An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Protect customers with more secure software Reduce the number of vulnerabilities Reduce the severity of vulnerabilities Address compliance requirements Proactive, forward-thinking Eliminate redundancies, coordinate processes Improve productivity Reduce cost NIST estimates that code fixes performed after release can result in 30 times the cost of fixes performed during the design phase Additional costs may include a significant loss of user productivity and confidence. Secure by design Secure architecture, design, and structure Threat modeling and mitigation Elimination of vulnerabilities Improvements in security Secure by default Least privilege Defense in depth Conservative default settings Avoidance of risky default changes Less commonly used services off by default Secure in deployment Deployment guides Analysis and management tools Patch deployment tools An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Security Training Secure design Threat modeling Secure coding Security testing Privacy Response Execute response plan An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Requirements Security requirements Quality gates Bug bars Security and privacy risk assessment Design Design requirements Attack surface reduction Threat modeling An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Implementation Use approved tools Deprecate unsafe functions Static analysis Verification Dynamic program analysis Fuzz testing Threat modeling Release Incident response plan Final security review An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Training Requirements Design Implementation Verification Release Response Release (optional) Manual code review Penetration testing Vulnerability analysis