Presentation to PEOC: Sustainability Coordinator Position April 26, 2005

Presentation to PEOC:
Sustainability Coordinator Position
April 26, 2005
Goals attempted,
considered, or in
• 100% PWC Paper Policy
• Dining:
– Fair trade coffee
– Sustainable seafood
– Local, organic food
• Reduce campus energy and water
• Purchase solar and/or wind energy
• Improve recycling
• EcoRep Program
• Reduce end-of-year moveout waste
• Voluntary green building
• GEM Cars
• No-flush urinals
• Establish an organic farm
• Mass Transit: Reduce the
environmental impact of faculty/staff
Factors Hindering Progress
2. Noncompliance with stated mandates
3. Lack of Faculty, Student & Community
4. Funding for initiatives
How a sustainability
coordinator can help us:
Take on responsibilities that have been added
to our duties
2. Noncompliance with stated mandates
Work with departments to solve problems
3. Lack of Faculty, Student & Community
Perform outreach and education campaigns
4. Funding for initiatives
Pursue external funding opportunities
These positions can pay for themselves.
Sample Job Description
Full-time position in the Facilities Department
Goal: Increase the sustainability of practices such as recycling, energy and
water use, transportation, food services, construction, building design and
Create a unified strategy
Propose and prioritize environmental projects
Assess cost effectiveness, technical feasibility and likelihood of acceptance
Seek external ‘seed’ funding when necessary
Work with the university departments to implement such projects
No authority over any existing departments, but a resource for all
– Coordinate efforts across departments, campus-wide
– Propose initiatives, do research on proposals by other departments
Publicize Princeton’s environmental initiatives to alumni, other universities,
and the general public
Perform outreach and education on campus, either academic or special
Positions at other Schools
Harvard -- Green Campus Initiative Director
Yale – Recycling Coordinator, 2 Sustainable Food Directors
Brown -- Environmental Coordinator/Resource Efficiency Manager
Rutgers -- Campus Sustainability Coordinator
Middlebury -- Environmental Coordinator
University of Colorado at Boulder -- Director of the Environmental Center
Seattle University -- Environmental Coordinator & Environmental Safety Mngr
Tulane -- Environmental Coordinator
University of Wisconsin at Madison -- Environmental Management Coordinato
Michigan State University -- Director of Campus Sustainability
University of Oregon -- Environmental Resource Manager
University of British Columbia
Dartmouth and Portland State – currently hiring
Examples of Funding Sources
• Dartmouth
– Pilot program funded for 3 years from a grant from the
provost's office
• University of British Columbia
– Funded entirely on the savings produced by our programs
• Yale (Sustainable Food Director)
– Initially three years of funding with an interest in
institutionalizing the position
• Harvard (Green Campus Initiative)
– Significant seed money (from grants and the University), but
the HCGI has generated annual savings that far exceed the
cost of the programs
Path Forward
• Continued --heightened-- appeals to the
Administration and CPUC for seed money
• Greening Princeton’s requests would be
greatly enhanced by support from PEOC
member departments.
• Exploration of possible grant sources
• Work with Development Office to seek
alumni support
Thank you!