GEO200 Introduction to Human Geography Geography in the News 75 points total Making Learning Visible Symposium Participation Wednesday, June 4th Papers Due Monday, June 9th Objective(s): 1. Recognize the relevance of current events coverage to geography. 2. Learn to utilize terminology and concepts in the course when describing current events. 3. To take what we learn in the classroom and apply it to real life issues outside the classroom. Directions: Choose a topic from one of the chapters in our textbook and find a specific story or issue to analyze in depth. It is recommended that you find between 5-8 sources regarding your particular story, just to see how different sources portray the same story and to get the most complete analysis. For example: If you sign up for the Population week, you could cover a story in the news about overpopulation in China or Social Security problems relating to increasing retirement population in the United States, among many other possibilities. Written Summary (50 pts): Your written portion of the assignment should be between 5-8 pages long (8-10 if you work with a partner). There should be two sections with the following headings: 1. Summary: In your summary you will want to do just that – summarize the essential facts and history of the issue. 2. Geographic Analysis: Use geography to conduct a spatial analysis of your research topic. Answer the question, How does geography help us understand this issue? In your analysis apply three key geographic concepts, and three additional terms or concepts (not necessarily geographic terms from chapter 1) to explain (a total of six). Reference style: Include a list of your sources in APA format, and be sure to cite references in your summary where appropriate. The Library website has a useful guide: Be sure to refer to the plagiarism policy on the syllabus and talk to me if you have questions. 1 GEO200 Introduction to Human Geography Mechanics: The paper should be proofread and free of spelling and grammatical errors. The Loft Writing Center on campus is an excellent resource for help editing papers. The walk-in Writing Lab hours are available at the bottom of this page, and they also have e-tutoring available. For information and hours see: Formatting: Papers need to be stapled or paper clipped—include page numbers too. The assignment should be written in Times New Roman font, 12pt, and doublespaced (take care not to double-space the section with your name and date). Standard margins – do not minimize the margins to make your paper look longer. Presentation (25 pts): You will create a poster presentation of your topic. It should include your summary of the news topic (don’t copy the actual story – provide a summary or outline of the key points), why you felt the story was relevant for the topic, and highlights from your geographic analysis including concepts/terms you applied to the story. Include supporting visuals—photos, graphs, and, of course maps if applicable! Get creative! Ideas for Sources: New York Times The Washington Post BBC News The Economist CIA World Factbook (for background information) Feel free to ask me about any other source options. Do not use Wikipedia – it is not sufficient for academic papers. Late Penalties: Papers: Lose a letter grade for each day late; submitted on the due date after class lose points equivalent to half a letter grade. Presentation materials: will not be accepted for late credit. 2