Board of Trustees
Finance and Audit Committee
March 11, 2010
Members present: Chair Ned Densmore, Harvey Hill, Richard Heath, Steve
Budd, Ron Rioux, Claudette Mahar, Will Arvelo, Kathy Shields, and Lucille
Regrets: Robert Duhaime, David Paquette, Robert Mallat, and William Marcello.
Also in attendance: Mike Marr, Mary Scerra, Kelly Chapman, Alice Mowery, Tim
Fontaine, Melanie Kirby, Joanne Berry, Gloria Bacon, Bill Beyer, Susan Proulx,
Sarah Woods, Rick Gauthier, Shannon Reid, Naomi Butterfield, and Steve
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. at the NHTI, MacRury Hall,
Concord, NH.
1._____Approval of Minutes of January 13 and February 12, 2010
On motion by Mr. Hill, seconded by Ms. Mahar, the Committee
voted unanimously to approve the meetings minutes of January 13
and February 12, 2010 as presented.
2._____Banner Finance Update
Mr. Marr reported on the overstatement of fee revenue noted at the last meeting.
Mr. Marr explained that this occurred only with NHTI. Appropriate reverse entries
have been made. The problem occurred as a result of the Banner upgrade and
has been resolved.
3.____ Financial Report
The financial report was prepared after the software problem was corrected.
Mr. Marr explained the Total System sheet which shows the changes in revenue
and expenditures as compared to last year. Other sheets show reports
individually by college/system office.
Presidents were asked to project revenue through the end of the year. The
Preliminary Operating Results report was circulated and explained.
Chair Densmore conveyed his appreciation for the narrative page.
Mr. Marr circulated and explained the Request for Additional Appropriation
report. To date, four colleges (NHTI, GBCC, LRCC, RVCC) have submitted
requests for additional appropriation in order to expend revenue over budgeted
amounts to meet the increased expenditures resulting from enrollment growth.
Next month we anticipate requests from MCC, NCC and the System Office.
The Committee, on motion of Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Heath,
voted unanimously to approve the request for additional
appropriation authority for NHTI ($805,131), LRCC (221,270),
RVCC ($576,986) and GBCC ($650,000) as presented.
Mr. Marr further noted that the increase in enrollments enabled us to pay the
increase in the costs of benefits and salary increments which were not funded by
additional general funds. Without an increase in enrollments, we would be in a
deficit situation as a result of these and other obligations.
AY 2010-11 Fees
The proposed list of fee changes for AY2010-11 was approved by the System
Leadership Team. A representative from each campus explained their request.
Discussion followed.
The Committee, on motion of Mr. Heath, seconded by Mr. Hill,
voted unanimously to approve recommending to the Board the FY
2010-11 Fee changes as presented as amended as follows:
Policy: Presidents are authorized to change pass-through fees for vendor
provided tests, assessments and other services. These modifications/increases
shall be reported to the Finance and Audit Committee annually at the time when
the Committee considers the establishment of tuition rates and student fees.
The following pass-through fees were implemented during AY 10-11:
per semester ATI Nursing Exam & Prep. (formerly Nursing
II/IVTesting fee)
Nursing Liability Insurance
Health Education Systems Test for Nursing (was $40)
Application Fee:
Increase application fee from $10 to $20. On-line application fee will no longer
be waived effective July 1, 2010.
White Mountains CC
Plato Praxis Tutorials & Practice Sessions
High School Plato Workshops (Learning Center)
or the equivalent cost of 1 credit and fees
Nursing II - ATI Testing fee
Nursing IV - ATI testing fee
Nursing V – ATI testing fee
Nursing VI – ATI testing fee
Note: These four fees replace the $45 Basic Nursing Care Exam and Nursing
the Childbearing Family Exam and the $75 Comprehensive Psychiatric nursing
exam and NCLEX readiness exam.
Child Care Fee Increase- WMCC
As approved by the Finance Committee on August 6, 2009, child care fees will
be automatically increased according to the fee schedule from the Childcare
Development Bureau.
Comprehensive Student Services Fee
Increase in the Comprehensive Student Services Fee from $3 Administrative and
$3 Student Affairs to $4 Administrative and $3 Student Affairs.
Lakes Region CC
$30 book replacement fee for unreturned library books.
LRCC has been charging a $20 fee for this for a number of years. Administrators
feel that the threat of this one-time fee for unreturned books is a much more
effective incentive for students than the 25 cents a day fine.
Great Bay CC
Comprehensive Fee - increase $1 per credit/administration
GBCC currently charges a $5.00 comprehensive fee, which is split $3.50 for
student activities and $1.50 for administration. The college seeks to increase the
fee to $6.00 to support parking infrastructure. This will provide an additional
$30,000 annually to use to add/maintain parking areas. The $1 would be added
to administration.
Surgical Technology Student Tool Kit: $100 per semester
This is a pass-through fee that pays for students’ supplies for performing
laboratory procedures that align with real world practice. Implementation of this
fee provides the College with a dependable and consistent supply chain. This
cost will become part of the billing structure, allowing more flexibility for coverage
under financial aid and payment plans.
Nursing Student Tool Kit: up to $120
Currently the Nursing students pay $90 for their supply packets as a passthrough fee. This is currently an out-of-pocket expense. The college asks the
Board of Trustees to approve a pass-through fee for up to $120 to cover any
increase in supplies. This cost would also be added to the cost of attendance so
that it may be included as part of students’ financial aid packages or payment
Accuplacer Testing for Non-students: $30
GBCC currently charges $20 for Accuplacer testing for potential students as a
pass-through fee. The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Apprenticeship program
would like to move to Accuplacer testing instead of live-testing, which is time
consuming and costly for them. The increase in volume of the testing will create
significant additional workload and costs for the college; the fee increase would
help to defray those costs. This change would be consistent with fees charges to
other non-student populations for whom the college administers tests. The
additional $10 fee would allow the college to hire part-time staff to serve as
proctors as well as manage the administration of this test. Market rate for
proctors is about $60 per hour at a minimum of 3 hours X 50 sessions (twenty
students per session) for a cost of $9,000.Testing for GBCC students would
remain at $20.
Facility Use Fees
Classroom/Conference Rooms Rental Monday - Friday
• Conference Room
• Single Room
• Double Room
• Triple Room
• Computer Lab (20)
- $35/hr; $85 half day (4hrs); $160 full day
- $35/hr; $85 half day (4hrs); $160 full day
- $160 half day (4hrs); $260 full day
- $235 half day (4hrs); $360 full day
- $200 half day (4hrs); $360 full day
*Most rooms have data/phone connections, as well as overhead projectors, VCR
and DVDs. Access to this technology is already included in the price above.
Rental/Week is available at a 10% reduction payable in advance.
Grounds: $75/hour; plus a separate check for $200 delivered to the Business
Office 24-hours in advance of use, or Friday noon for a weekend event. This fee
covers a minimum rate for extra maintenance services. Check will be refunded if
the rental group chooses to clean-up to the satisfaction of the maintenance
IT Technical on-site support can be provided on weekdays at $50/person/hour;
on weekends or holidays at $150/person/hour. Great Bay IT Manager or
designee must authorize installation of software packages not already available
on systems. Advanced notice of new software systems installation is required at
least 48-hours in advance of rental. A fee of $50/person/hour will be charged for
the installation and de-installation of said software.
$50/day Penalty fees: A cleanup fee will be assessed for excessive disorder left
in any Great Bay spaces. Rates begin at $50/person/hour for extra setup and
cleanup on weekdays; $100/person/hour on weekends or holidays. Any damage
to the facility or equipment will be charged to the sponsoring organization or
person at a minimum charge of $100 or actual cost.
Manchester CC
Nursing I
increase from $15 to $17 pass through increase
Nursing II
increase from $21 to $24 pass through increase
Nursing III increase from $21 to $24 pass through increase
Nursing IV increase from $37 to $41 pass through increase
Nursing IV (new section) $20 pass through charge
Criminal Background Check Fee:
Fine Arts – Painting II Modeling Fee: increase from $15 to $20 cost increase
Fine Arts – Drawing II Modeling Fee: increase from $15 to $20 cost increase
Graphic Design Program – paper and course supplies : $20/semester new fee
to cover cost of expensive colored paper
Automotive Charge – Material/Shop Fee: $10 Charged to each individual
bringing in their car for service. Fee has been charged but not approved formally
by Board
Automotive Parts Fee: Cost of Parts Plus $10% Fee has been charged but not
approved formally by the Board.
River Valley CC
No changes/increases
Nashua CC
E-text fee for Physics I & II - $25
NCC is concerned with the high cost of textbooks, and is seeking more
affordable alternatives for students. Most recently, Bob Bragdon, Department
Chair of Math & Sciences, and Professor of Physics, has examined the feasibility
of a CD textbook for Physics I and II, and has found it to be of high quality and a
low cost alternative to the current textbook, which costs students $227.25.
Professor Bragdon has approved the adoption of Physics Fundamentals by
Vincent Coletta for fall 2010.
The college will purchase a site license for $1,495.00, which would allow the
college the following rights:
Printing Duplication Rights: Print as many hardcopies as needed for
distribution to students.
CD Duplication Rights: Duplicate as many copies of the CD version of the
textbook as needed for distribution to students.
Online/Local/Network Rights: Upload the textbook PDF files to college
website or computer network for student access (Password protection)
Perpetual License with no renewal fees or expiration.
The college would like to charge students who take Physics I and II a fee of
$25.00 to cover the print costs and defray the cost of the site license. Students
would save $207.25 (current cost of a textbook $227.25).
NCC is keenly aware that students are increasingly embracing electronic means
of learning; as such the college is pleased to offer this cost effective opportunity
to the college community. NCC will monitor student response carefully and plan
to look to other e-text offerings for students in the near future.
NHTI Concord’s Community College
$10 California Critical Thinking fee for Nursing.
This fee is no longer assessed.
1. Bicycle Lending Program Fees:
$150 Failure to return Bicycle
$10 Loss of Light or Key
$25 Loss of lock or helmet
2. DMI Clinical Surcharge
$350 per semester - Assessed to students in Radiologic Technology, Radiation
Therapy and Diagnostic Medical Sonography Programs.
(Health related programs are the most expensive at the college, and this fee will be
equal to the Nursing and Dental Clinical Surcharge.)
3. Conduct, damages, violations, procedures
To Clean a Room
Common Area Messes
Kitchen areas
Laundry Room
TV Lounges
Study Lounges
Computer Lounges
Game Areas
Vending Areas
Bike Storage Rooms
Cost & 10%
Cost & 10%
Biohazard/Unnecessary Mess
& 10%
Failure to Return Furniture to its Original State
Cost & 10%
Repairs – (holes, furniture, tiles)
Cost & 10%
Acts of Vandalism
Cost & 10%
Unauthorized Removal of Furniture from Common Areas
For Personal Use
Candles/Incense/Open Flames
Tampering or Abuse of Safety Equipment (current board policy)
Panic Switch
Exit Alarms
911 Boxes
Fire Alarms
Fire Equipment
Propping of Outside Doors
Conduct (Noise, Guest, Creed Violations)
First Offense
Second Offense
Third Offense
Fourth Offense
According to Board Policy and College Procedure, students may have the
opportunity to make restitution for violations.
1. Current Individual Program Tests
$10 Pre-admission rescheduling fee
$40 Health Education Systems Test for Nursing
1. Proposed Individual Program Tests
$15 Pre-admission rescheduling fee
$45 Health Education Systems Test for Nursing
(This is a pass through fee; this is for notification.)
2. Current Field Rental Charges
Primary Soccer Field
$75.00/ hr. or portion thereof
Secondary Soccer Field
$40.00/hr. or portion thereof
2. Proposed Field Rental Charges
Primary Soccer Fields 1 & 2
Secondary Soccer Fields 3,4,5,6 & 7
$80.00/ hr. or portion thereof
$50.00/hr. or portion thereof
(This increase is due to the increases in maintenance cost of the fields.)
3. Current Residence Hall Fee – NHTI
Room (double/triple)
$2,575 per semester
Room (single)
$3,050 per semester
Per person/per night
$23 single/double/triple
3. Proposed Residence Hall Fee – NHTI
Room (double/triple)
$2,650 per semester
Room (single)
$3,125 per semester
Per person/per night
$25 single/double/triple
This increase is a 3% cost of living.
4. Current Tuition and Fees (This statement is in the Finance Policy)
c. New England Regional Student Program (NERSP): All day students from New
England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont) shall
pay the NERSP rate of tuition for any program, except as may be provided
4. Proposed Tuition and Fees (This statement is in the Finance Policy)
c. New England Regional Student Program (NERSP): All day students from New
England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont) shall
pay the NERSP rate of tuition for any program, except as may be provided
NHTI- Concord’s Community College will charge NERSP tuition based on the
NERSP policy as described in System Policy – Student Affairs 750.05
5._____Lapse Fund Requests & Lapse Report
President Arvelo explained his request to proceed with the construction of the
front entrance/multi-functional space in the amount of $547,000, the remainder of
GBCC’s lapse funds.
This new space is an important project for the College for several reasons:
 The current entrance is outdated and not welcoming.
 The new entrance would encompass the current space as well as provide
the College with an additional 2000 square feet of enclosed usable space.
 The new entry would serve as additional student gathering space and as
an extension of the cafeteria.
 The new space would serve as a multi-function space for holding Open
House and Transfer events, as well as student activities.
 Aesthetically, the new entry would present a new and more sophisticated
face to the College
The Committee, on motion of Mr. Heath, seconded by Ms. Mahar,
voted unanimously to approve the Great Bay CC’s lapse fund in the
amount of $547,000 for construction of the front entrance/multifunctional space as presented.
Ms. Reid explained that the System Office request of $100,000 in lapse funds
would support the second phase of coordinated marketing as the colleges and
system work to sustain the rebranding effort and maintain enrollment increases.
The funding would enable film and photo shoots at each college, providing
footage focused on key college programs and attributes, student and alumni
testimonials, and new facilities. Funding would support production of highquality, creatively coordinated TV spots. Funding would also enable a state-wide
TV buy that would sustain the common messaging strategy that has served the
System well since the rebranding effort began.
Film/Photo shoots, share of each college’s costs:
Production of Media spots, System and share of each college’s cost:
Statewide TV buys:
The Committee, on motion of Ms. Shields, seconded by Ms. Mahar,
voted unanimously to approve the System Office lapse request of
$100,000 to support the second phase of coordinated marketing as
Both requests will be forwarded to the Board for approval.
The lapse report dated 1/13/10 was circulated and explained by Mr. Marr.
6._____Audit Matrix
Mr. Marr explained all the changes to the March 4, 2010 Audit Status Report (in
orange) since the previous report. We continue to work on policies based on the
audit recommendations. That audit recommendation report was shared at the
last Board meeting.
He added that an RFP will be issued this summer for an independent audit firm.
7._____Internal Audit Reports
Ms. Woods was present to address the three internal audit reports
At the last meeting, it was requested that we develop a “core” audit plan. This is
being developed and should be available by mid-April to include revenue,
expenses, payables, accounts receivable, disbursements and cash. These
audits will be scheduled during the next few months.
Computer Hardware Inventory
Ms. Woods explained the process followed to perform this audit. The report lists
the items unaccounted for at each college. Colleges, however, continue to locate
these items.
A process is now in place requiring everyone to complete a form indicating the
laptop computer assigned to them.
Observation recommendations were explained.
An updated report was requested.
Bookstore Contract
Ms. Woods explained the report.
Bookstore reporting and the contract were reviewed.
The fair cost sharing was the focus and referred back to LBA audit finding 5.3.
The rent exempt items were discussed.
Steve Caccia indicated that an RFP was issued this year and a team is currently
in the process of reviewing the two vendor bids received. He suggested that all
issues from that audit that should be part of the contract be referred to him.
Leadership North Country Grant
As mentioned at the previous meeting, WMCC acquired this grant to facilitate the
Leadership North Country and it was requested that an audit be performed.
There was concern with the amount of money spent on meetings vs.
scholarships awarded.
Gloria Bacon, WMCC CFO, indicated that enrollments in the program have
decreased. Funding for this fiscal year is sufficient but she will revisit the funding
for next year. The program director is aware of this situation and is trying to
increase enrollments.
8._____Contract Approvals
NOTE: Trustees Mahar and Shields left the meeting at 2:35 p.m. and did not
vote on the following agenda items.
Three vendors responded to our RFP and presented their product to the
committee as well as other System Office and college personnel. After review,
the Personnel Committee granted tentative contract approval. ADP also has an
excellent training program and offers HR workshops.
The cost is $98,000 for implementation and the annual fee going forward is
$207,000. It was explained that CCSNH owns a Banner HR module but it has
never been used. This system would require a minimum of four new positions as
well as the purchase of the updates to the module. A cost analysis was
completed and it was determined that outsourcing payroll services would be
more efficient and cost effective.
This will replace state payroll services.
Discussion followed on the proposed January 1, 2011 implementation date and
whether it was feasible.
The Committee, on motion of Mr. Heath, seconded by Mr. Hill
voted unanimously to approve the HR/payroll contract with ADP,
Inc. as presented.
Citizen Bank
Mr. Marr indicated that he continues to work with Citizen Bank for banking
services. We are addressing the hold harmless and indemnity provisions.
We anticipate the contract will be ready for vote at the next meeting.
NCC – Video Monitoring System
Mr. Osgood indicated that we received four bids. Arcomm Communications has
done satisfactory work for NHTI and GBCC. They are seen as a reliable,
knowledgeable and dependable contractor. They have elected to provide a Letter
of Credit for the contract value in lieu of a bond. This is an accepted practice
with State contracts.
President Jordan added that this is part of NCC’s security system plan.
This contract was approved by the Facilities Committee this morning.
The Committee, on motion of Mr. Heath, seconded by Mr. Hill.
voted unanimously to approve the Nashua CC with Arcomm
Communications, Hillsboro, NH, in the amount of $138,090 for a
video monitoring system.
Spring 2010 Maximum/Actual Enrollments
This report was provided by Dr. Annal as requested but he was unable to attend
this meeting.
Trustee Densmore indicated that this was helpful information and shows the
large number of sold out courses.
Mr. Marr added that Dr. Annal reported to him that RVCC did extensive work to
get to where they are now.
Hellenic American University Program, Greece
Information on HAU was circulated. Presidents Jordan and Kilchenstein are
working on this program along with Ms. Proulx on the financial aid eligibility.
Students pay a flat fee of $5,750 for tuition, fees and room. Students pay their
own air fare and personal expenses. We anticipate the program starting this fall
with the hope that there will be one student from each campus HAU is
approved by NEASC.
Discussion followed as to whether we derive revenue from this program. Initially,
we are not capturing significant revenue, as we want to establish the program in
its early years. Revenue covers the cost of one faculty member for a semester.
Ms Jordan indicated that it is modeled after Nashua’s Switzerland program.
The brochure will be reviewed by the VPAAs tomorrow and will be ready to be
presented to students upon return from spring break and when fall registration
Ms. Jordan added that we will develop a consortium agreement. We collect the
tuition and pay HAU. HAU is hosting our students
Question was raised about the liability for faculty doing off campus work out of
the country. Attorney Butterfield indicated that she will look into the issue.
No Committee action is required; this report is being provided for informational
Mr. Densmore shared that the Senate Finance committee, which met this
morning, voted on SH512 with the unanimous recommendation to the full Senate
of ought-to-pass.
Mr. Marr indicated that this summer we begin the next biennial budget
preparation cycle. We will need to develop budget assumptions.
Chair Densmore indicated that a tuition increase has not been projected at this
The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: May 6 10:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Anne Mills
Assistant to the Chancellor
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