism - denying credit for a piece of writing in which the plagiarism has been found - recording a ‘0’ grade in the student’s class record for the project, thereby lowering the student’s final grade. Note: When I have encountered plagiarized assignments in the past, my policy has been to record 0 points on that assignment and to file a formal report with the college requesting disciplinary action. ‘Warnings’ are typically not given for first offenses. In the extremely rare occasion in which I have encountered more than one plagiarized assignment from the same student, I typically have advocated that the student receive 0.0 for a final course grade. Americans with Disabilities Statement: If you need course adaptations or accommodation in the classroom because of a disability or special need, please contact Disability Services at 527-3697 (2nd floor of the College Center near HUM 200 F12 Lane p. 7 Registration). Disability Services can assist individuals with both physical and learning/academic disabilities. If you have emergency medical information to share with your instructor, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please inform your instructor at once. Copyright Statement: Students shall adhere to the laws governing the use of copyrighted materials. You must insure that your activities comply with fair use and in no way infringe on the copyright or other proprietary rights of others. When viewing media outside of class is required for completion of course assignments, please refrain from viewing, downloading, or distributing pirated media. Moreover, please cite the original source for all visual sources, including illustrations, clips, and images that you may include in course assignments, just as you would cite the original source for quotations of printed material. The Loft Language Lab: The Loft is the campus language lab/writing center, located on the top floor of the library. One of the primary attributes of The Loft is the free tutoring! The tutoring sessions last 30 minutes, are held on a first-come first served basis, and can help you with reading, writing, grammar, listening and speaking. Although you are not required to use the services of the Loft in order to be successful in this class, many students have found their services helpful. For more information, call (206) 526-0078 or visit Instructions for Logging in to Course ANGEL page: Although this is not an online or hybrid class, we will be using ANGEL to post class updates, grades, handouts, relevant links, and readings not in the required texts. To access our online course, go to Your username is your 9-digit NSCC student ID number and your password is the first five letters of your last name. For example, if your student ID number is 955-55-4411 and your last name is Johnson, then your username would be 955554411 and your password would be johns. If you have trouble logging on, please check the Distance Learning office's troubleshooting information at If you can't solve the problem that way, contact the Distance Learning office help desk: (206) 934-3738 or email them at Conferences with Your Instructor: You are encouraged to visit your instructor during office hours to discuss any aspect of the course. I am always happy to receive feedback about the course or simply get to know you a bit better, help you wrestle with difficult texts or concepts, address any concerns you may have, or chat about ideas. HUM 200 F12 Lane p. 8 COURSE SCHEDULE Please come to class having completed the previous night’s homework assignment (HW), with annotated copies of necessary readings, ready to participate actively in class. The schedule is tentative and I reserve the right to adjust deadlines and add or remove readings as needed. ‘MS’ in parentheses after a reading denotes its page number in Thornham’s Media Studies reader. Readings marked with an asterisk (*) are available in the folder marked ‘Articles for Class’ under the Lessons tab of the HUM 200 course in which you are automatically enrolled after logging onto ANGEL at See the previous page for log in instructions if you have questions. Introduction to Media and Cultural Studies M Sept 24: Course Introduction and Expectations HW: Get course textbooks, log into ANGEL shell. W Sept 26: Background lecture on Cultural Studies Journal 1 HW: Read Ways of Seeing 1-81 F Sept 28: Seminars and Seminar Prep In-class: Ways of Seeing videos HW: Read Ways of Seeing 83-155 Seminar Paper 1 for Monday M Oct 1: Seminar 1 HW: Dyer, “The Role of Stereotypes” (MS 206-212); Hall, “Encoding/Decoding” (MS 28-38) W Oct 3: Theories of Representation HW: Hall, “New Ethnicities” (MS 269-276); hooks, “The Oppositional Gaze” (462-470) Textual Analysis and The Politics of Representation F Oct 5: Oppositional Gazes Media Report Assignment Out HW: Journal 2 M Oct 8: Oppositional Gazes, con’t In-class: Ethnic Notions + Discussion HW: Kuhn, “The Power of Images” (MS 39-44); Bordo, “Reading the Slender Body” (MS 330-340) W Oct 10: Feminist Readings HW: Journal 3 F Oct 12: In-class: Miss Representation HW: McRobbie, “Post-Feminism and Popular Culture” (MS 350-361) M Oct 15: Feminist Readings, con’t Discussion of Miss Representation and McRobbie One Media Report in Class HW: Seminar Paper 2 for Friday W Oct 17: Seminar 2 HW: Said, Introduction to Orientalism (MS, 111-123); Lutz and Collins, “The Photograph as an Intersection of Gazes: Reading National Geographic”** F Oct 19: Orientalism and Postcolonial Readings One Media Report in Class Background on Colonialism and Photography HW: Journal 4 M Oct 22: Sexuality and Queer Readings: The Celluloid Closet HW: Doty, “There’s Something Queer Here” (MS 471-480) HUM 200 F12 Lane p. 9 W Oct 24: Queer Readings Discussing Doty and The Celluloid Closet One Media Report in Class HW: Review for Midterm F Oct 26: Midterm in class M Oct 29: Background on Psychoanalysis One Media Report in Class HW: Mulvey, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” ** Journal 5 W Oct 31: Mulvey, the Gaze, and the Apparatus One Media Report in Class HW: Clover, “Her Body/Himself”**; Williams, “Film Bodies: Gender, Genre, Excess”** F Nov 2: Psychoanalytic film theory, con’t One Media Report in Class HW: Seminar Prep 3 M Nov 5: Seminar 3 HW: Jenkins, “Reception Theory and Audience Research”** + Ahead as necessary Audiences and Reception: W Nov 7: Introduction to Audiences and Reception—the case of Psycho One Media Report in Class HW: Read all of ‘Effects Debates’ (MS 379-429) Journal 6 F Nov 9: Media Effects Debates One Media Report in Class HW: Radway, “Reading the Romance” (MS 440-450); Ang, “Wanted: Audiences” (451461); Brundson, “The Role of the Soap Opera” (MS 341-349) M Nov 12—No class: Veteran’s Day W Nov 14: Audience Scholarship One Media Report in Class HW: Seminar Prep 4 Journal 7 F Nov 16: Seminar 4 HW: McLuhan, “The Medium is the Message” (MS 22-27) Production and Political Economy M Nov 19: Introduction to Political Economy ‘The Illusion of Choice’ in class One Media Report in Class HW: Williams, “Programming as Sequence or Flow” (MS 192-198); Ellis, “Broadcast TV Narration” (MS 199-205); Spigel, “The Domestic Economy of Television Viewing in Postwar America”** Journal 8 W Nov 21: Television Production and Political Economy One Media Report in Class Final Project Assignment Out HW: Williams, “Advertising: The Magic System” (MS 730-735); Nixon, “Advertising, Magazine Culture, and the ‘New Man’” (MS 736-746); Wernick, “The Promotional Condition of Contemporary Culture” (MS 763-771) F Nov 23—No class: Thanksgiving HUM 200 F12 Lane p. 10 M Nov 26: Advertising One Media Report in Class Journal 9 HW: Reality Television. Read MS 557-597 W Nov 28: Reality Television 1 One Media Report in Class HW: Reality Television. Read MS 598-623 Journal 10 F Nov 30: Reality Television II The Real World in class One Media Report in Class Seminar Prep 5 M Dec 3: Seminar 5 HW: “Unkind Unwind”**; “Is the Rating System Homophobic?”** W Dec 5: This Film is Not Yet Rated HW: Final Projects F Dec 7:Discussion of This Film is Not Yet Rated Course Wrap Up and Reflection HW: Final Projects Final Exam Time: Monday, December 10, 1:00-3:00 pm – In lieu of a final, we will have a potluck and informal presentation of final projects by the class. Final Projects Due at this time.