TRANSCRIBING YOUR mRNA and TRANSLATING THE GENE INTO A PROTEIN (AMINO ACID SEQUENCE) RESEARCH PAPER GOAL 1. Scholars will use the National Institute of Health CCDS project to identify a core set of protein coding regions for their gene of interest. The website is : 2. After identifying the CCDS number, type it under the search bar and then search using your device. 3. At the bottom of the page, there is section called CCDS Sequence Data, this is the mRNA transcript of the protein that you are researching on. 4. Click each codon and you will automatically translate your codon to the amino acid sequence of your protein. Your codon and amino acid are color coded. 5. Make sure that your start codon is ATG! 6. Once your complete codon and amino acid sequence are color coded. Copy and paste the sequence in your paper! 7. Save your work and let Mr. Free check it for accuracy.