Responding to Interview Questions Using the “PIE” paragraph

Responding to Interview Questions
Using the “PIE” paragraph
PIE Paragraphs
• Your main idea or argument
• 1-2 sentences
• An example that shows what
you know
• Tells us why this is important or
what you learned
Why use PIE for interviews?
 A clear Point
 Focus and clarity
 Interview knows how to listen to your examples
 Highlights organization and preparation
 A relevant Illustration or Example
 Support your point with a clear, memorable story
 Show that you have the skills required.
 Explanation
 Answer the question, “Why is this so important?” or “What did I
Prepare examples for the following (tailored to your job):
Story 1
Most challenging
Most interesting or
Challenge with coworker
Greatest strength
Greatest weakness
Story 2
Story 3
What is your greatest weakness?
 I have a tendency to say “yes” to too many people and,
as a result, I am often overly busy or running behind—or
just not sleeping very much. Therefore, I’m now trying to
only say “yes” to projects that I truly believe in.
 For example, when I returned from maternity leave, I said
“yes” to anyone that asked me to serve on a committee
or take on a project. As a result, I was often overwhelmed
and running behind, but I didn’t want to back out
because I was afraid of disappointing someone or
showing weakness. This year, however, I decided to focus
on enhancing a single professional goal: course design
and curriculum development. I said “no” to all
committees outside that goal, and I’m now serving on
the Gender and Women’s Studies Committee; a
committee that works on integrated courses across the
curriculum; and a tenure committee, which allows me to
support and learn from a new colleague.
 Though this shift has not been easy, it has allowed me to
be a much more focused, engaged employee. I can
work on a few ideas in depth and have the energy to
fully develop and implement those ideas.
 Practice!!!
 Write down sample answers to the “big” questions
 Focus on remembering your main point or thesis for each
 Be concise!
 Do as many mock interviews as possible
 Practice your handshake and approach, posture, and
use of eye contact
 Make eye contact with the interviewer, especially
during the point and explanation.
More Tips
 Do your research!
 Website
 Trade Publications
 If you have a phone interview, dress nicely and sit up
Questions to Ask
 Genuine Questions:
 How many hours a day do you spend coding?
 How many meetings do you have each week?
 How are the teams organized? What is the ratio of managers to
 Insightful Questions (Questions that show what you know):
 I saw that you use [technology x]. How do you handle [problem
 Passion Questions:
 I’m very excited about ________________. Does the company
provide professional development support in this area?
Adapted from Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann, 4th Ed.