Add a Program

To be completed by CC
Date submitted (electronic copy): Click here to
enter text.
Date submitted (hard copy): Click here to enter
Submission ID#: Click here to enter text.
Add a Program
Use this form to add an undergraduate major (degree program), a master’s degree program, or a
certificate program. The information required in this form reflects what is needed by the Registrar’s Office
and Banner to implement programs and evaluate transfer credits and what is needed by Curriculum
Committee (CC) to review and approve programs. Program proposals cannot be approved until all their
components and courses have been approved. A curricular revision should not be advertised in any
website or in any other manner—including UC application materials—until it has been approved through
the process embodied by this form and outlined on page 15 (click here). Note that signatures are required
for your program/department and division/school approval, school CC liaison review, and (when resources
are needed) library and IT approval.
Submit your completed forms to the CC Secretary:
Hard copy (with signatures) to the School of Arts and Sciences Main Office: 286 Gordon Science
Center; and
Electronic copy e-mailed to CC’s UC webmail account:
Questions? Refer to the Glossary and process flowchart at the end of this form and/or the most current
edition of the Curriculum Committee Sourcebook (click here) for detailed information and resources about
the curriculum proposal process and other curricular matters. You also can contact the CC Chair or any
CC member (click here).
Section I. Contact Information
Provide the contact information for the person CC should contact with questions and updates.
I-1. Name: Click here to enter text.
I-2. Email address: Click here to enter text.
I-3. Phone number: Click here to enter text.
I-4. School/Division: Click here to enter text.
I-5. Program/Department: Click here to enter text.
Section II. Program Overview
II-1. Targeted semester and year of implementation:
As soon as possible ☐
Other later date ☐  If Other, specify: Click here to enter text.
II-2. Program name (as it will appear in the UC Catalog): Click here to enter text.
Curriculum Committee
II-3. Degree awarded (click here for NYSED regulations):
M.S. ☐
B.S/M.S. ☐
Certificate (undergraduate) ☐
M.P.S. ☐
B.A. ☐
B.S. ☐
D.P.T. ☐
B.B.A. ☐
C.A.S. (graduate) ☐
Other ☐  If Other, specify: Click here to enter text.
II-4. Total credits earned in the program: Minimum: Click here to enter text.
Maximum: Click here
to enter text.
II-5. Format:
On-ground ☐
On-line ☐
Hybrid ☐
Blended ☐
Other ☐  If Other, specify: Click here to enter text.
II-6. Copy and paste the proposed program curriculum for the Course Catalog in the space below this
box. Include the program’s student learning goals. Type this information exactly as it would appear in
the Course Catalog.
Click here to enter text.
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Section III. Coherence and Curriculum Package
III-1. Identify any new or revised courses involved in the proposed program.
What are the prefix, number, and title of each new course? (List each new
course in a separate row.)
Is the appropriate CC
form attached?
Yes ☐
No ☐
Yes ☐
No ☐
Yes ☐
No ☐
Yes ☐
No ☐
Yes ☐
No ☐
Yes ☐
No ☐
Yes ☐
No ☐
III-2. Identify any new or revised components involved in the proposed program.
What is the name of the
What type of component is it? (Select one.)
Is the
component of the proposed
program? (List each one on a
CC form
separate row.)
Minor ☐
Concentration ☐
Other ☐  If Other,
Yes ☐
specify: Click here to enter text.
No ☐
Minor ☐
Yes ☐
Concentration ☐
Other ☐  If Other,
specify: Click here to enter text.
No ☐
Minor ☐
Yes ☐
Concentration ☐
Other ☐  If Other,
specify: Click here to enter text.
No ☐
Minor ☐
Yes ☐
Concentration ☐
Other ☐  If Other,
specify: Click here to enter text.
III-3. The program’s curriculum map is attached.
Yes ☐
No ☐
No ☐
III-4. If the program includes courses (e.g., electives) or specializations/advising concentrations that
are not included in the attached curriculum map, then please describe how they fit coherently within the
program. Click here to enter text.
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Section V. Rigor
Describe how the learning goals and assessment tools identified on the curriculum map will ensure a
level of rigor appropriate given the degree conferred upon its graduates (e.g., B.S. versus M.S.).
Click here to enter text.
Section VII. Impact and Justification
VII-1. Evidence of student demand/need (e.g., student involvement, employer demand, student
Click here to enter text.
VII-2. Identify, justify, and provide evidence of attempts to minimize any potential negative effects of
the proposed program on other areas of Utica College into the table below. Insert additional (or delete
superfluous) rows as necessary.
Potential Negative Effect
Justification for Negative Effect
Evidence of Minimizing
Potential Negative Effect
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
VII-3. In the table below, list relevant faculty in and outside the department who have been consulted
about the proposed program along with whether or not they support the proposed program.
Faculty Member’s Name
Click here to enter text.
Faculty Member’s Relevance to
Does the Faculty Member Support the
the Proposed Program
Proposed Program?
Click here to enter text.
☐ Yes  Please explain: Click here
to enter text.
☐ No  Please explain: Click here to
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
☐ Yes  Please explain: Click here
to enter text.
Page 4 of 15
☐ No  Please explain: Click here to
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
☐ Yes  Please explain: Click here
to enter text.
☐ No  Please explain: Click here to
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
☐ Yes  Please explain: Click here
to enter text.
☐ No  Please explain: Click here to
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
☐ Yes  Please explain: Click here
to enter text.
☐ No  Please explain: Click here to
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
☐ Yes  Please explain: Click here
to enter text.
☐ No  Please explain: Click here to
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
☐ Yes  Please explain: Click here
to enter text.
☐ No  Please explain: Click here to
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
☐ Yes  Please explain: Click here
to enter text.
☐ No  Please explain: Click here to
enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
☐ Yes  Please explain: Click here
to enter text.
☐ No  Please explain: Click here to
enter text.
Page 5 of 15
Section VIII. Resources
Part A. Library Resources
VIII-A-1. Are existing library resources or allocations adequate for the proposed program?
Yes ☐  Skip to VIII-A-3
No ☐  Continue on to VIII-A-2
VIII-A-2. Identify the additional library resources necessary along with details and cost estimates
Books: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Journals: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Databases: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Other: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
VIII-A-3. Select one:
☐ Librarian concurs with faculty assessment
☐ Librarian does not concur with faculty assessment
Librarian’s comments/feedback: Click here to enter text.
VIII-A-4. Select one:
☐ Library will fund identified resources from existing budget
☐ Library cannot fund suggested resources. Additional funds are needed.
VIII-A-5. Name of librarian: Click here to enter text.
VIII-A-6. Date of consultation with librarian: Click here to enter text.
VIII-A-7. Signature of librarian (hard copy only):
VIII-A-8-a. Are the resources identified above as necessary but not yet funded going to be added to the
library budget for the proposed program?.
☐ Yes, resources identified above as necessary but not yet funded will be added to the library budget
for the proposed program
☐ No, resources identified above as necessary but not yet funded will NOT be added to the library
budget for the proposed program
VIII-A-8-b. If yes to VIII-A-8-a, then signature of Vice President for Financial Affairs (hard copy only):
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Curriculum Committee
Part B. IITS Resources
VIII-B-1. Are existing IITS resources or allocations adequate for the proposed program?
Yes ☐  Skip to VIII-B-3
No ☐  Continue on to VIII-B-2
VIII-B-2. Identify the additional IITS resources necessary along with details and cost estimates
Hardware: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Software: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Media: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Computers: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Other: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
VIII-B-3. Select one:
☐ IITS concurs with faculty assessment
☐ IITS does not concur with faculty assessment
IITS member’s comments/feedback: Click here to enter text.
VIII-B-4. Select one:
☐ IITS will fund identified resources from existing budget
☐ IITS cannot fund suggested resources. Additional funds are needed.
VIII-B-5. Name of consulting IITS member: Click here to enter text.
VIII-B-6. Date of consultation with IITS member: Click here to enter text.
VIII-B-7. Signature of consulting IITS member (hard copy only):
VIII-B-8-a. Are the resources identified above as necessary but not yet funded going to be added to the
IITS budget for the proposed program?.
☐ Yes, resources identified above as necessary but not yet funded will be added to the IITS budget for
the proposed program
☐ No, resources identified above as necessary but not yet funded will NOT be added to the IITS
budget for the proposed program
VIII-B-8-b. If yes to VIII-B-8-a, then signature of Vice President for Financial Affairs (hard copy only):
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Curriculum Committee
Part C. Facilities/Space
VIII-C-1. Are existing facilities/space adequate for the proposed program?
Yes ☐  Skip to VIII-C-3
No ☐  Continue on to VIII-C-2
VIII-C-2. Identify the additional facilities/space necessary along with details and cost estimates
Classrooms: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Offices: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Storage: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Labs: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
Other: Click here to enter text.
Details and cost estimates: Click here to enter text.
VIII-C-3. Select one:
☐ VPPF concurs with faculty assessment
☐ VPPF does not concur with faculty assessment
Vice President of Planning and Facilities’ (VPPF) comments/feedback: Click here to enter text.
VIII-C-4. Select one:
☐ VPPF will fund identified resources from existing budget
☐ VPPF cannot fund suggested resources. Additional funds are needed.
VIII-C-5. Name of VPPF: Kim Lambert
VIII-C-6. Date of consultation with VPPF: Click here to enter text.
VIII-C-7. Signature of VPPF (hard copy only):
VIII-C-8-a. Are the resources identified above as necessary but not yet funded going to be added to the
facilities/space budget for the proposed program?.
☐ Yes, resources identified above as necessary but not yet funded will be added to the facilities/space
budget for the proposed program
☐ No, resources identified above as necessary but not yet funded will NOT be added to the
facilities/space budget for the proposed program
VIII-C-8-b. If yes to VIII-C-8-a, then signature of Vice President for Financial Affairs (hard copy only):
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Curriculum Committee
Section IX. Approvals
Part A. To Be Completed by the Proposer
IX-A-1a. Name of Program Director: Click here to enter text.
IX-A-1b. Date: Click here to
IX-A-1c. Signature (hard copy only):
enter text.
Signature indicates approval by program faculty.
IX-A-2a. Name of CC School Liaison: Click here to enter text.
IX-A-2b. Date: Click here to
IX-A-2c. Signature (hard copy only):
enter text.
Signature indicates the curriculum package is complete.
IX-A-3a. Name of School Dean: Click here to enter text.
IX-A-3b. Date: Click here to
IX-A-3c. Signature (hard copy only):
enter text.
Signature indicates (1) approval by school/division faculty and
(2) confirmation that the information in this form is accurate and
the program will be implemented as described when it first runs.
Any significant revisions to the program prior to when it first runs
require that this information be returned to Curriculum
Committee for re-approval.
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Curriculum Committee
IX-B. To Be Completed by UC Officials
IX-B-1-a. Name of Curriculum Committee (CC) Chair: Click here to enter text.
IX-B-1-b. Date:
IX-B-1-c. Signature (hard copy only):
Click here to
enter text.
Signature indicates approval by CC
IX-B-2-a. Name of Faculty Senate President or Secretary: Click here to enter text.
IX-B-2-b. Date:
IX-B-2-c. Signature (hard copy only):
Click here to
enter text.
Signature indicates approval by Faculty Senate.
IX-B-3-a. Name of Name of UC President or Provost: Click here to enter text.
IX-B-3-b. Date:
IX-B-3-c. Signature (hard copy only):
Click here to
enter text.
Signature indicates approval by UC administration.
***You do not need to print the following pages for submission to Curriculum Committee***
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Curriculum Committee
Section I. Contact Information
Program name = Official name of a major
(undergraduate), program (graduate), or
certificate (graduate or undergraduate)
Degree awarded = Type of degree earned by
students who complete the required program
Name = Full (first and last) name of the
curriculum. NYSED lists the different
designated contact person; this is the person to
undergraduate degree types and their basic
whom Curriculum Committee (CC) will direct all
requirements. Contact the Office of Academic
questions and other correspondences
Affairs with questions about degrees and degree
Email address = Utica webmail (***
address; unless you arrange otherwise, this is
Total credits earned = Minimum number of
the primary method by which CC communicates
credit hours required for completion of the
Phone number = Area code plus full (7-digit)
proposed program or component. Contact the
number and extension (as appropriate)
School/Division = Which of the three schools will
be/is housing the curriculum being reviewed; if
applicable, also identify which division within the
school will be housing the curriculum under
review. The information provided here must
correspond to the signatures in the Approvals
section of this form.
Office of Academic Affairs with questions about
New York State Education Department (NYSED)
policies on appropriate credit-hour and related
requirements according to degree type.
Format = Format of the program (compared with
“mode of delivery” for individual courses within a
courses are offered in an on-line format.
Program/Department = Which program within
While there may be required on-ground
the school/division identified above will be
residencies, all courses are offered on-
housing the curriculum under review? If
applicable, also identify the department. The
information provided here should correspond to
are offered in an on-ground format and
do not have on-line equivalents. Some
required courses may have on-line
Section II. Program Overview
content to supplement the on-ground
Targeted semester and year of implementation =
course, and a small minority of the
Semester (Fall, Spring) and year (2015, 2016) in
required courses may actually be on-line
which you would like to implement the proposed
courses, but the bulk of instruction is
curricular revision. It is not possible for
semester and/or year of implementation.
On-ground program = A program where
all, or almost all, of the required courses
the signatures in the Approvals section of this
Curriculum Committee (CC) to guarantee a
On-line program = A program where all
Hybrid program = A program where
some classes are on-line and some are
on-ground. Students have to take both
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Curriculum Committee
on-line and on-ground classes to
Components include minors and concentrations
complete the program.
which, like programs, are organized sets of
Blended program = A program where a
courses but, unlike programs, do not confer
significant proportion is comprised of
degrees. For any component listed, identify the
blended classes, which may be
component’s title, as it appears in the UC
supplemented by on-line classes.
Catalog (e.g., “Minor in Criminal Justice”), specify
Contact the Office of Academic Affairs with
the type of component (minor, concentration, or
questions about program format.
other); and indicate whether or not the
Program curriculum = Program description,
student learning goals, and required courses
(with credit hours)—exactly as it should appear
in the UC Catalog. The program description
appropriate form for adding or revising each
component listed is included in the curriculum
packages that has been submitted for the
proposed program.
encapsulates the program’s key and defining
Curriculum map = A table showing how
qualities, including its purpose, main content,
program-level learning objectives are taught and
and structure. Program descriptions range from
assessed at increasingly higher levels throughout
30 to 100 words. Program-level student
the program in the individual courses required
learning goals are the specific, measurable
for program completion. Refer to the Academic
learning outcomes students should be able to
Assessment Coordinating Committee (AACC)
demonstrate upon completion of a program. See
webpage, especially the Policies and Procedures
the current Catalog for examples of how to list
Handbook, for additional information on
courses and credits.
curriculum maps.
Section III. Coherence and
Curriculum Package
Coherence = Explanation of how/why the course
New or revised courses involved = List of any
of the program and the application of skills and
courses involved in the program proposal. For
concepts to students’ real-world development.
meets the I/R/M designations on the program
curriculum map. Emphasizes the development
any course listed, identify the prefix (the 3-letter
code of the program housing the course, e.g.,
Section IV. Rigor
“SOC”), number (the 4-digit indicator of course
Rigor = CC has adopted the following definition
level and type, e.g., “376”), title (the formal name
of rigor: “A rigorous course or program is
of the course, as it appears in the UC Catalog,
characterized by an intentional structure
e.g., “Criminological Research Methods”), and
designed to promote student learning at
whether or not the appropriate form for adding
appropriate, increasingly sophisticated levels.”
or revising each course listed is included in the
(Proposers are free to add to this definition.)
curriculum package that has been submitted for
Table 4 provides examples of rigor statements.
the proposed program.
Refer to the C2-P2 for more on rigor. Click here
New or revised components involved = List any
for undergraduate- versus graduate- level
components involved in the program proposal.
distinctions click here for distinctions among
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Curriculum Committee
different undergraduate levels, and refer to the
C2-P2 for additional resources.
Section V. Impact and
Evidence of student demand/need = From the
students’ perspective, why should UC have this
program? This item asks proposers to identify
the student need(s) for the proposed program,
emphasizing the evidence of that identified
Potential negative effects = Reasonably
foreseeable consequences of adding the
proposed program and filling it with the
projected student population (e.g., diverting
students from an existing program).
Justification for negative effects = Reasons the
UC Faculty should approve the proposed
program, given the potential negative effect
(e.g., the importance of the subject matter,
student demand).
Evidence of minimizing negative effects = Steps
taken/planned to reduce the likelihood and/or
extent of identified negative effects (e.g., crosslisting courses between your program and the
affected program, encouraging your students to
minor in the affected program).
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Curriculum Committee
Table 1
Rigor Statement Examples
Sample Rigor Statements
This program is rigorous in that learning objectives are built upon previous learning so that students are continually challenged to expand their
knowledge and to apply previous learning in new ways. For example, in XXX202, some information is applied to a real-life situation, and in XXX402,
that same information is examined critically in light of conflicting evidence.
Teaching combines didactic presentation of information with active learning experiences throughout so that students are intellectually engaged,
while transferring more and more responsibility for learning to the student in a self-directed manner. For example, in XXX402, students are given the
opportunity to develop their own learning content for a fieldwork experience.
Assessment is rigorous in that it moves beyond retention of information to application, synthesis, and critical evaluation. Students are allowed
options for assessment, which facilitates motivation, engagement, and interest in an effort to elicit the best performance possible. For example, in
XXX505, students use their own strengths and interests to establish a focus of study that results in a report assessed in a manner similar to that of a
peer-reviewed publication.
We define rigor as appropriately challenging given the level at which the course is offered. This course is at the end of the certificate program
curriculum. As such, students first need to demonstrate awareness of fundamental concepts associated with regulation, forensic accounting,
compliance, and SEC. In the early courses (FCM 535 and ACC 604), students will learn vocabulary, concepts, relationships, policies, and regulations as
well as technical skills and knowledge related to fraud management and forensic accounting. In the middle courses (MGT 617 and FCM 632), students
begin to apply the concepts, processes, and skills to specific issues and events related to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). By the last
courses, students will be pulling together all areas covered in the certificate and applying them to concrete cases investigated by the SEC. By the end
of the program, students are able to propose alternative and/or additional resolutions and policies for investigating financial crimes that are within the
purview of the SEC. By the end of the program, moreover, students should be able to merge research, theory, and practice in the certificate area to
propose unique and responsive public policy.
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Curriculum Committee
Process for Adding a Program
What do you (the program proposer) need to do for Curriculum Committee approval?
Complete the pre-Curriculum Committee (CC) paperwork and procedures outlined in the Curriculum
Development website (e.g., concept paper, feasibility study); this “Add a Program” form does not
address pre-Curriculum Committee requirements
Attend to the Programs under Development website until your program has been approved
Download and complete the “Add a Program” form from the Curriculum Committee website
Complete additional forms as may be required for new or revised courses and/or components
Consult with relevant faculty inside your department
Consult with relevant faculty outside your department
Consult with the library, and get the signature of the librarian on the hard copy
Consult with IITS, and get the signature of the IITS member on the hard copy
Consult with Planning and Facilities and get the signature of the VP for Planning and Facilities
Consult with one of your School’s CC liaisons and get his/her signature on the hard copy
Meet with and secure the approval of your department/program, including the signature of your
department chair/program director
Meet with and secure the approval of your school/division, including the signature of your school dean
Submit the completed form (a) electronically to and (b) hard copy (with
signatures) to 286 Gordon Science Center
What will happen after you submit your proposal to Curriculum Committee?
CC Chair performs a submission audit, and you might be asked for clarification or more information
CC Secretary assigns a submission number and creates an Engage folder
CC Chair places the proposal on CC’s agenda  Note that program proposals cannot be
reviewed/approved until all of their constituent course and components have been approved
4. CC Chair attends to the Programs under Development website until Faculty Senate reaches a decision
about the program
5. CC reviews/discusses your proposal and might contact you with follow-up questions, and/or you might
be asked to attend an CC meeting
6. CC Chair notifies Faculty Senate via a Regular Agenda just before CC is anticipated to reach an
approval decision; 1 month after such notification, there will be a Faculty Senate discussion
7. CC votes on your proposal. (On occasion, Faculty Senate discussions can occur before CC approval.
When this happens, there is an eletronic vote. Either way, CC approval must precede a Faculty Senate
8. CC Secretary forwards the signed hard copy of the proposal to the Office of Academic Affairs for the
remaining approvals/signatures
9. CC Chair presents the Regular Agenda during Faculty Senate; discussion occurs in one meeting, voting
in the next meeting (or subsequent e-vote)
10. Faculty Senate Presiding Officer/Secretary forwards the signed and approved hard-copy proposal to the
UC President’s Office for the President’s review
11. Once approved by the President, the President’s Office notifies you, CC (, and the
Registrar  The Office of Academic Affairs will determine whether additional, post-Curriculum
Committee requirements must be met (e.g., NYSED program registration) before the program can be
advertised/implemented; this “Add a Program” form does not address post-Curriculum requirements
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