OSA Senate Minutes I. Call to Order – II.

OSA Senate Minutes
March 10, 2015 at 4:45 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 PM
Roll Call –
College of Letters and Science (12)
Grayson Bourke – Present
Daniel Dennis – Present
William Fath – Present
Valerie Hagen - Present
James Martine – Present
Lindsey Newhauser – Present
Michael Riley – Present
Benjamin Stepanek – Present
Steven Thompson – Present
Hallie Turnbull – Excused
Education & Human Services (5)
Nursing (3)
College of Business (5)
Anne Cummins – Present
Ashley Meyer – Present
Chase Mitchell – Present
Katrina Schiedemeyer – Present
Open Forum - none
Approval of the Agenda – move Presidential Appointments after discussion by
Mitchell 2nd by Riley, voice vote passed, two opposed, no abstentions (03/10/2015)
Approval of the Minutes - approved
Guest Speakers –
a. Chancellor Leavitt – spreadsheet talk, 7.5 million cut, and question of risk cut
some and grow some. Some reserves are on hand. Thanks to Chancellor Wells
UW Oshkosh owes nothing for past cuts. Spreadsheet was prepopulated to
Oshkosh amount of time six year stretch of time we can plan well into the future,
only touch the green strips of the spreadsheet. Monies for RecPlex in reserves
and will not be touched. We have to take care of employees and make changes in
job description as we go along. Other initiatives enrollment management and
admissions, recruiting environment sister intuitions that are growing at our
expense, marking. 97,000 in marketing for admissions and we are losing, turn up
the volume on the place. By July 1 80 personal jobs eliminated, for example if 10
employees leave or retires make a decision can we put in a basket or rehire
classroom re-hiring need to collect 20 FTE’s in the basket more for faculty and
less for staff will cover and if not we will have to have layoffs. Shirk workforce
by 5% will not cut reduce FTE’s by 80 by retirement and at least five year thin
out in some areas reduce this place by 80 peplum in the upcoming years .
Mitchell: thank you for visit and enlightening talking points applauding of public
authority does not know what it means yet; how can we applaud it? Answer: BOR
public authority or state statue the same thing was raised by regents, BOR not
retains its ability to raise tuition has the authority but cannot use it. Shared
governance if you move it out into pubic authority how can you guarantee it will
stay the same as the law stands now? Answer: no Chapter 36 commitment to
move over to the public authority and the legislative is interested at looking at
BOR in policy making decisions is one step closer to our enterprise. Chancellor
Leavitt would rather speak to a Regent on shared governance. Bourke: pay for it
ourselves generate revenue or lessen the costs of tuition how will that be part of
it? Answer: Marketing tactics not me but enrollment management bring in some
people consultants that will bring in a design that will work. Schettle: Can you
explain National Titan, generating that 3% in April Madison, Platteville, Eau
Claire out of state tuition freeze on in state and jack up run the other way capacity
to bring in more students with current staffing 150% of in state go shopping for
out of state act 23 and above 3.2 3.3 GPA out of state down to in state tuition.
USP into the community your sophomore year out in the community and stay in
the community. Opportunity to capture talent and keep it. Happy to be a guest at
Senate anytime.
b. Darryl Sims, Athletics Director the turf installation has been put on hold.
Schettle: Has the state given a reason why on hold? Answer: not a band on it just
moving at snail’s pass. The safety of our athletics health at risk. With the budget
challenges we have been asked to look at our programs and what programs we are
willing to cut to provide FTE. Meeting with student athletic advisory council
cutting at least one if not multiple sports when that happens or close will share
that as best we can coaches and students concerned and worried that their sport
will be here when the semester is over. Martine: Could a Farewell ceremony for
coaches be given to any coaches that leave? Answer: Yes, if the coach if not
angry and upset, as this is unfortunate thing that needs to happen.
Officer Reports –
a. OSA Directors – Scheeler: office of graduate studies in the planning elections
next month. GSA open house April 13th at Pollock house. Parson: Thank Caitlin
for her service. He will send email to directors by the end of Friday regarding
some things. Chair from allocations, recent allocation read Nathan’s letter, Riley
had won the allocation elections 6 to 1, he understand he cannot satisfy the
student body as a whole, admits his mistake and elections are invalid. Thompson:
Do you know is alternate members are able to be nominated for Chair? Hagen:
Yes bylaws state they are able to.
b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – Elections today and
tomorrow. Angela Dusenberry won $460 and Ashley Meyer won $230 of the
Mark H. Reinhard Memorial Scholarship.
c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – no report
d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Crystal - buss@uwosh.edu) – no report
e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Austyn - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – no report
f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Nicole – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – no report
g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Lindsey - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – email updates
to myself and Rae on committee information so the next person does not have to
spend the first two months gathering information.
h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – Student reps this past weekend.
Two major concerns tenure and governance no student reps on the tenure does
deal with faculty three names for recommendation. Next meeting on April 11,
Governor Walker could possibly be there. Tuition cap on UW system if they
move to public authority cannot raise tuition as there will be a cap tied to tuition
and if tied to inflation this would not be good. Reginald Parson Chief of Staff
new position/title to replace Executive Director position.
Unfinished Business – none
New Business – none
Committee Reports –
DT will meet for the first time this year on Sunday. Senator Schiedemeyer
selected as secretary, DT Sunday at 8 am going through careful look at everything
where we can cut money from keep you informed at next meeting. Marketing
committee update: new posters for Titan Transit, elections, and free coffee. Free
popcorn again this Friday from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, next week display in Reeve
will do a push for Titan Transit for St. Patty’s Day. Green fund calculated
requests but not able to meet did not reach quorum, new appointment will help.
Discussion –
a. Food Service Issues/Concerns
Senator Schiedemeyer met with Sodexo they have concerns and questions about
the launch of Tapingo. Schettle: after Tapingo is launched food service director
will be on docket for Senate. President Schettle suggest that they make a
document with pointed questions at that time. Petra will take this back to dinning
for consideration as well. Great meet with those people and FYI after Tapingo is
launched food service back make a document or list and ask them pointed
questions at that time. Petra will take back to dinning for consideration.
b. SAC – Mitchell: this is unfortunate and have the upmost respect for Jordan, Jim,
Petra, Nathan current plan of action not upholding stability if we do not uphold
the bylaws 100%, no disrespect to Michael Riley if bylaws would have been
followed he would not been able to be nominated. Student Allocation’s elecitons
have to take place the first two weeks, that did happen one withdrawal only
members of the committee or chair elect can be nominated, the spirit of that
bylaw someone serve should be someone that is nominated for the committee.
Great concern for members of the body shared governance would like them to
follow the bylaws but how they do that is an internal member are we going to
appoint. Thompson: Point of bylaws is to stick to them or will they do full new
elections, re open nominations? Newhauser: Do not want to speak on their behalf
but on the committee, nominations would take place on March 19 and have a vote
Thursday. Schettle: appointment is issue at hand. Thompson: It may be unusual
focus on what it is what we think may happen. Parson: Chair thought since paid
position open to the whole student body. Schiedemeyer: OSA was able to make a
full appointed to this committee trust and put it in their hands not ours.
Newhauser: different opinions, allocations have not met since this happened.
Stepanek yield to Caitin Hopper bylaws state the elections are to take place the
first two weeks of spring semester. Fath yield time to Mitchell on board
discussion on this since we do not pass a resolution 9 days from today I would
motion to request President Schettle send a statement to student allocation
committee chair to uphold bylaws. 2nd by Hagen. Bourke, Is this something the
president is willing to do. Voice vote, passed, no objections, 4 abstensions
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 14-024
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Emily Husar Martin, Andrew Pflanzer (alternate), Green Fund
2. Michael Riley (alternate), Student Allocation Committee
3. Austyn Boothe, Search and Screen Committee for Associate Vice
Chancellor for Enrollment Management
4. Jordan Schettle, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Veterans Memorial
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor Fath, 2nd by Thompson
Motion to strike Emily Husar Martin from line 1. Dennis, 2nd by Hagen
Vote, passed voice vote, no objections, one abstention
Announcements –
Implementing Seg Fee Methodology, nothing changed except names – will find a day for
all to sign document
Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 6:34 Riley, 2nd by Fath, passed voice vote, no
objections, no abstentions (03/10/2015)