Thank you for agreeing to serve on the committee for the grand opening of the Indiana store. We plan to schedule the grand opening ceremony next quarter, and it is time to plan the celebration. Several guidelines are listed below to help you plan a successful event. Please review this information before your first meeting. Invitations Verify names and addresses of guest list. Include a response request to determine number in attendance. Mail two weeks in advance. Include a map and/or parking instructions. Selecting the Date Preparation time requires three to four weeks. Avoid scheduling the grand opening on a major holiday. Check with the local Chamber of Commerce to avoid a conflict with a major community event. Schedule the event for a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Avoid weekends if possible. Other Considerations Florist Rentals—tables, chairs, linens Audio visual services Parking Guest List Current, past, and potential customers Suppliers and vendors Employees and their guests Media Support Professionals (Banker, Accountant, Lawyer, Architect) Local business people Chamber of Commerce officers Mayor and council members Neighboring business people Food and Beverage Contact local catering services. Program Limit to 15 minutes. Include introductions. Consider ribbon cutting. Invite the mayor and Chamber of Commerce representative to speak.