MVWP PROGRAM PROPOSAL TALK TO ME: a writing/discussion workshop for new teachers Chris Golden If you are interested in bringing this program to your school or organization, please contact the MOHAWK VALLEY WRITING PROJECT Utica College (315)792-3057 Names and contact info for presenter(s): NAME Mailing address Phone e-mail Chris Golden 7117 Coleman Mills Rd, Rome NY 13440 3153367517 Please describe your proposed program in terms of goals and outcomes. What do you hope to accomplish in the program? What artifacts and data do you plan to collect? What outcomes to you hope to achieve? How will you assess those outcomes? My main goal with my program is to provide new teachers with the skills they need to stay in the education profession. Many new teachers leave the profession in their first five years of teaching. The Utica City School District has a high rate of teacher turnover. I hope to show that through the use of proper support, our teachers will stay with the district and not leave for other districts. With the help of the Teacher Center and Utica Teachers Association, I hope to create an entry and exit survey so we can record why teachers come to Utica and why they leave. Talk to Me will also encourage teachers to use writing to achieve professional and personal development in their first year. I hope that the reflection strategies they learn in the workshop will help them through out their education career. Please describe the program you propose. For whom is it intended? Will your program be open to all interested participants or will there be a selection process? Number of sessions? Length of each session (minutes)? Is this a professional development program, a writers' workshop, a young writers' program, a conference presentation or other? What is the purpose of your program? When and where do you plan to offer All first year teachers All interested parties, as long as they are a first year teacher 13 All sessions are 1 hour, except for the months of September and June. Those sessions are 1½ hours each. Professional development program To provide first year teachers with a support group for airing concerns and finding solutions to problems throughout the school year. Once a month, one hour sessions at the Teacher your program in terms of time of year, time of day, and location? Center at Proctor High school. The sessions are after school (3:00pm-4:00pm) Please attach a draft announcement/flyer/registration form for your program. (The Teacher Center will create it. They have a copy of the MVWP logo. I will make sure that they incorporate it.) Please block out the timing of program in minutes. If you are planning one session, feel free to use more than Use this to show that your program will National Writing Project principles. MINUTES ACTIVITY your more than one page. fulfill 3:00-3:15 Writing Prompt/ Discussion of Prompt 3:15-3:45 Discussion of the monthly topic (See attached schedule of monthly topics) 3:45-4:00 Teachers share reflections of the past monthly lessons or daily happenings in the classroom. EACH SESSION IS BASICALLY THE SAME. THE DISCUSSION WILL CHANGE DEPENDING ON THE MONTH. This program is a support group for first year teachers. It is a safe place where they can voice their fears, triumphs, concerns, questions, and have a audience not only willing to listen, but also help. What specific materials will you use in presenting your program? There are several books that will be used occasionally. I am continually looking for books and articles that can help the first year teachers. Teaching Matters by Todd Whitaker/ Beth Whitaker Teacher Man by Frank McCourt Chicken Soup for the Soul Teacher’s Edition Moments for Teachers by Robert Strand 101 “Answers” for New Teachers and Their Mentors: Effective Teaching tips for the Daily Classroom By Annette L. What materials will be provided to the participants in your program? A composition notebook (the reflection journal), a traditional spiral notebook (to record teaching tips and strategies discussed during the workshop) and a folder (to hold articles)bought by Utica Teacher Center. 101 “Answers” for New Teachers and Their Mentors: Effective Teaching tips for the Daily Classroom By Annette L.Breaux This book was chosen because our principal highly recommends it. I will not know how many people will be participating with this course until mid-summer. Utica is always waiting until the last minute to do their hiring. We are also expending this program to the two middle schools this summer. They will be taught by two teachers that I will be training this summer. The Middle schools and UTC will purchase their own materials. What media support (equipment, internet connection, etc.) will be required for your program? It is basically a discussion and writing group. Please outline the financial profile of your program. What fees will participants be charged? How will the fees be funded (out of pocket, district funds, grant funds, etc.?) How many hours will you bill the Mohawk Valley Writing Project for your work? Explain contact hours/credits/inservice hours earned by participants in your program. Explain any expenses incurred by your program and how they will be funded. (Include materials, fees, etc.) $15.00 (From each payment: $5.00 will go to the UTC and $10.00 will go to the MVWP) The UTC and District will help with purchasing some supplies. 20 The Utica Teacher Center uses the hours to support the mentoring hours that the new teachers must have per state education regulations. I provide refreshments for each session. The Teacher Center will help to pay for these. A composition notebook (the reflection journal), a traditional spiral notebook (to record teaching tips and strategies discussed during the workshop) and a folder (to hold articles). 101 “Answers” for New Teachers and Their Mentors: Effective Teaching tips for the Daily Classroom By Annette L. Breaux. This book was chosen because our principal highly recommends it.(The UTC may provide some assistance in the purchase of these books) I will not know how many people will be participating with this course until mid-summer. Utica is always waiting until the last minute to do their hiring. I am assuming around 25 participants. We are also expending this program to the two middle schools this summer. They will be taught by two teachers that I will be training this summer. The middle schools and UTC will purchase their own materials. Explain any potential partnerships/cosponsorships between MVWP and other agencies in supporting your program. Do you have any plans to seek outside sponsorship (grants, etc.) to support your program? This summer I have been asked to train one teacher from each of the middle schools. The UTC hopes spread this to all their schools, to help support their new teachers I hope to present the program to the Board of Education next year, to get their support. Please identify all the presenters involved in your program, including their professional roles, their affiliations, and the year they attended Summer Institute. Please provide contact information for each presenter. Christine Golden 7117 Coleman Mills Rd Rome, NY 13440 315-336-7517 TR Proctor High School 1203 Hilton Ave Utica, NY 13502 315-368-6400