The Green Promise  October 4-7, 2012

The Green Promise
Workshop and Fun Shop Proposals
Due to State Specialist
on or before May 10, 2012
October 4-7, 2012
2012 Forum Objective – Prepare for a 21st Century
4-H Program which provides volunteers and
educators with three skill sets employers are seeking
in the work force.
 C.A. Vines Arkansas 4-H Center
ATTENTION - In an effort to better serve our
participants we ask all workshop instructors, who
are providing handouts, to submit an electronic
version of the materials for distribution on CD.
Materials due 9/10/12
To accomplish this, we are requesting workshops
and opportunities for developing skill sets that
advance educational experiences; provide an environment for creative growth and encourage
opportunities for innovation.
Workshops will be grouped by the terms Educate, Create and Innovate. To further your
understanding and support of the forum goals, the following explanations and definitions have been
Educate Volunteers facilitate 4-H project work which teaches how to think rather than what to think.
Through 4-H educational experiences the HEAD is the target for developing and applying
the life skills of Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Learning to Learn. Do you have a
workshop that advances educational experiences?
Volunteers provide an environment for creative growth and the production of original ideas
that are made useful. The Experiential Learning Model is a means for generating ideas,
making connections and developing the imagination. Through 4-H educational experiences
the HEART is the target for developing and applying the life skills of Nurturing
Relationships and Social Skills. Do you have a workshop that provides an environment for
creative growth?
Innovate Volunteers provide opportunities for youth to make a difference in themselves, the family,
home, school and community through the successful blending of new and/or useful ideas.
Through 4-H educational experiences the HANDS are targeted for developing and applying
the life skills of Responsible Citizens and Self-responsibility. The HEALTH is targeted for
mastering the life skills Character, Self-management and Self-esteem. Do you have a
workshop that encourages opportunities for innovation?
Life skills as defined in the 4-H Life Skills Model
Critical Thinking —
strategies for analyzing,
comparing, reasoning, and
reflecting focused on
deciding what to believe or
do; discovering meaning;
building connections with
past learning.
Nurturing Relationships —
two or more people form a
connection that contributes
to their mutual well being,
each providing care and
attention to the other
Responsible Citizenship —
an individual demonstrating
love and devotion in
response to duties, rights,
and privileges as a member
of a community or country.
Stress Management — to
direct or have control over
physical or mental strain
and pressure, or one’s
reaction to it; coping with
Problem Solving — clearly
identifying a problem and a
plan of action for resolution
of the problem.
Social Skills — skills people
use when interacting with
others and to behave in the
accepted manner or
customs of the society in
which they live; adapting
well to one’s social
Self-discipline — control of
self and one’s conduct in
line with moral character
(what is right and wrong),
personal values (what one
considers important), and
societal expectations;
control before acting in a
hurtful or harmful way.
Self-esteem — pride in
oneself; proper regard for
oneself as a human being;
valuing oneself; a feeling of
ability to cope; learning to
accept and like oneself.
Learning to Learn —
acquiring, evaluating, and
using information;
understanding the methods
and skills for learning.
Character — a person’s
moral strength; integrity,
fortitude, reputation; a
person’s usual qualities or
traits; adherence to a code
of values or ethical
Workshops – 90 minutes. We encourage sharing successful programs which blend/support/develop one or
more of the 10 defined life skills and/or skills sets that 1) advance educational experiences; 2) provide an
environment for creative growth and 3) encourage opportunities for innovation. Taught in a form deemed
effective (presentations, panel discussions or experiential learning opportunities).
Fun Shop – 60 minutes taught in the evening. We are seeking hands on/interactive workshops, in the areas
of recreation, educational crafts, food, dance, etc.
Expenses - All presenters are responsible for their own expenses, including conference registration, travel,
lodging, meals, specialized equipment rental and handouts. Workshop fees can only be charged to recoup
material/supply costs, not the printing of handouts/CD.
Criteria for Selection:
All submissions will be reviewed by a committee composed of members of the Regional Forum Planning
Committee using the following criteria:
Content encourages the understanding and application of the one of more of the ten “focused” life
Subject/topic important/relevant to the growth and development of 4-H volunteers?
Subject/topic important/relevant to positive youth development?
2012 SR4-HVF -Request for Proposals
Prefer to receive the proposals electronically, rather than by fax or mail. Saves on data input.
Hand written or typed proposals are acceptable.
Proposal must be submitted to your state 4-H office no later than May 10th.
List one person as the team leader. This individual will receive all correspondence relative to the
session. The team leader will be responsible for communicating with other team member.
Instructor/Team Leader:______________________________________________
FULL Mailing Address: ______________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________ Cell Phone: ______________________
List the names of all presenters for inclusion in the program.
 Workshop (90 minutes)
 Fun Shop
(60 minutes, taught in the evening)
Recreation, educational crafts, food, dance,
Session Title
Please carefully proof submission. The conference planning committee reserves the right to edit
descriptions. Describe in 50-75 words your session as you would like it to appear in the
Based on the definitions on pages 1 and 2, which workshop track does the subject best fit?
 Educate
 Create
 Innovate
Based on the definitions on pages 1 and 2, which life skills will the subject/topic apply to
positive youth development practices?
 Critical Thinking
 Nurturing
 Responsible
 Stress
 Problem Solving
 Learning to Learn  Social Skills
 Self-Discipline
 Self-esteem
 Character
Briefly explain what will be taught.
2012 SR4-HVF -Request for Proposals
Why is the subject/topic important/relevant to growth and development of volunteers?
Why is the subject/topic important/relevant to youth development?
Describe teaching techniques to be used.
Please list other occasions when you presented this workshop including Southern Region
Volunteer Forum or other meetings? If new session, simply respond with “new session.”
Please select the audience the subject best suited for. You may check more than one.
 New Volunteers
 Experienced Volunteers
 County Educators
Is it necessary to limit the number of participants?  Yes
 No
If yes, what is the maximum capacity? ______
Are you willing to repeat your session?  Yes
 No
Planning Committees policy on “Charging” for Programming - Carefully consider whether charging for a
workshop is necessary. Participants have paid a substantial fee to attend the Forum. Some cannot afford
additional charges. Charging is acceptable but participants must leave your session with items of equal or
greater value than your fee. Fees should not exceed $5. A “supply fee” is designed for programs that
require supplies – i.e. food, crafts, fabric, electronics, etc.
List any fees for your workshop: $______ per person.
If charging a fee, what items/materials/finished product will participants take with them?
Room Setup (select one)
 Theater (no tables for participants)
Number of tables needed for
instruction/supplies/demonstration (specify
the number of tables) _____
2012 SR4-HVF -Request for Proposals
 Classroom (with tables for participants)
Facility Needs – check all that apply
 TV,  Projection Screen,  LCD Projector,  Computer,  Intranet,  Kitchen,
 Water/Sink,  Electrical Outlets,  Outdoor Pavilion,  Outdoor Sports venue,
 Campfire ring
Please provide any additional information the planning committee needs to know:
Preferred delivery format is as an electronic Word Document. Forms mailed or faxed are also
Mississippi 4-H Youth Development
SR4-HVF Proposals
Attn: Harvey Gordon
PO Box 9641
Mississippi State, MS 39762
FAX 662.325.5207
If you have questions contact Harvey Gordon, Extension Specialist 4-H Youth Development or call (662) 325-3350.
SR4-HVF Home Page
2012 SR4-HVF -Request for Proposals