Directions for placing evenly space balusters on a stair run


Directions for placing evenly space balusters on a stair run

1. Determine the distance between balusters + 1 baluster

2. Draw a baluster and place the right edge on the right edge of the lower

newel post. Make sure you give it the fill you want.

3. Divide the answer to question one by 4" + 1 baluster and round the number up.

This number represents the number of balusters needed + 1. Subtract one baluster for actual number needed.

4. Divide the rounded number into the answer to question 1. This is the spacing + 1 baluster.

5. To get the spacing subtract one baluster width off of your answer.

6. Draw a vertical line on the right edge of the lower newel post. Using the answer to question 5 as

the distance move the line to the right.

7. Duplicate the line and move it 1 baluster thickness to the right.

8. Use the Measuring Tool to measure the distance along the top of the skirt board from the point where

the last line drawn in step 6 intersects with the top of the skirt board, to the point where the newel post

intersects with the top of the skirt board.

9. Use the Protractor tool to find the rise angle of the stairs.

10. Select the baluster drawn in step 2 and open the Duplicate Array

menu and place your data in as shown below and select OK

Directions for laying out evenly spaced balusters along the horizontal run


Measure the distance between the newel posts and add one baluster width.


Divide the answer to step one by 4 + 1 Baluster width and round up. This number represents the number of balusters needed + one.


Subtract 1 from your answer in step 2. This gives you the actual number of balusters needed.


Divide the rounded up answer from step 2 into the answer to step 1. This represents the spacing between balusters plus one baluster.


Subtract one baluster width for the answer to step 4 and you will have the actual spacing.


Draw one baluster and align the right vertical edge with the right vertical edge of the left newel post.


Select the baluster drawn in the previous step and open the Duplicate Array Window. Setup as below with your data. Use the answer from step 4 as your x axis length. Select OK
