Daily Bulletin Monday, April 4, 2016

Daily Bulletin
Monday, April 4, 2016
Brown Bag Lunch Series in the College and Career Center - Bring your lunch and listen to the following professionals describe
their careers: Wednesday, April 6th - Vicki Perna will describe her career as a Registered Nurse working in the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit. Thursday, April 7th - The Honorable Val Carpenter will discuss making a difference in your community.
She served as the mayor of Los Altos for two terms. Friday, April 8th - Michael Tran, a Cornell University alumnus, will talk
about careers in the high technology field.
Honors/AP Contracts are due by Thursday, April 7th. The contract is now on the school webpage under Quick Links or the
Counseling/Course Selection page. Please turn it in to Ms. Pasallo's office in the Administration Building.
Seniors: If you are planning to attend Foothill College and you have at least a 3.5 GPA, then you can apply for the Chancellors'
Scholarship of $2,000. Please see Ms. Gorman in the College and Career Center for information.
If you are interested in running for Class Council Office, the mandatory meeting has been moved to Thursday, April 7th at
lunch in room 408. Election packets will be available. The Elections will be held on Tuesday, April 26th during Tutorial.
Amnesty International will meet at lunch in rom 410.
FBLA will meet at lunch in room 311. This meeting is mandatory for all attending the State Leadership Conference.
Boys F/S Tennis has a match vs. Kehillah at 3:45. Go Eagles!
Teacher’s Corner: Please excuse Golf at 2:00.