English 102 / Tenenbaum Crescent

English 102 / Tenenbaum
Reader Responses #7-10: Crescent
Points: 10 points each
Due Dates
Thu 5/15:
Mon 5/19:
Fri 5/23:
Tue 5/27:
Reader Response #7, to pages 15-71 (on paper)
Reader Response #8, to pages 72-170 (on paper)
Reader Response #9, to pages 171-259 (on paper)
Reader Response #10, to pages 260-395 (on paper)
Format: May be handwritten or typed. The template is available online, so you can type into it as you read,
printing out a copy to bring to class and turn in.
Submission type: On paper.
Instructions: As you read Crescent, take notes in the template provided as you read Crescent. Use a separate
page for each section of our reading (Reader Response #7, #8, etc). These notes serve as your Reader
Response. Always bring the book and the template (your notes) so that we can discuss them in class.
On the template, write down the page number where you notice something related to these categories—
including the categories that you’ve added yourself—and add some words or phrases to remind you what the
“something related” is that is on that page. You can also underline that part in the book so that you can easily
turn to that page and find it.
The template will get you started, but it does not necessarily include everything you will need to pay attention
to for writing the analysis essay. You might think of more headings to add to the page; please add them! And
tell us in class what they are, so that we can pay attention to these elements too.
Taking notes like this will help you when you write your paper, since you’ll have page numbers handy for your
examples, and you’ll already have a start on thinking of themes or threads or characters to base your thesis
on. I’ve prepared this page with headings that I think might be useful for reading Crescent.
You might need more room than one page of this template gives you. Options:
 Print out another page, and keep adding notes to it.
 Create a handwritten template like the one I showed you in class, and keep making more pages.
 Download the template and edit it to suit you, perhaps making some columns longer or leaving out
some categories. Your notes will end up reflecting your path through the book, and will probably direct
the focus of your paper.
 The template (or your own adaptation of it) includes many page numbers along with words and
phrases to remind you of what caught your attention on that page.
 The template (or your adaptation) contains “overall thoughts” (see template) about two or three of the
“idea threads.”
 The detail of the template (or your adaptation) shows that you have read the assigned pages.
 The template shows you keeping track of many of the idea threads, not just one or two.
Reader Response #______ Crescent pages (circle one): 15-71 72-170 171-259 260-395 Name: _____________
Threads, themes
(Add more themes to this list as you notice them)
The Moon
Other characters
Metaphors and similes
Interesting pairings of characters
(Characters who oppose or balance each other)
Repeated images or motifs
(for example: scarves, photographs…)
Important events in the plot in this page selection
Words or references I need to look up
Other themes/threads
Things I notice about the writing style
Overall thoughts about two or three of the themes or characters up to this point in the book: (For example, judging from all you’ve
seen about water in this selection of pages, do you have any ideas about what water might symbolize in this book? Judging from all
you’ve seen about Aziz’s character, do you have any ideas about what motivates him? Why does he do what he does?)