Programme Specification: MPhil/PhD Demography/Population Studies 1. Awarding Body

Programme Specification: MPhil/PhD Demography/Population Studies
Awarding Body
Details of accreditation by a
professional/statutory body,
e.g. ESRC; BPS etc
Name of final award
Programme Title
Duration of the course
Based in the Department/Institute:
Relevant QAA subject benchmark
First written/Last updated
The programme aims to:
The Department is recognised by ESRC for
FT + 3 research training
Demography/Population Studies
3/4 years
Social Policy
October 2010 / November 2012
provide a broad-based theoretical and empirical research training to an advanced
level in demographic and population issues.
create an intellectual environment for students in order to develop their original
research and produce research of the highest international standards
enable students to develop their critical and analytical research skills that are
valuable in both academic and professional career contexts.
Programme outcomes: knowledge and understanding; skills and other attributes
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the programme, students will have a thorough understanding of state-of-the-art
research in their field and have contributed their own original research to advance the subject.
Subject specific skills
At the end of the programme, and to the level of their award (MPhil or PhD), students should
- mastery of their chosen field
- original research in that field
- ability to produce high quality publishable research
Skills and other attributes
At the end of the programme, students should be able to demonstrate appropriate ability to:
- Evaluate arguments and evidence critically;
- Obtain high quality original data, where relevant
- Demonstrate independent learning and self-development
- Identify, analyse and draw reasoned conclusions from multiple data sources and
- Use information technology
- Present analyses, arguments and commentary using a range of communication skills
and to a range of audiences
Please follow the link for information relating to careers.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved
and demonstrated
During the first year (MPhil), students are expected to learn from the research courses they
attend and focus on developing their skills in designing, conducting, writing and presenting
their research.
At the end of the first year, students undertake a major review of their research. The process
requires that students submit a 10,000 word document of work which should be of a standard
expected for a chapter of the final thesis, and are expected to go through a viva. If successful,
students are transferred to the PhD programme.
While in the programme students meet their supervisor(s) on regular basis to discus and get
feedback on their work.
Students attend the Research Students Seminar course SA550 lead by the Research Tutor,
the research seminar organised by Population studies and are normally required to attend
seminars provided by the Methodology Institute. They are asked to present their own research
at least once in SA550 course.
In subsequent years, students continue their research under the guidance of their supervisors
and are encouraged to present their ongoing work from time to time, which might include
seminar presentations and conference papers. Each year students are asked to write reports
on their progress for their supervisors, the Department and the School. Continued registration
depends on satisfactory progress.
13. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules and awards
See the MPhil/PhD Demography/Population Studies programme regulations.
Additional information
Criteria for admission to the programme
Applications from students who have, or expect to obtain, a good master's degree,
together with an upper second or first class honours degree from a UK university or its
equivalent abroad are welcomed.
Applicants should have strong research interest and willingness to undertake
interdisciplinary research on a demographic/population studies topic that falls within the area of
expertise of at least one of the faculty members of population studies
The applicants are expected to have the necessary research training methodology that
would enable them to start their research once they are accepted for the programme.
Indicators of quality
The main indicator of the research quality comes from the report of the PhD thesis
The success in publishing their research in peer-reviewed journals.
The increased steady demand for the programme.
The high rate of passes
The number of scholarships accredited to demography/population studies from
external funding bodies for this programme
The School participates in the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)
which provides indicators of student satisfaction with various aspects of their research
degree programme. Results from this survey have been positive for the School.
examiners’ reports from viva examinations are also considered centrally within the
School and provide indicators on the quality of the research student experience and
supervision quality.
The LSE Careers Centre website provides data on career destinations of LSE
research graduates:.
Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standard of teaching and
the Department holds termly staff-student meetings at which student
representatives from all programmes are able to raise issues of concern. It takes
forward suggestions and proposals coming from that meeting;
each programme in the Department has one or two elected student
representatives who bring issues of concern to the staff member with
management responsibility for the Programme and to the staff-student meeting;
there is feedback provided at PhD seminar course SA550
the Department has a Teaching Committee; part of its remit is to plan provision
and support innovation.
TLAC Review of the Department once every five years.
The Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) runs the Postgraduate Research
Experience Survey (PRES) and distributes results to departments. Survey
results are considered by School Committees (Research Degrees SubCommittee & Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee) as well as within
academic departments. Any issues arising from the PRES would be addressed
by the appropriate body/department.
Taught courses on MPhil/PhD programmes are included in the School’s internal
student satisfaction survey, where such courses are provided at the Masters’
level, as conducted by the Teaching Quality Assurance and Review Office.
Departments review their programmes according to their own system of periodic
The Methodology Institute offers methodological training across all MPhil/PhD
programme and transferrable study skills training courses are offered by the TLC
for all MPhil/PhD students: this central resource enhances the standard of
teaching and learning for all research students across the School.