Theorem. AP BQ CR 4 AD BE CF Proof. The area of ABD, denoted by A, is A = 12 BCAD = 12 AC BE = 12 ABCF because AD, CF, and BE are altitudes. Therefore 2A = BCAD= AC BE = ABCF and AD = 2A BC BE = 2A AC CF = 2A AB By substituting AD, BE, and CF by the fractions as above, the expression AP BQ CR is equivalent to AD BE CF AP BQ CR AP BC BQ AC CR AB AD BE CF 2A To prove the theorem, we need to show that APBC + BQAC + CRAB = 8A. Let’s observe APBC with respect to the area of ABD. Four parallel lines to AP and BC respectively form a rectangle abde and its area is APBC. Moreover, AP BC 2A DP BC Similarly, we have BQAC = 2A + EQAC CRAB = 2A + FRAB Therefore we need to show that DPBC + EQAC + FRAB = 2A because the expression AP BQ CR AP BC BQ AC CR AB AD BE CF 2A 6A DP BC EQ AC FR AB 2A should be 4. To do so, we need the following lemma. Lemma. DP = HD, EQ = HE, and FR = HF. Proof. We will show EQ = HE by using congruency of two triangles CHE and CQE. The other two equalities can be proved in a similar manner. The angles BAC and BQC are the same, say , because they share the same arc on the circumcised circle. Since HFA and HEA are the right angles, FAE and FHE are supplementary (they add up to 180 degrees). From the figure above, we see that EHC is also a supplementary angle of FHE, and hence EHC = . Since EHC = = EQC, two triangles CHE and CQE are congruent (ASA). Then EQ and HE are equal as the corresponding sides of two congruent triangles. QED. Let us go back the theorem. Our claim is: DPBC + EQAC + FRAB = 2A. We note that ABC consists of three triangles: HBC, AHC, and AHB. By Lemma above, we have DPBC + EQAC + FRAB = HDBC + EHAC + FHAB =2( 12 HDBC + 1 2 EHAC + We are done with the proof. QED. 1 2 FHAB) = 2area of ABC = 2A.