+ Role of Fire in Nutrient Cycling in Brazil and the Pine Barrens Hedin Laboratory Princeton University Summer 2013 Amy Tourgee Symposium of Learning October 4, 2013 + Hedin Laboratory Organization of Hedin Lab Location: EEB Department, Princeton University Research Interests: nutrient cycling Summer Internship Work: Meta-analysis Experiment/Fieldwork + Project Origins Nutrient cycling Nutrient-vegetation feedbacks shape landscape Role of fire in these feedbacks Questions about linking above and belowground cycling and soil fertility Site Applications Brazil: savanna vs. forest Pine Barrens: pygmy pines vs. forest + Project 1: Meta-Analysis Goal: study the differences in community composition of nitrogen-fixing species and individuals between savanna and forest in Brazil Methods Meta-analysis: combining data from many different studies Advantages: precision and accuracy for a heterogeneous and spatially large area. + Project 1: Meta-Analysis My Role Search for scientific papers with relevant data Compile data into an Excel database Analyze data using statistics and graphs Conclusions Deduce something about the role of fire in shaping savanna/forest niches Test evolutionary strategy of nitrogen-fixers + Project 2: Pine Barrens “Pinelands” Central and Southern NJ Forest vs. Pygmy Pines Goal: determine the role of soil fertility and fire in shaping the above and belowground biomass. Methods Experimental design Fieldwork in the Pine Barrens + Project 2: Pine Barrens My role Fieldwork: vegetation surveys and measurements, soil samples above and belowground biomass, soil fertility 3 plots: hold soil fertility & fire frequency constant through different plot combinations Conclusion Infer whether fire or soil fertility or combination drives nutrient cycling feedbacks Poor soil fertility & Low frequency of fire Poor soil fertility & High frequency of fire Very poor soil fertility & High frequency of fire + Internship Experience Research Experience Data compilation vs. fieldwork Insight into working in a lab Skills Tackling problems and revision in the scientific process Collaboration with other scientists Confidence in my work + Thank You! Adam Pellegrini, Graduate Student, Princeton University Hedin Laboratory Princeton Environmental Institute