Programme Specification: BSc Social Policy and Sociology 1. Awarding Body 2. Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body, e.g. ESRC; BPS etc 3. Name of final award 4. Programme Title 5. Duration of the course 6. Based in the Department/Institute: 7. Relevant QAA subject benchmark statements 8. UCAS Code 9. First written/last amended LSE N/A BSc Social Policy and Sociology 3 years full-time Social Policy Social Policy and Administration (2007) Sociology (2007) LL34 BSc/SPSoc June 2003 / November 2012 10. The programme aims to: provide comprehensive introductory coverage of the main areas of, and theoretical approaches to, social policy; enable students to develop the capacity to learn and apply general approaches to the analysis of social problems; enable students to explore ways in which different societies have developed various ways meeting human and social needs; provide students with an understanding of major sociological perspectives and their application to distinct research problems; provide students with the skills to enter employment in public, private and voluntary sectors; provide students who wish to undertake further study at the next level with the training to enable them to do so. 11. Programme outcomes: knowledge and understanding; skills and other attributes Knowledge of: the historical development of UK social policy institutions the main institutions that provide social welfare in the UK, public, private and voluntary some social welfare systems in other countries methods of resourcing and financing social welfare organisations the provision, finance and regulation of social security, education, health and social care and housing; local and regional, international and supranational dimensions of social policy methods of research for analysis of social policy organisations some significant sources of data about social welfare and the main research methods used to collect and analyse the data Understanding of interdisciplinary approaches to social policy issues (using knowledge, concepts and skills from a range of social science disciplines, such as economics, sociology, psychology); some of the key concepts and theories of welfare; methods of comparative analysis and application in an international context; an understanding of the limits of comparative analysis, historically and internationally; how values and principles are related to political and economic interests; key concepts used to understand human needs and social welfare – equity, inequality, poverty, exclusion, identity, social difference and diversity; Skills use techniques and skills from several disciplines; problem solving skills; data collection and research skills; evaluative and analytical skills; sensitivity to values and interests of others and awareness of normative and moral positions of others; ability to communicate ideas and arguments with others, orally and in writing; in the case of the latter, using academic conventions (e.g. referencing conventions); ability to manage learning; interpersonal skills and teamwork skills; experience of making presentations; use current ICT (e.g. word processing, data analysis); ability to learn and study supported by guidance. Subject specific skills include use of established theories and concepts of social policy and other social sciences to analyse social needs and policy issues; finding and using statistical and other data from surveys, administrative sources, and research publications; undertaking investigations of social issues. Please follow the link for information relating to careers. 12. Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated Teaching and learning strategies Various teaching, learning and assessment strategies are used to enable the outcomes above to be achieved - lectures, classes, tutorials and self-directed study. Lecture formats are varied, including both traditional formats, audio visual and electronic presentations Classes are interactive and usually organised around themes for discussion or readings; these aim to deepen and consolidate knowledge, and develop critical awareness and communication skills One-to-one tutorials provide individual pastoral and academic support. Assessment strategies include Unseen examinations Essays both formative and summative Dissertation Analytical exercises Group project work (formative) Individual project work (summative) Summative assessment is carried out anonymously 13. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules and awards See the BSc Social Policy and Sociology programme regulations. Additional information 14. Criteria for admission to the programme Course requirement: GCSE pass at grade C or better in Mathematics would be welcome. A level Sociology is not a requirement. Usual standard offer: GCE A level: grades A B B. International Baccalaureate: Diploma with 37 points including 6 6 6 at Higher level. Other qualifications are considered. 15. Indicators of quality Steady demand for the programme High entry requirements Good examination results Favourable remarks from external examiners Students’ questionnaires via the Teaching Quality Assessment surveys The LSE Careers Centre website provides data on career destinations of LSE graduates. 16. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standard of teaching and learning The Department takes seriously the feedback on teaching quality provided by the course teaching surveys of students. The Department holds termly staff-student meetings at which student representatives from all programmes are able to raise issues of concern. It takes forward suggestions and proposals coming from that meeting. Each programme in the Department has an elected student representative from each year of study, who brings issues of concern to the staff member with management responsibility for the programme and to the staff-student meeting. The Department holds a degree sub-committee meeting termly for each programme; issues raised are addressed and taken forward. A second-year student representative attends the Committee on Undergraduate Studies with the Departmental Tutor twice a term. Each programme in the Department has a Programme Director and a Programme Director's forum meets every term to discuss teaching issues. Additionally the Programme Director meets annually with all students (fist, second and third years) on the programme for which s/he is responsible to discuss their experiences. The Department has a Teaching Committee; part of its remit is to plan provision and support innovation. The Department (and School) takes seriously the feedback from external examiners; comments made by external examiners are followed up within the Department and by the School. Departmental TLAC review once every five years. The Teaching Learning and Assessment Committee which regulates all aspects of teaching quality; The Undergraduate Studies Sub-Committee which oversees all undergraduate programmes and ensures that significant changes to programmes and courses pass through a sequence of formal stages, so that curricular changes are appropriate and compatible with other developments. The Teaching and Learning Centre offers advice and training towards enhancement of teaching skills;