North Seattle Community College FY 2007-2008 Budget Presentation June 11, 2007 1 Key Points FTE’s reduced by 312 Last FY Total budget reduction $1.2 mil $500K cut July 1, 2006 $763,000 cut July 1, 2007 Tenure buyout successful, but Need additional reductions or more $ 2 Key Points cont. Hit 98% of FTE target FY 06-07 Target 3,795 FTE, hit 3,721 Can count international students this yr. Hit 105.5% with international counted NSCC has $460K reserve account 3 Key Points Cont. Majority of $ from North’s budget cut going to South; some to Central and SVI 4 Brief Financial History • • • • Fiscal Yr. 99-00 ($1,333,131) Deficit Fiscal Yr. 00-01 $493,556 Balance Fiscal Yr. 01-02 $529,192 Balance Fiscal Yr. 02-03 $1,052,326 Balance Excess enrollment $194,508 Excess tuition $99,342 5 Financial History cont. Fiscal Year 03-04 $1,361,176 Balance Incl. Excess Tuition $354,625 Incl. Excess Enrollment $123,188 Fiscal Year 04-05 $924,636 Fiscal Year 05-06 $176,410 6 Budget Process for FY 07-08 BPT, College Council, Executive Team working together (process continues) Used “two bucket” process Asked for “Flat” budget by macro unit Unmet needs process (one time funds) Budget development still in progress Carry-forward funds still unknown Had only $176,000 in CF last fiscal yr. 7 Budget Process Cont. Budget development principles approved by College Council/BPT June 7, 2006 $1.2 Mil &FTE reduction announced at allcollege meeting on June 13, 2006 Met with College Council on March 20 and May 1, 2007 to discuss budget process 8 College Council Members Kurt Simmons, Chair Chair Jane Lister-Reis Deanna Li Maria Paz Rodolfo Franco Rachael Mendonsa Vladimir Vilkevich Matt Ayer Vacant Kim Chapman Ryan Packard Jenny Mao 9 C.C. Members cont. Chris Page Therese Quig Member at-large Student (vacant) 10 Budget Planning Team Alan Ward, Chair Kellie Nakano David Bittenbender Jane Lister-Reis Tom Braziunas Katherine Riley Francesco Federici Dennis Schaffer Tom Griffith Suzanne Scheldt Alice Melling Michael Shaw 11 BPT Members cont. Kurt Simmons Dennis Yasukochi Vladimir Vilkevich Ron Woods 12 BPT Sub-Committee Tom Braziunas Francesco Federici Tom Griffith Alice Melling Kurt Simmons Dennis Yasukochi Suzanne Scheldt 13 BPT Sub-committee Worked hard! Held many meetings Overriding Recommendation The college should develop and implement a well articulated planning process for adding or eliminating instructional programs. This program viability process should be integrated with other planning initiatives at the college. 14 BPT Sub-committee After a lot of number crunching and using different analysis techniques, we are short! $554,384 for faculty S & B $202,005 tenure buyout costs Don’t Panic! 15 Sub-committee cont. Specific recommendation: The college should balance the currently projected 2007-08 operating budget deficit through a combination of the following: Reduce spending Reallocate existing funding Increase available funding 16 Recommendations cont. Reduce Instructional Operating Spending by Separating Entrepreneurial/Experimental Programs Support these programs from non-operating or temporary funds until proven Create separate instructional budget for this purpose (this would save $203,455) Radiology Technology (save $125K) 17 Recommendations Cont. Reduce spending through enrollment management Potential savings from eliminating some classes with 10 or fewer students Would save $262,000 18 Recommendations Cont. Reallocation of existing funding: Continuing Ed. $50,000 Education fund $12,500 19 Specific Recommendations Add $100K more from Int’l revenue Add $25K from Running Start Reduce contingency reserve by $100K; different than “true” reserve Tap select fund balances $50K 20 “TWO BUCKETS” SCHEMATIC OF NSCC OP BUDGET PLANNING PROCESS 05-06 Business Office Compiles BGT PLANNING SHEETS for review/ approval by Exec Team BUDGET PLANNING SHEET Review & Approval Process BUCKET # 1: BUDGET PLANNING SHEET RESULTS Major Operating Unit Approves BUDGET PLANNING SHEETS BUSINESS OFFICE Business Office gathers UNMET NEEDS REQSTS and Forwards to Budget Planning Team for Compilation & Comment BUDGET PLANNING TEAM Major Operating Unit Forwards Approved UNMET NEEDS REQSTS to Business Offc UNIT ADMINISTRATOR (President or Vice President) Major Operating Units engage in internal process to arrive at final Budget Planning Sheet Submittals & Unmet Needs Requests DEAN DEPT A DEPT B NSCC BUDGET PLANNING WORKSHOP 4-22-05 BPT initiates the UNMET NEEDS REQST Review & Approval Process UNMET NEEDS Review & Approval Process BUCKET # 2: UNMET NEEDS REQUEST PROCESS RESULTS DRAFT FOR WORKSHOP DISCUSSION 4-22-05 UNMET NEEDS REQUEST PROCESS 05-06: DRAFT SCHEMATIC Unit’s Unmet Needs Requests Forwarded to Bgt Planning Team (BPT) by the Unit Admin (NO New Reqsts accepted at this level BUDGET PLANNING TEAM (BPT) Unit Admin gives Final Approval to Unmet Needs Reqsts BPT Compiles And Reviews Requests; Forwards to Executive Team with Recommendations President reviews prioritized list w/ option to re-set prioritization UNIT ADMINISTRATOR (President or VP) EXECUTIVE TEAM PRESIDENT Unresolved Issues are converted to Requests to Fill Unmet Needs President’s Executive Team reviews and discusses requests President makes decision on final Unmet Needs list priorities and communicates result to College Community CC and BPT hold open budget forum for College Community (NO new requests admissible at this level) Exec Team provides College Council (CC) with list of Unmet Needs by Category/Type with comment. Divisions work w/ their Unit Administrator (Pres. or VP) to resolve remaining funding issues within the Unit COLLEGE COUNCIL DIVISION DIVISION Depts work with Divisional Office to resolve funding issues within their unit Depts work with Divisional Office to resolve funding issues within their unit DEPT DEPT DEPT DEPT COLLEGE COUNCIL BPT CC reviews Unmet Needs list; sends prioritized recommendations back to Exec Team for further discussion. EXECUTIVE TEAM Exec Team reviews CC prioritized recommendations with option to reset prioritization; resulting prioritized list is forwarded to CC and BPT Key Assumptions: All operating fund requirements above current level (i.e. the 04-05 operating budget level exclusive of carry-forward dollars) must be requested by this process. Campus community participation will start at the individual department level, at the beginning of the budget development process. Departments will endeavor to resolve funding issues within their own operating unit; unresolved issues will be communicated upward along the chain of command. Issues not resolvable at the Divisional level will be forwarded to the Unit Administrator (President or Vice President). The Unit Administrator will endeavor to resolve remaining issues within the unit. Unmet needs worthy of consideration by the College Community will be converted to Unmet Needs Requests with prioritization, and forwarded to the Budget Planning Team (BPT) by the Unit Admin. The College Council will lend a broadened perspective to, and actively engage in, the establishment of college-wide priorities within this process. The President will have final approval authority over unmet needs requests. NSCC BUSINESS OFFICE DRAFT UPDATED: 4-14-05 How Did the Process Go? 23 Not Well! 24 College Failed! 25 What Happened? Third Category emerged! Requests for new positions Increases in existing budgets Unmet needs S/B one-time expenditures Requests $1 mil over last year 26 The Third Process-Weed or Flower? 27 The Third Process Needs that are ongoing New positions Position reallocations (upgrades) Restoration of funds cut in past years Cover costs that are escalating 28 Who Did Good Job on Request? Student Services 29 Who Else Did Good Job? Education Fund A 30 Who Else? Library and Media A 31 What’s Next? Receive initial allocation from District Stick to “flat budget” requests Finalize total resource availability Prioritize unmet needs and fund what we can Prioritize the “3rd process” list, fund by reallocating $ and using new money 32 Initial Budget Allocation Several different budgets from Olympia New biennium 2007-09 Tuition increase 2% (credits 11 to 25) 1% tuition increase budgeted by SCCD 1% tuition backfill 33 Initial Budget Allocation cont. New Money Tuition $83,000 Equipment $28,000 Student Persistence $41,070 Budget cut ($28,280) 34 Initial Allocation Cont. New FTE’s Allocated by SBCTC General Enrollments 10 @ $4,900 Adult Basic Ed. 15@ $6,050 I-BEST 7@ $9,750 Transfer Math Sci. 11@ $8,750 Total $ $304,250 35 Initial Allocation cont. Other FTE’s (need to apply) ECE Math & Science (100 sw) Workforce Hi-demand 36 UNIT REQST'D BY PRESIDENT Summers, C PRESIDENT Summers, C PRESIDENT Rose, C AMOUNT $ PRESIDENT Total $ DESCRIP BGT 55,146 Web Marketing Coordinator (salary & benefits) TBD 25,000 On-line Marketing & Advertising TBD 15,000 To support college-w ide memberships TBD 95,146 INSTRUCTION Lortz/Griffith Sustainability Coordinator, professional development, and support for Campus 26,620 Sustainabliltiy Initiatives 083-3GST INSTRUCTION Braziunas, T 17,918 Server replacemnts and softw are licensing - WebCT (principal coursew are) 011-3G10 INSTRUCTION Celene-Martel, C 16,640 Provide updated computers for the TLC 011-3G20 INSTRUCTION Wollin, E 5,000 Grand piano repair (complete re-build) and lock. INSTRUCTION Cheadle, P 5,000 Fund temporary position - maintain/update Tech Program Equip BEIT INSTRUCTION Total SDS $ Melling, A $ 011-3G03 Repair $4,000; locking mech $1,000 TBD 71,178 50,000 Furniture purchase - CC North Wing Renovation SDS Total TBD 50,000 ADMIN SVCS Griffith, T ADMIN SVCS Kieser, B 83,766 Major Institutional Master Plan funding TBD ADMIN SVCS Piecuch, P 69,000 Purchase netw ork upgrade hardw are 041-3G06 ADMIN SVCS Piecuch, P 171,000 Upgrade faculty & staff computers (annual cost - see comment) 9,400 Automated security analysis system development for NSCC netw ork ADMIN SVCS Total $ 333,166 Grand Total $ 549,490 Last Update: Created: 6/4/2007 5/29/2007 COMMENTS Salary $43,000 / Benefits $12,146 TBD 041-3G06 Annual cost range of $84K - $171K; 3 year implementation yields $251K - $512K total College Council Recommendations Will Prioritize Unmet needs June 19 Budget Challenges Financial effects of negotiations unknown Low enrollment “ripple effect” Food Services deficit Under funded budgets PT faculty Facilities and grounds maint. 39 Budget Challenges, Cont. Enrollments Still Under Target 40 Questions? 41