Minutes of the 33rd EBCC Executive Committee Meeting, Chiavenna, Italy, 17 April 2007, 10.00 a.m.- 18.00 p.m. Attending: Richard Gregory (RG, chair), Anny Anselin (AA, BCN Editor), Hans-Günther Bauer (HGB, Secretary), Ian Burfield (IB, Observer BirdLife Int.), Alena Pazderova (AP), Lorenzo Fornasari (LF, 2007 Conference Organizer), Ruud Foppen (RF, Treasurer), Fréderic Jiguet (FJ), Åke Lindström (ÅL, Delegate Officer), David Noble (DN, Observer BTO), Przemek Chylarecki (PC), Alexander Mischenko (AM), Petr Vorisek (PV, Coordinator PECBM), Sylvia Barova (SB, Coordinator SEED Bird Indicator). Apologies: Ward Hagemeijer (vice Chairman), Uygar Özesmi 1. Chairman’s welcome RG welcomes attendees to the 33rd Executive Committee (ExCo) meeting. Special thanks go to LF and the team for hosting and arranging the meeting, and, of course, the EBCC conference in Chiavenna itself. Due to the tight conference schedule, ExCo meeting will be much shorter than normal. ExCo would first discuss the conference then move on to other business. 15. 17th EBCC Conference in Chiavenna LF provided ExCo with an overview on the organisation of the EBCC conference. A very good turnout was anticipated: 240 people attending, with 120 talks and 60 posters. LF presents financial plan and budget. The income was some 90,000 € with predicted expenses slightly higher, the balance at present was short by about 2,000 €. The income generated for the conference by Lorenzo’s team was excellent; it had been a great effort. Some 27 people had paid an additional 20 €, which meant 34 attendees from low-income countries could be supported (30 partially, 4 completely). This sums up to costs of 4,125 €, 540 € of which to be covered by the 27 conference participants paying extra, 2,000 € by EBCC funding (as agreed previously), and 1,585 € remaining, to be covered by the conference revenues. RG congratulates LF and conference team for the high amounts accrued from sponsorship, which are unprecedented, and the superb organisation. ExCo discussed the publication of the conference proceedings. The decision stands that papers have to be handed in within two months of the conference. The format of papers is outlined on website, but LF should inform everybody of exact procedure during his introduction and remind speakers during the conference. The plan is to publish short papers; around 6 pages with figures/tables included. Avocetta will be ready to publish a 240-pagevolume; most of the rest would be published in Bird Census News (BCN). There was also a short discussion of other possibilities. One idea was publication as a joint symposium in an issue of Bird Conservation International (BirdLife/Cambridge University Press), and publication in the RING, but these are still open depending on submissions. Currently, there was no list of participants in the conference packs and it was suggested that this could be put on CD (with contact details) and included and sent with the Proceedings volume. There was also discussion about the possibility of making people’s PowerPoint presentations for Chiavenna available somehow, perhaps on a CD. Naturally, this would have to be done with everyone’s permission, but concerns about people using information without permission, would be reduced using .pdf format or similar. Board Meeting preparation. Point 5, relating to EBCC constitutional change, to be extended so that every Board Meeting participant was absolutely clear that the constitution is being voted on in a resolution. RG will suggest to the Board Meeting that the ExCo election should be taken as a single vote, rather than 10 individual votes. ÅL and HGB to prepare a paper list for delegates and proxies, and others, to sign at beginning of Board Meeting, as a full record of the Board Meeting. Those Delegates whose status was ratified by EBCC at the conference would be able to vote following the current constitution. In the future, however, specific rules for ratifying delegates will have to be laid down in the EBCC by-laws and strictly followed. 2. Minutes of 32nd meeting Minutes of last meeting adopted; no comments. No objections or additions to items listed for the current meeting. 3. EBCC profile paper As discussed previously, ExCo was keen for EBCC to do more to raise its profile and advertise to the outside world the excellent work it was supporting and guiding. RF had already done some work on this and it was agreed that this draft presentation should be given as a poster if possible. The latest version might also be put on website. There was insufficient time to talk about EBCC profile raising here, but this should be an agenda item again at next ExCo meeting. 4. EBCC Constitution and Articles of Association RG and RF had had final discussions in a meeting with the notaries in Netherlands. The finalized papers had been circulated on two occasions by ÅL to ExCo and Delegates together with additional information on why the change was needed, what this meant to delegates, and how to vote. The final decision on constitutional change would be made by the Delegates at the Board Meeting on Thursday. In future, EBCC/ExCo will have to operate in a slightly more formalized and professional fashion following the new procedures in the constitution and Dutch Law. The new ExCo will have the task of taking this forward and translating the new articles into agreed and clear operating procedures, using bye-laws for this purpose. 5. Financial report RF reports on the year 2006 (see appendix). Income from JRC so far not received (4,000 €), but data request contract signed. Money to CSO for web site maintenance and development will be sent as soon as EBCC’s VAT-number was available. The EBCC’s Brussels bank account is now closed and money transferred to Dutch account. No more data requests with income received, so income therefore stagnating. 6. Bird Census News AA reports on current state of BCN. Issue 2006/2 has appeared recently. Work on Volume 20 progressing, with 30 pages already full; in addition, minutes of Chiavenna Board Meeting will appear. It was unclear whether further articles were to be expected from Kayseri meeting? Claus Witt’s envisaged paper for BCN already published elsewhere. Further suggestions from the last ExCo meeting concerning new papers will be followed up by AA. The financial means for the production of BCN granted were again granted by AA’s institute for 2007. RG thanked the Belgian Research Institute for Nature and Forest for their kind support for BCN. ExCo had discussed previously revamping or re-launching BCN, although any such change would need careful consideration and might have financial implications too. Note that colour versions of articles are already published on EBCC web site, so parallel publication in the paper version of BCN is possible (noting the caveats above), and authors already receive .pdf versions of their articles from AA. 7. Proceedings of Kayseri Conference UÖ unfortunately was unable to attend due to illness. RG reports that the plan was still that 14 or 15 papers were to be published in the Turkish Journal of Zoology, approximately in September 2007, the remainder in BCN. 8. Delegates’ list ÅL had prepared an updated paper on the Delegates for distribution among ExCo members. There were now 73 confirmed Delegates on the list, with two Delegates each from 35 countries, one from 3 countries, and zero from a further 8 countries. In some cases though, direct contact with the Delegates had not yet been established (for example Andorra). RG thanks ÅL for his excellent work on improving and updating the EBCC’s Delegate list, and his energy in creating a dialogue with Delegates. ÅL had prepared poster for Chiavenna with vital information for the Delegates to consider and update during the conference. A “missing delegates” list would be circulated in ExCo with the hope that some gaps might be filled in due course. In future, ExCo needed to encourage Delegates to play a much more active role in EBCC’s work and see themselves as central players in how EBCC developed and evolved. In that regard, Minutes of the ExCo meetings (without the appendices and action points) are routinely posted on the EBCC website, and they are sent directly by ÅL to all Delegates. However, ExCo needed to find ways to increase communication and exchange with Delegates. 9. EBCC Website DN reported on how the EBCC website had developed recently: Henk Sierdsema’s EBCC atlas maps are now available; also “newish” Delegates list (but updated version to replace this soon); PECBMS updates including species trends recently published; a new section on the SEED Bird Indicators project; and some 14 country reports on the activities and status of atlas and monitoring projects included on the website. The hope is that these reports will encourage other countries to add their own material more quickly. Currently, the web link for data requests goes directly to RG, and this might be changed to be more useful. The guest book had been removed (because of spam emails), instead, some statistics, e.g. the number of visits per month would be useful . Thanks go to DN for his great work as web champion. Various updates, such as PECBMS indicators, ExCo and Board papers, the new ExCo line-up, EBCC publications etc. could be anticipated following the Chiavenna conference. ExCo might usefully look at updating and expanding the website when it next meets. 10. Recent data requests New requests for EBCC Atlas data: Frederic Jiguet wished to extend his previous work on thermal ranges and bird trends. Work on maximum and minimum temperature and temperature range envelopes (Mar-Aug) of breeding species had been used successfully to predict long-term trends of these species. The idea now is to extend the species set in order to calculate community-based climate window (thermal specialization index). ExCo agreed continued co-operation with Stuart Newson from BTO for access to data. Papers published so far to be used more prominently on EBCC web site as well. FJ to send these papers to AP for inclusion on EBCC web site (but .pdfs can only be presented with permission depending on individual journal procedures) Fabien Peter from Switzerland (through Verena Keller), had requested data for a water catchment project, but this had been postponed because currently there was no funding available. Matthew Wood from Oxford University had requested data to work on hybrid zones of Icterine and Melodious warbler, also no funding available, but ExCo agreed is was acceptable as a collaboration (Henk Sierdsema suggested as possible EBCC contact and co-author on any published outputs) A complete list of recent data requests was available in the Chairman’s report to the Board Meeting. Finished projects Brian Huntley, Rhys Green, Steve Willis, Yvonne Collingham: work on climate change atlas to be presented at the conference in a plenary by Steve Willis. The climate change atlas will appear in autumn/winter 2007, probably in December. After some discussion of the need for EBCC to improve how it dealt with data requests; from how they are agreed, how they are serviced, to how they are tracked and reported upon, ExCo agreed on the need for dedicated effort from someone to lead this area of work. Very kindly Fréderic Jiguet offered to help in this regard and so ExCo duly elected FJ to the new position of EBCC Data Officer. The post holder would for example deal with and keep track of running and finished projects, update a list of publications from EBCC data, etc. etc. in liaison with the Chairman/Daily Management. 11. EBCC data provision and co-authorship policy FJ had developed a new draft document on EBCC data provision and co-authorship policies for discussion and commenting by ExCo members – hopefully during the Chiavenna meeting. Main aspects are (1) Data provision agreement with national data providers, and (2) a general co-authorship policy. This approach fitted perfectly with what the PECMBS had envisaged and had wished to develop. PV would be happy to assist FJ in developing this paper further so that it could be used generally with EBCC projects. FJ should use feedback on this draft document to formalize a final draft for discussion and finalization. PV will gauge reactions and flush out any remaining contentious issues by circulation of the final draft among the PECBMS network. This would, hopefully, allow a general agreement to be put forward to cover other EBCC projects as well. One of the main purposes of the paper was to remove current uncertainty about such policies in EBCC so that data providers in particular were more aware of how their contributed information might be used and how they would be involved and informed of this process. ExCo discussed the degree to which national trend information, as an example, should be openly and freely available, as opposed to being tightly protected. After discussion, and differences of opinion, the conclusion was that EBCC favoured making information more openly available; although conscious of sensitivities and difficulty this might create for some national organisations. 12. Scope of EBCC With limited time available, this item was postponed to a future meeting. 13. PECBMS PV reported briefly on project progress. The third update of pan-European indicator species is being finalized, now with 124 species. Species selection now finished (for the time being) because any more changes would have limited acceptance and might impose major workload. The multi-species indicators have not been published; an official release was planned soon. The individual European species indices were available on the EBCC web site from 18th April. The European farmland bird indicator has been worked on and permission to supply Eurostat with national versions has been requested from national partners. Since new Estonian data were not available, these were computed from the old data. In general, as a consequence of missing data, the index for a particular year may well change when real data become available later. This has to be communicated to Eurostat and EU (but is a general problem of indices). There are three PECBMS talks and one symposium during the Chiavenna conference, highlighting the importance of the project to EBCC, and the need to provide feedback to the national data providers and others. 14. SEED BI project SB shortly reports on progress in the seven countries involved (Romania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Turkey, Macedonia, Poland and Lithuania). Turkey, Macedonia, Belarus have just started work, with common bird monitoring workshops and recruitment in progress. Lithuania and Romania started last year with workshops, now extending work on recruitment. Bulgaria and Poland are more advanced with both having already started CBM schemes. All seven countries should have representatives in Chiavenna and a SEED BI workshop is on the conference programme. A special section on the SEED BI project is also now on the EBCC website. SB has provided a full report on progress in the Chairman’s report, so see there - no appendix to these minutes. 17. Next ExCo meeting Provisional venue for next ExCo meeting will be the BTO Headquarters in Thetford. The exact date, time and venue will be decided by the incoming ExCo. 18. Next EBCC conference meeting At present, we do not have a conference organiser or venue for the 18 th International Conference of EBCC in 2010. There have been unconfirmed suggestions to meet in Spain, but other suggestions may be necessary and welcome. The seasonal timing of the conference is important to avoid unnecessary clashes, for example, with the IOC (which takes place in August 2010 in Brazil). 16. Any other business EBCC-endorsed best practice guide is on agenda of the PECMBS workshop at the conference and will be taken forward. AM reports on the new Russian Farmland CBM scheme. Additional forest bird monitoring project is now being developed separately, but it is hoped that the two initiatives might be combined into a new breeding bird survey RG closes the meeting at 17.15 and thanks all participants for their contributions and fine work. Very special thanks expressed to Przemek Chylarecki and Ward Hagemeijer, who will stand down from ExCo in Chiavenna, both of whom have supported and actively promoted the work of EBCC in a very significant manner over a number of years. Chairman Richard Gregory Secretary Hans-Günther Bauer _____________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX BCN short report to EBCC ExCo meeting 17.04.2007 Chiavenna 1. BCN 19/2 (44 pgs): ready March. Pdf file of complete issue has been sent for the website, pdf-files of individual articles have been forwarded to authors. 2. Bird Census 20/1 (44 pages): deadline 31 May, mailing end of June Proposed Contents: author Preface G. Vermeersch & Marc Herremans J. Elts A. Mischenko H. Heldbjerg Book & reports EBCC EBCC total Anny Anselin title New common bird scheme in Flanders Atlas of Estonia Corncrake (Kayseri abstract) Monitoring in Denmark various Minutes of Board Meeting Chiavenna Name list of new ExCo pages 1 6 total 1 7 Conf 5 8 6 6 5-6? 12 20 26 32 38 X X X X 2 40 40 X EBCC delegates - status report to the ExCo meeting 17 April 2007 in Chiavenna, Italy Åke Lindström, EBCC Delegate’s Officer A total of 46 European countries are currently identified and on the list (see below). New since April 2006 is Montenegro. N means number of confirmed delegates per country. Country N Albania 0 Andorra 2 Armenia 0 Austria 2 Azerbaijan 0 Belarus 0 Belgium 2 Bosnia & Herzegovina 2 Bulgaria 2 Croatia 0 Cyprus 2 Czech Republic 2 Denmark 2 Estonia 2 Finland 2 France 2 Country FYRO Macedonia Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Moldova Montenegro Norway N 0 0 2 2 2 1 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 Country Poland Portugal Republic of Ireland Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland The Netherlands Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom N 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 There are 73 confirmed delegates (60, one year ago), distributed as follows: 2 delegates 1 delegate 0 delegates 35 countries (27) 3 countries (6) 8 countries (12) There is at least one delegate for 38 countries (33) Some comments: - The two Andorran delegates were presented to me through Richard Gregory but I never managed to establish contact with either. One confirmed delegate from Moldova (Nov 2005) did not respond on the latest send-out. But the other 70 should be ”aware and active”. - There are a few more names on the list, but I did not have success with any of them. - I hope and believe that recent send-outs made more delegates aware of their status and what they are suppossed to do. Thus, general awareness level has probably risen since a year ago. - Please find below a compact version of the delegate list. Lund 3 April 2007 Åke Lindström EBCC delegates status 3 April 2007 A date in the ”Contact” column means that the person has confirmed Contact 20060601 20060601 20061212 20061212 20070129 20070201 20061212 20061212 20061220 20061220 20061208 20061211 20061220 20061220 20061207 20061207 20061212 20061207 20061208 20061210 20070109 20070320 20061207 20061214 20070115 20070109 20061218 20061218 20061207 20070109 20070301 20061212 20061221 Country First name Surname Albania Nikolla Peja Albania Klodian Ali Andorra Jordi Dalmau Andorra Jordi Nicolau Armenia Armenia Austria Michael Dvorak Austria Norbert Teufelbauer Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Belarus Michael Nikiforov Belarus Lyubov Vergeichik Belgium Koen Devos Belgium Jean-Paul Jacob Bosnia & Herzegovina Dražen Kotrošan Bosnia & Herzegovina Branislav Gašić Bulgaria Svetoslav Spasov Bulgaria Nikolai Petkov Croatia Tibor Mikuska Croatia Goran Sušic Cyprus Michael Miltiadou Cyprus Nicos Kassinis Czech Republic Jiri Flousek Czech Republic Karel Štastný Denmark Michael Grell Denmark Henning Heldbjerg Estonia Jaanus Elts Estonia Agu Leivits Finland Juha Tiainen Finland Jari Valkama France Frederic Jiguet France Bernard Deceuninck FYRO Macedonia FYRO Macedonia Georgia Georgia Germany Martin Flade Germany Alexander Mitschke Greece Costas Papaconstantinou Greece Theodoros Kominos Hungary Karoly Nagy Hungary Tibor Szep Iceland Kristinn H. Skarphédinsson Iceland Gudmundur A. Gudmundsson Italy Lorenzo Fornasari Italy Toni Mingozzi Latvia Ainars Aunins Latvia Janis Priednieks 20061221 20061208 20061207 20061207 20070109 20070201 20051117 20070104 20061206 20061206 20061213 20061220 20051220 20061220 20061215 20070110 20061220 20061208 20061207 20061207 20061213 20061211 20070104 20070109 20070109 20070131 20070126 20070129 20061207 20061207 20061207 20061207 20060406 20070109 20070122 20070221 20061215 20061212 20061207 20061214 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Lithuania Lithuania Luxembourg Luxembourg Malta Malta Moldova Moldova Montenegro Montenegro Norway Norway Poland Poland Portugal Portugal Republic of Ireland Republic of Ireland Romania Romania Russia Russia Serbia Serbia Slovakia Slovakia Slovenia Slovenia Spain Spain Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland The Netherlands The Netherlands Turkey Turkey Ukraine Ukraine United Kingdom United Kingdom Petras Liutauras Patric Gilles Denis Andrè Nicolai Victoria Darko Andrej Magne Svein Håkon Przemek Cezary Julia Joao Stephen Olivia Zoltan Attila Alexander Mikhail Marco Kurlavicius Raudonikis Lorgé Biver Cachia Raine Zubcov Nistreanu Saveljić Vizi Husby Lorentsen Chylarecki Mitrus Almeida Rabaca Newton Crowe Szabo Sandor Mischenko Kalyakin Tucakov Josef Rudolf Iztok Davorin Juan Carlos Sergi Åke Sören Verena Hans Ward Frank Ozge Uygar Igor Valentin Richard David Ridzon Kropil Geister Tome del Moral Herrando Lindström Svensson Keller Schmid Hagemeijer Saris Balkiz Ozesmi Gorban Serebryakov Gregory Noble __________________________________________________________________________________ Financial Report from Ruud Foppen Assets d.d. 10/01/2006 d.d. 04/15/2007 expected REMARKS cash money assets 210,00 0,00 bank check assets 76,38 153,68 GBP 104,55 Dutch bank account 12299,81 9124,36 12586,19 9278,04 Transactions Oct 1-Apr 15 Income BCN 20 support IN Total income Costs BCN 20 production banking costs Notary costs Travel expenses ExCo meeting Germany Total costs 583,16 583,16 583,16 25,85 1785,00 1364,60 3758,61 Expected transactions Expected income JRC 4414 Total 4414 Expected costs Data provision JRC to HSI Data provision costs to WH maintenance website EBCC by CSO 414 contract mail 610 correspondence invoice nr. 11/2006 and 1100 12/2006 2124