Mrs. Nijor’s Letter to Students and Parents 2014-2015

Mrs. Nijor’s Letter to Students and Parents 2014-2015
Classroom Expectations and Procedures
Mrs. Nijor, Mathematics, Room 721
Email:, telephone (650) 960-8310
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to math class! I am excited to be working with you this year and look forward to getting to know you better!
This letter is to familiarize you with some classroom expectations and procedures. The Course Information Sheet (CIS)
with specific information about the class can be found on the school’s website. Please feel free to contact me at the above
email address and/or phone number, if you have any questions. Thank you!
Best regards,
Megan Nijor
Class Rules and Expectations:
1. RESPECT: Respect will be given between the teacher and student, as well as between all students.
2. HONESTY: Being honest with yourself and others is very important in life. Likewise, students are expected to do
their own work and provide their own answers in class. Cheating and copying is not acceptable and the consequence
will be a zero on such assignment/quiz/test.
3. ATTENDANCE: When the bell sounds, students must be seated and prepared to learn. “Prepared” means: have
your pencils, notebook, supplies, and receptive mind ON when the bell rings. A student must be sitting in his/her
seat when the bell rings in order to be marked on time. Students are expected to manage their time efficiently, using
the bathroom in between classes and planning ahead.
4. CLASSROOM: No food or drinks should be consumed in class, except water. Sunglasses, hats, and ear buds shall
not be worn during class. All electronics such as cell phones are to be turned off during class. Any electronics being
used or seen will be transferred to the main office. Backpacks stay on the floor and out of the aisles.
(see back for more!!!)
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Request: If you are able to donate a box of Kleenex for our classroom use, it would be
Suggested Materials List:
3-ring binder with three sections: Reading Logs and Notes, Homework, Quiz/Test/Review
Graph paper and loose-leaf lined paper
Pencils (and extra lead, if applicable), pens, erasers, and highlighter
Four-function calculator ** most quizzes and tests only allow four-function calculators
Scientific calculator or Graphing calculator (TI84 recommended for graphing calculator)
Homework and Reading Logs:
Consistent and timely homework completion is necessary for success in this class! Please see the course information
sheet (available on school website) for make-up policies.
Homework assignments are posted on: the board, Aeries/SIS, class website’s calendar
Homework will be scored based on completion:
-- Show all the work (your thinking), no matter how simple the problem may seem. Examples of homework that
receive zero points include papers that only copied the problem or papers that only show the answer.
-- Try all the problems!
-- Heading: Write your full name, the date, the homework pages and problem numbers at the top the paper.
-- Solutions: You are responsible for checking answers in the back of the book and/or the class website. Do not copy
solutions! Rather, use them to help you figure out where you went wrong or how to get past a “roadblock.” Then
complete the rest independently. Please ask questions in class (or after class) for the problems you would like
clarification on.
Reading Logs: Literacy in all subject areas is an important goal at LAHS. Students will regularly be assigned to read a
short section from the math textbook and complete a reading log about their reading process. Although the section
will be short, reading math text requires more time, as re-reading is almost always needed. I encourage you to have a
discussion with your student about how you read technical pieces (instruction manuals, legal documents, etc.).
Reading logs will be stamped and discussed in class, and they will be a preview of the next day’s lesson. They will
be collected at the end of the unit and graded for completion.
Extra help: Persist in asking the teacher about concepts that you still need help on! Mrs. Nijor is available to help
during Tuesday tutorial period and by appointment during before school, lunch, or after school. Don't be afraid to
make an appointment.
Grading Policy:
Please see the course information sheet (available on school website and class website) for the grading policy.
During a rare occasion, our math class may occasionally view movie(s) rated G, PG, or PG13. If there are any objections
to the student watching any of these ratings, please email Mrs. Nijor or send a note with the student. Arrangements will
then be made for alternative classroom placement during these times. Thank you!
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I have reviewed the Letter for Students and Parents for Mrs. Nijor’s class. I clearly understand it and will abide
by it during the entire 2014-2015 school year.
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________ Date __________________
Student Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________________
Student Name (print) ________________________________________Subject__________ Period ______
The best way to reach a parent/guardian is
 email
 phone