“A child is a person who is going to carry... what you have started. He is going to sit

“A child is a person who is going to carry on
what you have started. He is going to sit
where you are sitting, and when you are
gone, attend to those things you think are
important. You may adopt all the policies
you please, but how they are carried out
depends upon him. He will assume
control of your cities, states and nations.
He is going to move in and take over your
churches, schools, universities and
corporations…the fate of humanity is in
his hands.”
Abraham Lincoln
What is a Leader?
• L – lights the path, shows the way and
initiates change
• E – expects success and nothing less
• A – attitude that is positive and enthusiastic
• D – deals with conflict, resolves it and moves
• E – example of hard work and excellence;
prioritizes, manages and organizes
• R – risks failure by taking a stand
4-H Pledge
I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
my heart to greater loyalty,
my hands to larger service,
and my health to better living…
for my club, my community,
my country and my world.
Types of Service Projects
Community Service
*one time service performed for an individual or
*doesn’t include reflection or evaluation of project
*usually meets needs at that moment
*no long term commitment
Examples: food drive, trash bash
Community Service Learning
Young people learn, develop and participate in
organized services experiences that :
• meet community needs.
• are coordinated between 4-H and others.
• provide structured reflection time.
• provide opportunities to apply 4-H project
skills and knowledge to real life situations.
Community Service Learning Cont.
• enhance what is taught in 4-H by extending
learning into the community.
• commit to longer term involvement.
• help foster a sense of caring for others.
Example: Adopt a family, Adopt a road,
Senior citizen pen pal
Degree of Youth Ownership
• No Ownership – 4-H educator or leader selects one
problem and plans service project.
• Partial Ownership – Youth select from several
already-identified projects or collaborators; help
define roles.
• Full Ownership – Youth identify problem areas, select
those to be addressed, lead in designing, organizing
and delivering service.
• Applying Head, Heart
and Hands to 4-H
Community Service
Learning, LSU
Agricultural Center,
• An Asset Builder’s
Guide to Service
Learning, Search
Institute, www.searchinstitute.org.