Spring Semester 2008 67-217 Data Exploration and Analysis Section 2 11:30-12:30 MWF Harrington 101 Section 3 12:40-1:40 MWF Harrington 101 Instructor: Jeannette Boudry Office: Swart 221 Phone: 424-7349 Office, 424-1333 Math Office E-mail boudry@uwosh.edu Office Hours: 10:20-11:20 MWF, 1:50-2:50 MW Prerequisite 67-110 with a grade of C or better Textbook: Excursions in Modern Mathematics by Tannebaum and Arnold Data Explorations and Analysis: Course Materials for 67-217 prepared by Syzdlik, Oktac, and Collier Math 217 Supplementary Class Materials by Boudry Calculator: A calculator is required. Only a scientific calculator is needed. A graphing calculator is fine but is not needed. Help: You should get help as soon as you find yourself not understanding something in class. Please come in and see me during my office hours. Tutors are available free of charge in the Math Lab in Swart 113 from approximately 8 am – 4 pm Monday through Friday. The exact schedule of hours will be posted. Attendance: Attendance will count as 5% of your grade. You are expected to attend and participate in each class. Attendance is important since some course work will take place in class and therefore cannot be made up. More than 2 absences (for any reason, illness, prior commitments, family matters, religious observance, . . .) will affect your final grade by losing one percent of your course grade for each class missed (up to 5 percent). Arriving late or leaving early will count as half a point. Written Work: Written work will be worth 35% of your grade. Written work will include quizzes, problem assignments, and group work. There will be no make-up quizzes and late work will not be accepted except under extenuating circumstances. If you have a problem let me know about it. Tests: There will be 3 exams. They will be worth 60% of your grade. There will be no make-up tests given except under special circumstances and prior notice. Tentative Test Schedule Test 1 Fri. Mar. 7 Test 2 Fri. Apr. 18 Test 3 Fri. May 16 Grading: The following scale will be used to calculate your grade. Scale: 93-100% 89- 92% 82- 88% 79- 81% 70- 78% 67-69% 60- 66% Below 60% A AB B BC C CD D F Objectives: The overall objective of this course is to learn about important concepts in statistics and probability that provide the student with a foundation for teaching these topics in the elementary and middle school. This course is designed to provide you with experience collecting, analyzing, and displaying data. It will also prove you with an understanding of statistical techniques, probability, and simulation. It will give you the skills to interpret statistical claims and draw educated conclusions. Philosophy: Learning mathematics is an active endeavor. Just as becoming proficient as an athlete or musician requires hard work and practice so does becoming a problem solver. The student does not learn by watching but by doing. The teacher is the guide. The student has the responsibility to be prepared for class, to participate in class, ask relevant questions, seek help when needed, and submit assignments when they are due. Outline: Part 1: Sampling - representative samples, regression toward the men, surveys and clinical studies Exploring Data - data displays, descriptive statistics, distributions, finding relationships among data Part 2: Counting Principles - multiplication rule, permutations, and combinations Probability - language, simulations, calculations, and conditional probability Part 3: Toward Inference - random variable, probability distributions, law of large numbers, central limit theorem Academic Honesty Policy: Cheating on an exam, plagiarizing or any other form of academic dishonesty will be dealt with in accordance with the current UWO Student Discipline Code. The instructor reserves the right to assign a grade of “F” for the course should circumstances warrant. There will be no class during the Spring Break Mar. 23-30 The last day to drop without Late Drop Request Form is Wed March 19