EET286 – Fall 2015 follow-up • Four types of clinical equipment • Power Connectors • NFPA99 Chassis Leakage (touch) Current • Human Heart & Cardiac Cycle • Wiggers diagram • Pressure Conversions • Common Electronic Component Abbreviations • Quiz #2 recap • Quiz #3 recap 2015-12-10 Four types of clinical equipment Monitoring: Detects and displays physiologic data for the purposes of clinical observation. Diagnostic: Detects, displays, and records physiologic data in order to confirm or rule out a disorder or disease. Therapeutic: Applies treatment in the form of energy or medication in order to treat a disorder or disease. Assistive: Used as an accessory to facilitate a medical or surgical procedure. Power Connectors plug: male connector, furthest away from power source outlet or receptacle: female connector providing power NEMA: (U.S.) National Electrical Manufacturers Association IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission NEMA wire colors: Hot – Black Neutral – White Ground – Green IEC wire colors: Hot – Brown Neutral – Blue Ground Green/Yellow Screw colors on some connectors: Hot – Gold Neutral – Silver Ground – Green HOT (L1) Neutral (L2) Ground (earth) NEMA colors: Black White Green IEC colors: Brown Blue Green/Yellow connectors: Gold Silver Green NFPA99 Chassis Leakage (touch) Current • 1999 edition • 2005 edition • 2012 edition • 2015 edition 10.2.6* Touch Current – Portable Equipment. The touch current for cordconnected equipment shall not exceed 500 uA with normal polarity and the ground wire disconnected (if a ground wire is provided). Pressure Conversions PSI KiloPascal cm of H2O mm of Hg atmosphere millibar 1 6.89 70.3 51.7 0.068 68.9 1 KiloPascal = 0.145 1 10.19 7.5 0.0098 10 1 cm of H2O = 0.014 0.1 1 0.735 0.00097 1 1 mm of Hg = 0.019 0.133 1.36 1 0.0013 1.33 1 atmosphere = 14.7 101 1033 760 1 1013 0.0147 0.1 1.02 0.75 0.0009 1 1 PSI = 1 millibar = Most useful conversions in bold Manometers, two styles; Pressure measured as a column of mercury: • • • • closed end (contains vacuum) measures atmospheric pressure 760 mmHg ‘normal’ higher atmospheric pressure = higher number • (pressure in outer space vacuum would be 0 mmHg) • open end (contains ambient air pressure) • measures applied pressure • 0 mmHg is ‘unpressurized’ state • higher applied pressure = higher number Common Electronic Component Abbreviations (silk screened on circuit boards and printed on schematics) B BR BT C CB CR CT D F IC J K L LED M Q R S SW T T TP U VR XTAL battery bridge rectifier battery capacitor circuit breaker diode center tap of transformer diode fuse integrated circuit (chip) jack or jumper relay coil or inductor light emitting diode motor transistor resistor switch switch terminal transformer test point integrated circuit (chip) voltage regulator crystal (rev 2015-12-01) technical term is "reference designators" |---- 10 mm (1 milliVolt) -----------| |---- 25 mm (1 Second) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ECG trace and display Calibration (y axis): 10 mm = 1 mV Speed (x axis): 25mm = 1 Second Pacemaker Modes: Asynchronous: provides pulses at a fixed rate Demand (or ‘Synchronous’): provides pulses when the heart fails to beat Rate-Modulated: provides pulses based on the heart’s current activity Defibs for Cardioversion • The use of a small energy pulse from a defibrillator to convert an non-lethal arrhythmia (eg atrial flutter) to a normal sinus rhythm • Delivers a pulse about 30ms after the peak of the R-wave, synchronized by the defibrillator • Modern units can discriminate the R-wave from the T-wave or noise spikes Timing of cardioversion pulse Do NOT cardiovert across the T-wave ! Linear power supply (2) (3) (4) (5) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Line in (not shown here) Transform (only the output is shown here) Rectify (usually a 4-diode bridge) Filter (usually a big cap & a small cap) Regulate (often with 78xx & 79xx ICs on heat sinks) from Electrical Safety presentation (class 6) CORRECTED: (per NFPA-99, 2012 edition) Resistance of Ground wire of power cord: 500 milliOhms (500mΩ or .5Ω) Leakage current at the chassis: NC (normal condition) 100 microAmps (100 μA) SFC (Single Fault Condition, e.g. open ground) 500 microAmps (500 μA) Leakage current for any one patient contact lead to ground: 10 μA with ground closed, 50 μA with ground open. Leakage current for each patient contact lead to any other lead: 10 μA with ground closed, 50 μA with ground open. Leakage current for patient leads exposed to line voltage: 50 μA Leakage current: or “distributed capacitance” Leakage current is both capacitive, caused by intrinsic capacitance between conductors; and resistive, caused by imperfect insulation. Where does the leakage current go? Open ground ! Where does the leakage current go now? Test device measuring chassis leakage current: “Applied Part” of medical equipment as defined by the IEC standard 60601-1: Type B: Applied parts that are generally not conductive and can be immediately released from the patient. May be grounded. eg: Non-invasive BP monitors [think: Body] Type BF: Devices that have direct contact with the patient, or parts that have long term contact with the patient. eg: ECG monitors [think: Body, Floating (ground)] Type CF: Applied parts that have direct contact with the heart. eg: Invasive pressure monitors, defib paddles [think: Cardiac Floating (ground)] ONE of these ratings should be present on a medical device If ‘Defib Proof’, ONE of these Troubleshooting invasive BP lines: Almost ideal Air bubbles in the line Line is partially occluded Damping in any oscillating system: Damping is an effect on any oscillating system that reduces or restricts its oscillations. In a mechanical system, damping is produced by drag in the system. In a fluid system, damping is caused by viscosity. In an electronic system, damping is caused by impedance. Undamped: The system oscillates at its natural resonant frequency. Critically damped: When disturbed, the system returns to equilibrium quickly, without oscillation. Overdamped: When disturbed, the system returns to equilibrium without oscillating. Underdamped: When disturbed, the system oscillates, but the amplitude decreases to zero. Swan-Ganz catheter (in ‘right’ heart) Starts here Ends up ‘wedged’ here or here Swan-Ganz Catheter – From the Right Atrium through the Right Ventricle, into the Pulmonary Artery Pressure waveforms during insertion of the Swan-Ganz catheter: Most used: Manual determination of NIBP blood pressure : NIBP Blood pressure determination by oscillometry i.e. the automated electronic method: Pressure pulsations during oscillometry: non-invasive blood pressure monitor Quiz #3 recap R #1: Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) is inserted into descending AORTA (output of LEFT heart) L (from body) #3: IABP is typically used for 1-2 days (TO body) (to lung) (from lung) (from body) (to lung) (from lung) #6: Capnography is measurement of CO2. Measured by how much IR (infrared) light is absorbed by the gas sample. Question #7: Deep breath (or sigh) normal breathing exhaling as much as you can this much air always stays in your lungs note: TLC is often shown as 6 liters, which is normal for a 75 kg (165 #) person. 80 ml per kg of body weight (as shown here) is more accurate. Question #14: Flow-Volume Loop exhale inhale PEFR: Peak Expiratory Flow Rate: measures how fast a person can exhale (breathe out). PIFR: Peak Inspiratory Flow Rate note: Residual Volume is shown on the right side (still part of Total Lung Capacity – 6 liters) (time is shown as a counter-clockwise loop): FVC: Functional Vital Capacity (same as VC) Pressure-Volume-Flow Diagrams (X axis for these is time) Respiratory Gasses • Inspired (inhaled) air: • Expired (exhaled) air: N2 79% N2 79% O2 21% O2 16% CO2 5% Blood Components • Hemoglobin (hb without attached O2) this ratio gives SpO2 in Pulse Oximetry • Oxyhemoglobin (hb with attached O2) • Carboxyhemoglobin (hb with attached CO, Carbon Monoxide) gives inaccurate SpO2 • Methemoglobin (pron: MET-hemoglobin) cannot bind to O2 and gives inaccurate SpO2