English 101
Prof. Gutierrez
Short Paper 1.1
Assignment : Explain what David Bartholomae means by the statement: “[t]he student has to appropriate (or be appropriated by) a specialized discourse…” (403).
How does this relate to the idea of “inventing the university”? When making this connection, think of a time when you appropriated or were appropriated by a certain discourse? (Hint: Think of the process of writing this paper as an excellent example of being “appropriated by a specialized discourse.”)
Guidelines : 2 pages in length, 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font.
Due : 9/30/11
Objectives :
Analyze a quote within a text
Relate that single quote to a general theme
Employ textual evidence to support and explain an idea
Compare your experience as a writer with what is being argued/presented by a professor of writing
English 101
Prof. Gutierrez