Harvard Business Review on Knowledge Management Articles 7-8 Presented for MIS 580 By Harry Xenophontos Research that Reinvents the Corporation •Published in 1991 •By John Seely Brown •Former Director of Xerox Research Center, PARC •Real case study example 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 2 Article Outline The Corporation Invention Technology Gets Out of the Way Harvesting Local Innovation Coproducing Innovation Innovating with the Customer PARC: Seedbed of the Computer Revolution How Xerox Redesigned its Copiers 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 3 The Corporation Invention “The most important invention that will come out of the corporate research lab in the future will be the corporation itself ”. Understand how people really work How technology can help them work more effectively Use research to reinvent the corporation 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 4 The Corporation Invention Pioneering Research Principles New work practices is as important as new products Learning from innovation Can’t just produce innovation Ultimate innovation partner is the customer 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 5 Technology Gets Out of the Way The technology itself will become invisible Example: Photocopier “Information Technology is everywhere and can be customized to match more closely the work to be done”. Disappearance of the copier as a stand alone device. 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 6 Technology Gets Out of the Way Remote Interactive Communication (RIC) IT’s transformation of the copier Complex computing and communication devices- Sensors that collect information Artificial intelligence techniques Customer - never see the machine fail Xerox - way to listen to the customer 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 7 Harvesting Local Innovation IS customization to support work practices Nature of innovation, organizational learning and good product design PARC Anthropologists: Employees do their work different than they say they do or trained to do Potential to be remarkable innovative By capturing the innovation and learn from it 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 8 Harvesting Local Innovation Customized user-system program (CUSP) Allows users to modify the system themselves Buttons - people without a lot of training in computers can make modifications Xerox tech reps learn most out in the field Have anyone had a similar experience? 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 9 Coproducing Innovation Communicate fresh insights so that others can grasp their significance - tech transfer How the corporation rejects certain ideas Uncover features that need to change Conceptual envisioning environment Envision new products before are actually built Share understanding with partners to coproduce new technologies and practices 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 10 Innovating with the Customer “research’s ultimate partner in coproduction is the customer” Customers may be unaware of their needs Product may not yet exists Prototyping a need or use before prototyping a system 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 11 PARC: Seedbed of the Computer Revolution Basic research in computing and electronics How complex organizations use information Throughout the 1970s PARC innovations: 7/12/2016 Bit map - display with easy interface LAN - distributed computing Overlapping screen windows Point and click editing Smalltalk - first object oriented programming language Laser printing prototype - billion dollar business (1990) MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 12 How Xerox Redesigned Its Copiers In 1980s service calls were increasing Unreliable printers Xerox’s quality reputation was at stake Source of the problem was the copier design By adding new functions the copiers became very complex Research video experiment - proposed alternative design - dramatic results change 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 13 Research That Reinvents the Corporation Xerox letter from J. S. Brown, Corporate VP to a young researcher Essential tools are trust and intuition Radical approach to research Improving current technology A research plotted path is the one you invent Following your instinct is most important A successful company must use research 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 14 Managing Professional Intellect: Making the most of the Best Published in 1996 By: James Brian Quinn Philip Anderson Sydney Finkelstein 7/12/2016 Philosophical Article Where we are going in the future MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 15 Article Outline What is Professional Intellect? Developing Professional Intellect Leveraging Professional Intellect Inverting Organizations Creating Intellectual Webs 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 16 Managing Professional Intellect Overview “A corporation’s success today lies more in its intellectual and systems capabilities than its physical assets” Little attention to managing intellect - creates the most value in the new economy Don’t work hard - work smart 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 17 What is Professional Intellect? The professional intellect of an organization operates in four levels: Cognitive knowledge - know what Advanced skills - know how Systems understanding - know why Self motivated creativity - care why (This order represents increasing importance) A professional’s activity is directed at perfection, not creativity 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 18 Developing Professional Intellect Best practices for managing intellect 1. Recruit the best Microsoft interviews 100s for each one it hires; Four Seasons 50 for 1 Most qualified professionals want to work with the best in their fields 2. Force intensive early development 7/12/2016 The learning curve depends heavily on interactions with customers Ensure growth through complexity, mentoring, rewards for performance and strong incentives MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 19 Developing Professional Intellect Best practices for managing intellect 3. Constantly increase professional challenges Leaders - demanding, visionary, intolerant Set almost impossible “stretch goals” Push workers beyond book knowledge, simulation models, controlled laboratories 4. Evaluate and weed 7/12/2016 Professionals - evaluated, compete, knoe they have excelled against their peers Andersen Consulting - only 10% moves to partnership MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 20 Leveraging Professional Intellect For years, could create leverage by More intensive training and work schedule Increasing the number of associates Changing the traditional economics of managing professional intellect New software tools, incentive systems and organizational designs for much higher levels Overcome professionals’ reluctance sharing information 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 21 Inverting Organizations Successful reorganizations abandon hierarchical structures Breaking away from traditional thinking NovaCare organizes around the work of its therapists - CEO refers to them as ‘bosses’ Supporting Organizations The center provides support services Enough expertise to be self-sufficient Act independently to meet specific customer needs 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 22 Inverting Organizations Individual Professionals Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Support Staff Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 CEO 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 23 Creating Intellectual Webs Spider’s Webs Forms to accomplish a particular project and disbands when the project is completed Appropriate when knowledge is dispersed among many specialists As opposed to HealthCare, tech troubleshooting units and universities that we saw earlier, many consulting firms, investment banks, research consortia and medical teams use this approach. 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 24 Spider’s Web Specialists Client-relationship managers Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 Person 1 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 25 Managing Professional Intellect Summary “Managing human intellect-and converting it into useful products and services-is fast becoming the critical executive skill of the age” Professional intellect creates most of the value in the new economy, in service and manufacturing industries alike Interest in intellectual capital, creativity, innovation, and learning organizations 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 26 External Sources IT Doesn’t Matter, by Nicholas G. Carr, Harvard Business Review IT will become a commodity IT investment and strategy will change dramatically Technology will get out of the way The technology itself will become invisible Comparison with railroads and power 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 27 Additional Resources IT Does Not Matter…Or, Does it? Has IT moved from a strategic to a purely tactical function? By Deepak Sarup, FCA, CISA Information Systems Audit and Control Association, www.isaca.org “Companies need to keep evolving and changing to harness the power of advances in IT” It is not technology but the use of information that provides the competitive edge 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 28 Personal Opinion and Comments IT will need to be used to research and create innovation, but business processes and knowledge workers’ management approach will make more importance. So, part of IT does matter, part of IT does not. Customers will drive organizations according to their needs, and they might get tired using technology, or even worse depend on technology for most part of their life. 7/12/2016 MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 29 Thank You “Knowledge is Power: So Don’t Forget to Recharge. HBSP - The Power of Ideas at Work” 7/12/2016 Comments Discussion Opinions Questions Critiques Answers MIS580 - Harry Xenophontos 30