OSA Senate Minutes I. Call to Order – II.

OSA Senate Minutes
November 4, 2014 at 4:45 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:47 pm
Roll Call – Grayson, Ben, Taylor, Emily
Open Forum -
Approval of the Agenda -
Approval of the Minutes -
Guest Speakers –
a. Chancellor Andrew Leavitt – Speaker Lehto What was your roll with students at
the University North Georgia and at West Georgia? Answer: Built Rec Center at
North Georgia, at West Georgia did not building anything but played music with
student. Meyer: talk on the initiatives that you have for the future of UWO.
Answer: strategic plan and the HLC accreditation. Turnbull: What music did
you play? Jazz ensemble spend a lot of time to amazing participate in the life.
Winkelman: favorite part of UW – Oshkosh, answer: biggest potential are the
people. Sparks: How will you deal with people as you are a young chancellor?
Chancellor Wells was 51 when he started, I am 50, only none provost of the group
of the five candidates and will not be able to fill the chancellor’s big shoes, will
make his own shoes.
b. Burk Tower, Mayor of Oshkosh – interacting discuss our government
Faculty, Dean of the College of Business, government – two forms of government
in the situation, council or city management government, 30 to 30 hours a week
fire police have water when you turn on the tap, responsibility strategic planning
and going through budget now, keys to improve & maintain infrastructure, 30
years that they did not place money in roads. City garage 20 million facilities,
value group, keep tax rate down, city of Oshkosh fragmented bring together
organizations. Strengthen neighborhoods enhance resources and neighborhoods.
The city works closely with the university on all building projects. Winkelman:
Has the city every considered placing railings along the river walk? Answer: It is
possible to place railing along the river, it is but controversial and if enough
citizens would be interested it would be a discussion to have. Email:
Officer Reports –
a. OSA Directors – Newhauser – vote today. Turnbull – Encourage to attend
Fine art events to attend events visual arts own galleries all the time beautiful
AC go in the galleries, showing free beverages and enjoy the Faculty recital
tomorrow horn quartet, concerts are free for students great during stressful
time. Hopper: Reggie cover it vote, directors submit weekly report to me.
Baez: Should I be doing that? Answer: if you have a report then yes. O’Day
hustle around to find out what riffs between orgs are starting to fade away,
fund raiser going on, Rainbow - pie your professor all faculty and staff.
Willing to participate put in bids on the list bid as many times as you want –
participate with each other top winner top three winners, Dec 5th and 8th.
Community organization committee based dinner and a movie shed light on
racial literacy, national Goodle talk, Sage training anytime soon. Baez –
enjoyed being part of assembly non-traditional awareness week over 3,000
non-traditional diversity experience and inter action participating universities
around the states for graduate studies office
OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – OSA polos have
arrived. $10 if pre-ordered and $12 if a pre-order was not placed. Welcome
back to Petra.
OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – great student turn out for
voting. Fredrick street FBI investigation until not commenting. As Mayor
Tower stated the individual involved in the shooting last spring in ceiling at
Reeve has been charged in Milwaukee. Mitchell: incident unique on
Fredrick Street but some students frustrated that they did not receive a Titan
Alert. Answer: no one in danger at the time. Turnbull: safety say working on
two of the four cases and the same individual involved. Answer: have to
have evidence in place he is a suspect but not charged until they have all the
evidence on the cases, OPD have been great partners. Winkelman: Could we
have an update on the double stabbing victims? Answer: one victim single
stab wound will be released later this week. The second victim had extensive
surgery and released from hospital, both of them want to return to campus.
Baez: Safe Walk during the day parked on Cherry move your car, how far
will they walk? Answer: Five blocks and expanded hours a few years ago.
OSA Academic Liaison – (Crystal - buss@uwosh.edu) – no report meet this
Speaker Pro-Tempore –(Jackie – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – Will be
resigning for next semester as she will be attending Texas University.
Elections will be held.
Speaker of the Assembly – (Nicole – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – Jackie will be
back the following year. Emergency elections once her role is vacant.
Director Baez attended assembly. The reps are participating more and
utilizing comment box.
Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – still has a
seat open on parking appeals. SLS volunteer will be appointed to parking
appeals but Senator Karas resigning from committee, Pepsi committee had a
seat but did not know about it, free food in Blackhawk during the meetings.
Senators not on two committees need to contact her. Parking appeals meets
on Tuesdays at 11:30 am.
Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – The Buzz, readership app
USA Today Google advanced titan feedback settings. Dennis: Can we get
numbers of downloads? Pictures by next Friday the 14th, IMC next Thursday
7:30 – 8:30 all pictures up by Thanksgiving. Next semester wants to work on
Text books free to students, set up like a MRF fund and purchase text books
give you text books for free. Apologize for comments made two weeks ago.
Not able to take laptops away as it is not high school any more, there is a level
of respect that has to come with that as well.
i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – safety panel that at 3:30 pm
tomorrow in Reeve 202, campus police and administration. Interim
Chancellor placed lines for the new Sage crosswalk by November 1. Summer
Student Rec and Wellness center have a business plan on a Rope Course – at
least full discussion the next few weeks. Meeting in the Board of Regents,
internet meeting issue of two year campuses not able to finance traveling for
the meetings. OSA President wants to implement a veteran memorial on this
campus, UW Stout already has one. Meeting in the Police any action before
they come back and speak to use.
Presidential Appointments –
SS 14-026
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those
Organizations with “Assembly” after their names:
1. Delta Chi, Assembly
Sponsored by: Nicole Lehto, Speaker of Assembly
Motion to move to floor Dennis, 2nd by Fath
Discussion recolonized and needs OSA recognition before chartered
Vote, voice passed, no objections, no abjections (11/04/2014)
OSA 14-012
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Reginald Parson, Assistant Vice Chancellor HR Search and Screen
2. Nicholas Horswill, Differential Tuition Committee
3. Dana Giannelli, Student Allocation Committee, alternate
4. Christopher Stockus, Segregated Fee Committee, alternate
5. Karen Landay, Graduate Council
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor by Meyer, 2nd by Schiedemeyer
Vote, voice passed, no objections, no abjections (11/04/2014)
OSA 14-013
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Steven Thompson, OSA Election Commissioner
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor by Turnbull, 2nd by Newhauser
Vote, voice passed, no objections, no abjections (11/04/2014)
Unfinished Business –
SS 14-024
BE IT RESOLVED, that the OSA Senate approves the Green Fund Bylaws and the
Green Fund Policy and Procedure Manual.
Sponsored by: The Green Fund Ad-Hoc Committee
Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2nd by Hopper
Discussion - this is monumental, happy with the process and thanks Director Sorby for all
his work on this
Vote, voice passed, no objections, one abstention (11/14/2014)
New Business –
OSA 14-011
WHEREAS, the current membership of the All campus Executive Committee does not
accurately reflect the representatives of the Student Leadership and Involvement Center; and
WHEREAS, the All Campus Executive Committee is presently an informational body, not an
action body; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oshkosh Student Association will amend its
constitution to add the following groups to the membership of the All Campus Executive
Committee; Student Allocation Committee; Greek Life, and Rainbow Alliance for Hope; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution will be sent to the current members
of the All Campus Executive Committee.
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Winkelman, 2nd by Kubis
Discussion – meet once a semester, important members of the campus, just a meeting of all
campus exec committee and nothing is voted on at these meetings. Some reason push back
from current members as it is felt that there voice would not be as important with
additional members on the board, student allocation committee members would be added
along with Greek office
Committee Reports –
Pepsi committee under RAC went to RAC not an active PPM clear schedule to be all
hands on deck in the 10,000 of thousands comes to our campus any new products
Monday at 6:15 pm not notify. Kubis, chair of Marketing Committee, The Buzz app,
there is an app competition gets some votes, voting, and list of where the posters can go
in building. Director Preferred Name committee transgender and international students,
D2L and email that student name show up on so we can launch something before spring
much more specific and basic for the directory. Inclusive Excellence Charge committee
– start and Equity card and campus climate subcommittee budget and getting it organized
over the next year if not the next couple of years. Dennis allocations starting deliberation
this week
Discussion –
Dennis: Constitutional amendments for OSA to spend reserves doing the spending
however constitution group of people exec some senators, assembly members to discuss
amendments a new article in the constitution go up to eight on the committee, the
amendment will be very specific.
Announcements –
Get out there and vote
XIV. Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 6:47 pm by Winkelman, 2nd by Hopper passed
voice vote, no objections, no abjections (11/04/2014)