GEO 210 People and the Land Reading Guide

GEO 210 People and the Land
Reading Guide
Use this guide to help focus your reading and studies. Most of what you will see here is
drawn from our weekly assignments or relates to concepts and terms you apply in your
discussion board assignments, but there are additional important terms included.
Chapter 9: Development
 Be able to provide examples (and define where appropriate) of economic,
sociodemographic indicators, environmental indicators.
 Understand the difference between indicators and indices. What is the HDI? And
what are the gender related indices? Know how these have changed. What is the
 What types of factors influence development? Be able to identify and describe them.
 What does global inequality look like? Think back to the champagne glass model.
 Be able to identify and explain the different development theories.
 What are structural adjustment programs, what organizations have they been
associated with and what are some criticisms?
 Terms: development, normative, dependency, GNI, GDP, neoliberalism
Chapter 10: Changing Geographies of Industry and Services
 Identify what falls under primary, secondary, and tertiary industries.
 Define Staple theory and linkages.
 What was the Industrial Revolution? What types of changes occurred?
 What factors influence industry location? See Table 10.1.
 What are the differences between Fordism and Flexible Production? (table on page
306 will help give you an idea)
 Where and why has manufacturing moved? – gets to the newly industrialized
 Be able to explain the various characteristics of EPZs, Maquiladoras (including
influence of NAFTA), and SEZs.
 To strengthen essay responses—watch one those videos for the discussion this
week in case you didn’t.
 Why do companies shift back office jobs to places like India and the Philippines?
 What is deindustrialization and what factors are responsible for it?
 What economic sector is most dominant globally at this time in history?
 What are the benefits of outsourcing jobs? Negative aspects?
 Some terms: Agglomeration, commodity chain, offshoring, outsourcing,
postindustrial society
Chapter 11: Agriculture
 Why are less people working in agriculture?
What are the characteristics of the three agricultural revolutions? Important
inventions and changes associated with them are the types of things to think about.
How do the Green and Gene Revolutions fit in here (what revolution are they
associated with)? How are they different and what are the major concerns about
them? What are benefits?
What are the differences between commercial and sustainable agriculture? What
factors brought about the commercialization of agriculture?
Be able to identify and explain the environmental problems associated with
agriculture, and describe/identify efforts to minimize these problems.
Globalization of agriculture—what are the impacts?
What are food deserts?
What was the global food crisis and factors associated with it?
Other terms to know: agribusiness, agro-biotech, biofuels, factory farms
Chapter 12 Environmental Challenges
 Why did we discuss environmental issues in a geography course? How does
geography help us analyze environmental problems? Be specific.
 Differences between renewable and nonrenewable energy sources.
 Describe the state of nonrenewable energy sources, and the geography of reserves,
consumption, and production for oil and coal.
 Describe renewable energy options and the challenges associated with them.
Difference between sustainable yield and ecologically sustainable yield?
 What are three different ways of looking at environmental degradation?
 How can we use scale to examine the consequences of air pollution?
 What is the greenhouse effect?
 What is a Land-Use and Land-Cover Change analysis?
 Terms: Environment, ecosystems, biosphere, natural capital, biodiversity, carbon
footprint, Kyoto Protocol