RV 6-Discussing Metaphor and Symbols Winter Quarter 2013 Instructor: Richard Alishio

RV 6-Discussing Metaphor and Symbols
Winter Quarter 2013
Instructor: Richard Alishio
Reading poetry or short fiction is not easy in a second language. Part of the reason for this is in
the use of metaphor, symbolic imagery, and idiomatic use of language. However, if one is to get
a true grasp of a language, it is necessary to understand it on more than just a surface level.
Read the following poem. Underline the phrase/lines you think use metaphor or symbolic
imagery. Discuss what you think it means.
1. What is this poem about?
2. What are some examples of metaphor or imagery?
3. How would you describe the state of mind of the narrator of this poem?
4. Have you ever felt this way? If so, what led to your having such feelings?
5. How do people deal with loss? (In other words, how do we deal with losing a loved one,
divorce, romantic break-ups, loss of a pet or a friend, the loss of property, or even the
loss of a dream?)
6. Can you find the rhythm of this poem without hearing the teacher say it?
7. The “hole in the ground” is a metaphor. What do you think it is a metaphor for?
8. Try this: think of something in your life that is/was negative. What would be a good
symbol for this?
New Vocabulary:
1. Metaphor
2. Imagery
3. Rhythm
4. Symbolic
5. Idiomatic