British European Policy: Traditions and Dilemmas Host: Center for British Studies, University of California, Berkeley Venue: 223 Moses Hall Date: Friday 8th November 2013 9.00-9.15: Coffee and Welcome Session 1: National Identities Chair: Mark Bevir 9.15-10.00: Mike Kenny, ‘The return of “Englishness” in British Political Culture – the end of the Unions?’ 10.00-10.45: Helen Brockelhurst, ‘Educating Britain? Political Literacy and the Construction of National History’ 10.45-11.00 Coffee Session 2: Euroskepticisms Chair: Pauline Schnapper 11.00-11.45: Ben Wellings, ‘Euroscepticism and the Anglosphere: traditions and dilemmas in contemporary English nationalism’ 11.45-12.30: Karine Tournier-Sol, “Reworking the euroskeptic and Conservative traditions into a populist narrative: UKIP’s winning formula” 12.30-1.30: Lunch (201 Moses Hall) Session 2: Political Parties Chair: Pauline Schnapper 1.30-2.15: Craig Parsons and Cary Fontana, ‘‘One Woman’ Prejudice’: Did Margaret Thatcher Cause Britain’s Anti-Europeanism?’ 2.15-3.00: Mark Vail, ‘Between One-Nation Toryism and Neoliberalism: The Dilemmas of British Conservatism and Britain’s Evolving Place in Europe’ 3.00-3.15: Tea Session 4: Discourses of Tradition Chair: Mark Bevir 3.15-4.00: Pauline Schnapper, ‘The Post-New Labour Party and Europe: Back to the Future’ 4.00-4.45: Piers Ludlow, ‘Safeguarding British identity or betraying it? The role of British ‘tradition’ in the Parliamentary debates on EC membership, 1967-1975’ 4.45-5.00: Wrap-up session 6.30pm Conference dinner at Revival (2102 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley)