Medical Video 1 rev 2016-02-04 1 do not print it to pdf


Medical Video 1 rev 2016-02-04 this is now slide 1 things to do (check off when complete): do not print it to pdf add revision date to cover page remove triangles create list for pages to print in the handout

2-3,7-13,16-18,24-26,29-33,36-40,43,45-46,48-52,54,58,60-64,71-73,78 add captions for photo slides incorporate notes taken during presentation add Key Points page 3

(cover page is an animation!) slide 29; corrected additive (light) color vs subtractive (ink, pigment) color

I should add a slide about perception of color, rods & cones, wiki: photoreceptor cells, Guy Deutscher’s

Through the Language Glass, etc. But not today.

useful characters: ° degrees Ω ohms μ micro

☑ checkbox

☐ slash-zero Ø CO








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Medical Video 1

Essential Components

© D. J. McMahon 150512 rev cewood 2016-02-04

Key Points

Medical Video:

- Know the principle of how a CRT works

- Know the hazards of working with CRT circuitry

- Know the differences between the sweep lines and frequencies for NTSC and PAL

- Know how an image is formed by the fields and frame of the NTSC format

- Know the standard color temperature for medical video displays

- Understand the three most commonly used analog video formats: composite, S-video, and component; and why one is better than another

- Recognize three digital signal connectors: SDI, HDMI, & DVI

Early Television –

1923 - First patent on a TV camera tube

1927 - First long distance TV transmission, New York to Wash D.C.

1928 - First TV station licensed by the FCC

1930 - First TV commercial ad

1936 - 200 TV sets in use world-wide

1939 TV demonstrated at NY World’s Fair

1941 - FCC approves the standard for black & white TV

1948 - Cable TV introduced in Pennsylvania

1950 - FCC approves the first standard for color TV

Analog Video Format -

Basic Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

Creating the raster on a CRT -


Horizontal and vertical synchronization signals: tell the trace when to blank and restart.

NTSC Video Scan:

(National Television Standards Committee)

Upper left to lower right,

1 st field: 262½ lines in 1/60 th second

2 nd field: 262½ lines interlaced with first field

Total = 525 lines in 1/30 th second

= 1 frame

Horizontal sweep frequency: 525 lines x 30 lines/sec

= 15,750 Hz

Black & white video “step” test pattern on a CRT :

Black & white video “step” pattern as seen on an o-scope :

Video Formats in use Worldwide:

NTSC : National Television Standards Committee

> 525 lines, 60 Hz, color subcarrier at 3.58MHz

PAL : Phase-Alternating Line

> 625 lines, 50 Hz, color subcarrier at 4.43 MHz

SECAM : Systeme Electronique Couleur Avec Memoire

(Electronic Color System with Memory)

> 625 lines, 50 Hz, colors sent in sequence with a time delay

There are about twelve variants of all three of these standards, differing in lines per frame, sweep frequency, and color formatting.

Analog Television Standards of the World

Green = NTSC Yellow = PAL Orange = SECAM

Beware the NTSC/PAL switch !

Generic 6.0 MHz television channel:

For Television Channel 5:









More information than you wanted:

Detail of the picture carrier with color:

More information than you wanted:

Detail of the Color Burst:

R, G, B, and sync signal(s) apart

Any color is defined in three parameters:

Hue: specific wavelength of a color

Saturation: amount of additional wavelengths in a color

Brightness: amplitude of the wavelengths in a color





How do we ‘quantify’ color?

“Color Temperature” :

The color temperature of a light source is determined by comparison to a ‘black-body radiator’. The temperature at which the blackbody radiator matches the color of the light source is that source's “color temperature”.

Any light source has a specific color temperature: room lights, car headlights, video displays, etc.

More information than you wanted:

Black Body : a theoretical object that absorbs all incident light energy, at any frequency or angle of incidence.

A black body emits light based only on its temperature in ° Kelvin.

(Kelvin = centigrade +273)

The ideal color temperature for video displays is usually set at

6500 °K, but most displays can be adjusted to other values.


CIE Standard “Color Space” Chart, 1931

6500 ° K

Primary Colors in Displays:

R-G-B is used in video Colors are additive

( C-M-Y-K is used in ink & pigment Colors are subtractive)


Video & Light Dye, Ink & Pigment

Troubleshooting Video R-G-B:

R + G + B = white

If red is missing, image is light blue (cyan).

If green is missing, image is purple (magenta).

If blue is missing, image is yellow (yellow).

Decoding the color signals:

Y = luminance (brightness signal)

C = chrominance (color signal)

R = red

G = green

B = blue

P b

P r

= difference between Y and Blue

= difference between Y and Red

Analog Video Signal Formats:

1) Composite (good):

Luminance Y, Chrominance C, and synchronization (“sync”), all superimposed on one signal.

“Sync” are the horizontal and vertical sweep signals.

Yellow connector is the composite video signal.

Red and white connectors are the R and L audio signals.

Analog Video Signal Formats:

2) Y/C (“S-Video”) (better)

- Luminance (Y) and Chrominance (C) separated

- 4-wire cable: 2 for each component (separate grounds)

Chrominance Luminance

(male connector)

Female connector




Pin Name



Ground for Y




Ground for C



Use caution with DIN-type S-video connectors


Why S-video is better:

Composite: Y/C (S-video):

In S-video, Luminance and chrominance are separated, and don’t interfere with each other.

Analog Video Signal Formats:

3) Component (R-G-B) (best)

- Red, Green, Blue, and sync signals are separate.

- may be 3, 4, or 5 shielded wires:

3 wires: R, G, B (with syncs on the Green signal (“SOG”))

4 wires: R, G, B, and horizontal sync (white wire)

5 wires: R, G, B, and horizontal and vertical syncs

VGA is an implementation of Analog Component (R-G-B) (best)

5 (signal) wires: R, G, B, and horizontal and vertical syncs

Pin 1

Pin 2

Pin 3

Pin 4

RED Red video

GREEN Green video

BLUE Blue video

ID2/RES formerly Monitor ID bit 2,

Pin 5

Pin 6

Pin 7

Pin 8

Pin 9 reserved since E-DDC

GND Ground (HSync)

RED_RTN Red return

GREEN_RTN Green return

BLUE_RTN Blue return

KEY/PWR formerly key, now +5V DC

Pin 10 GND Ground (VSync, DDC)

Pin 11 ID0/RES formerly Monitor ID bit 0, reserved since E-DDC

Pin 12 ID1/SDA formerly Monitor ID bit 1,

I²C data since DDC2

Pin 13 HSync Horizontal sync

Pin 14 VSync Vertical sync

Pin 15 ID3/SCL formerly Monitor ID bit 3,

I²C clock since DDC

Analog Video Signal Formats:

4) YP





- Y, P


, and P


(even bester ) signals are separate as in R-G-B

- Uses less bandwidth, and image is crisper

- Can handle higher resolutions than other analogs

More information than you wanted:




R is converted from the RGB video signal by splitting it into three components:

Y carries the luminance (brightness) and synchronization

(sync) information:

Y = 0.2126 R + 0.7152 G + 0.0722 B

(With color, Y still represents intensity but it is a composite of R. G, and B.)


B carries the difference between blue and luma (B − Y).


R carries the difference between red and luma (R − Y).

Generic analog TV or monitor with CRT display:

Three analog inputs into one monitor:

Digital Video Format -

Digital color:

Any color can be assigned a triplet of R-G-B digital values:

(0, 0, 0) is black

(255, 255, 255) is white

(255, 0, 0) is red

(0, 255, 0) is green

(0, 0, 255) is blue

(255, 255, 0) is yellow

(0, 255, 255) is cyan

(255, 0, 255) is magenta

(this defines 2 24 or ~ 16 million colors) worth looking at:

Various colors and their digital value assignments:

How is digital video displayed ?

Digital displays consist of picture elements, or “pixels”.

Digital displays light-up all the screen pixels in one frame at a time.

Each pixel has one color.

The color depth is typically 24 bits per pixel. (More bits = better color.)

The frame rate is the number of frames displayed per second.

The bit rate is the total number of bits being moved per second.


If a display has 640 x 480 pixels, there are 307,200 pixels.

If there are 24 bits per color, we have 307,200 x 24 = 7,372,800 bits (7.37 Mbits)

If there are 25 frames per second, we have 7.37 x 25 = 184.25 Mbits/sec

If we have a 10-minute (600 sec) video presentation, the video size is

184.25 x 600 = 110,550 Mbits or 13,819 MBytes or 13.819 GBytes

Resolution - the amount of information per unit area

The Brave New Digital World:

Four different digital television standards

DVB-T: Digital Video Broadcasting, Terrestrial

ATSC: Advanced Television Systems Committee

ISDB-T: Integrated Service Digital Broadcast, Terrestrial

DMB-T/H: Digital Multimedia Broadcast - Terrestrial/Handheld

Digital Video Signal Formats:

1) Serial Digital Interface (SDI) –

- 270 MBits/Second digital stream

- Single conductor, but must be low-loss coaxial cable

- Uses a BNC connector

2) High Definition Media Interface (HDMI) –

- multiple scan rates

- multi-conductor, 10.2 Gbits / Second

- common in consumer video, but not often used in medical

Digital Video Signal Formats:

3) Digital Visual Interface (DVI) –

- RGB data, clock, channel formatting, & audio

- 3.96 Gbits/s

Female DVI-I socket from the front:

Pin 1

TMDS data 2−Digital red− (link 1)

Pin 2 TMDS data 2+Digital red+ (link 1)

Pin 3 TMDS data 2/4 shield

Pin 4 TMDS data 4−Digital green− (link 2)

Pin 5 TMDS data 4+Digital green+ (link 2)

Pin 6 DDC clock

Pin 15 GroundReturn for pin 14 and analog sync

Pin 16 Hot plug detect

Pin 17 TMDS data 0−Digital blue−(link 1) & dig sync

Pin 18 TMDS data 0+Digital blue+(link 1) & dig sync

Pin 7 DDC data

Pin 8 Analog vertical sync

Pin 9 TMDS data 1−Digital green− (link 1)

Pin 10 TMDS data 1+Digital green+ (link 1)

Pin 11 TMDS data 1/3 shield

Pin 12

Pin 13

TMDS data 3-

Digital blue− (link 2)

TMDS data 3+Digital blue+ (link 2)

Pin 19 TMDS data 0/5 shield

Pin 20

TMDS data 5−Digital red− (link 2)

Pin 21

Pin 22

Pin 23

Pin 24


TMDS data 5+Digital red+ (link 2)

TMDS clock shield

TMDS clock+Digital clock+ (links 1 and 2)

TMDS clock−Digital clock− (links 1 and 2)

Analog red

C2 Analog green

C3 Analog blue

Pin 14 +5 VPower for monitor when in standby C4 Analog horizontal sync

C5 Analog groundReturn for R, G, and B signals

Displays -

Displays in Medical Applications:

- Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) past gold standard, but going extinct

- Electroluminescent (EL) light-emitting, high current draw

- Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) impractical unless back-lit, but efficient

- Plasma Displays better angle of view, run hot

Interlaced Scan vs Progressive Scan -

Interlaced: Each frame is ‘painted’ in two fields which use odd and even-numbered lines then..

First Field Second Field

Two fields = one Frame

Progressive: Entire frame is ‘painted’ in one sequence of lines, top left to bottom right.

(There are no ‘fields’.)

Resolution: 720p vs 1080p

Most medical video is in 1080p

Electroluminescent (EL) display –

Plasma display –

Liquid Crystal Technology (LCD) display:


: Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tubes for back-lighting LCD displays

CCFLs require a high voltage (60 – 90 Vac), produced by an inverter

CCFL inverter board in a medical monitor

Video Test Patterns

Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers (SMPTE)

Early standard test pattern

SMPTE Standard Test Pattern RP 219:2002

SMPTE resolution test pattern

SMPTE Gamma test pattern.

Gamma ( γ) is a correction made to the luminance level to adjust for human vision.

Safety Issues with Monitors & CRTs:

> System Power Supply may be non-isolated

> High Voltage Power Supply develops very high voltages which can reside for hours after power is off

> The CRT tough, but can crack or implode

Safe Practices:

> Use an isolation transformer on the device

> Discharge large capacitors

- use a high wattage resistor,100 ohms/volt of capacitor value

- ( do NOT use a screwdriver ! )

> Stay away from the CRT anode wire, the HV supply, and the PC board on the neck of the CRT

Humble beginnings:
