“First day announcements” BIOL&241.05 NSCC Clarke O’Reilly North Seattl e Community College SEPTEMBER AND CTOBER 2013 For more information, contact Erin Wilson in Student Leadership and Multicultural Programs: erin.wilson@seattlecolleges.edu BLOOD DRIVE Monday, September 30th 10:30-12:30; 1:30-4:30pm Baxter Events Center SMITH and MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE Brown Bag event Wednesday, October 30th 11-12pm (in College Center) The Green Room (in College Center) Wel come B B Q Hear more from these Massachusetts Seven Sisters colleges as they visit to talk to W ednes day , Oct ober 2 nd 11am-2 pm Come t o t he cou r t y ar d t o l ear n abou t r es ou r ces on campu s (i ncl u di ng S t u dent L eader s hi p), cl u bs , and enj oy a di s cou nt ed $ 3 B B Q ( cas h onl y , bu t s t u f f f or meat -eat er s and v eggi es , al i k e! ) as s t af f and f acu l t y w el come y ou t o N or t h! women interested in transferring to these highlyselective institutions. CLUB FAIR Thursday, October 10th 11:30-1pm Baxter Events Center Find out what clubs we have on campus. If you don’t see anything you like—start your own! Meet and Greet Event Tuesday, October 8th 2:30-4pm North’s FIRST-ever: Baxter Events Center (in College Center) Meet Student Leadership, Advisors, Peer Navigators, CORE members and more as they help you to navigate North. This is your chance to meet people who are here to support you! Diversity Speaker Series: Michael Hingson—Thunder Dog (Hingson and his service dog’s survival story from 9/11) Wednesday, October 16th 12:30-2pm Baxter Events Center (in College Center) PRIDE PROM Friday, October 11th (National Coming Out Day) 7-10pm Cafeteria ALL IDENTITIES (LGBTQIAP and allies) are welcome to get dressed up (in formal or rainbow-tie attire) and dance the night away as we celebrate North’s diversity. This is a safe space for sexual minorities to bring whomever they want as a date. This is a substance-free event full of dancing, light refreshments, DJ, and more! Comedy Showcase Wednesday, Oct ober 30t h 1- 3pm Baxt er Event s Cent er Laugh wi t h f our l ocal comi cs as we cel ebr at e Oct ober . Register to VOTE! September 3-October 2 Register in the Espresso Lounge (in College Center) or in the Student Leadership office (CC2153). Counseling Helps North Students Identify career interests and academic majors · Click on career identification and information sites at https://northseattle.edu/counseling /identify-career-interests-academic-majors Improve study skills · Learning style inventory http://www.personal.psu.edu/bxb11/LSI/LSI.htm '" · Study tips for the first two weeks of classes. Click “Tips” at https://northseattle.edu/counseling /academic-help · Classroom oral participation strategies. Click ”speaking” at https://northseattle.edu/counseling /academic-help · Academic success videos http://www.dartmouth.edu/~acskills/videos/index.html Find self-help and referral information Access 24-hour crisis intervention through King County Crisis Clinic 206-461-3222, TTY 206 461-3219 Take free, confidential, Online Mental Health Screenings for depression, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety, PTSD. These can be found under Related Info on the lower right-hand side of http://www.northseattle.edu/services/counseling/selfhelp/mhscreen.htm Use the Washington State Information Network referral resources for health and human services. Phone 2-1-1, or TTY (206) 461-3610 http://www.resourcehouse.info/Win211/ Take human development courses · Earn credit while developing skills in Career Planning (HDC 100 on campus and online classes) and Learning-Strategies for Math Success (HDC125) https://northseattle.edu/counseling/human-development-courses Talk with a counselor · Make an appointment by visiting or calling Counseling: located within Student Success Services , 2nd floor, north wing, of the College Center building (206 934-3676, https://mail.seattlecolleges.edu/owa/?ae=Item&a=Open&t=IPM.... M-F 8am-4:30pm) ExploreCounseling’swebsite https://northseattle.edu/counseling Counseling Faculty: Jenny Mao, PhD Lydia Minatoya, PhD Gwynith Hoffman-Robinson, PhD (HDC 100)