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The Council will administer the �Grant�. Any assistance offered by the Council is subject to the terms and conditions laid out in this document, as well as any specific terms and conditions set out in the �Grant Offer Letter�. 1.3 Assistance aims to provide funding for high quality external improvements to commercial properties within the designated CRA. The grant is entirely discretionary, and the amount of any grant will be assessed on an individual basis, taking account of the economic and environmental benefits arising from the project. 1.4 Further advice on eligibility, design quality and the grant application process is contained within separate guides. INTERPRETATION The following expressions shall have the following meaning within the context of the Commercial Renewal Area grants: �Acceptance Date� means the date on which the Council receives the �Grant Agreement Form�. �Applicant� property. means the freeholder or the lessee of the �Application� means an application from the applicant to the Council for grant assistance. �CRA Area� means the Commercial Renewal Area designated by the Council. �Fees� means all directly relevant and reasonable professional fees. �Eligible Work� means the work deemed eligible by the Council. �Grant� means either Commercial Improvement Grant or Town Centre Living Grant �Grant Offer Letter� means the letter by which the Council approves the application and offers funding support. �Grant Offer Date� means the date of the Grant Offer Letter. �Grant Agreement Form� means the form that will be supplied by the Council to the applicant and by which the applicant will formally accept the grant offer and the terms and conditions of the grant. �Grant Claim Form� means the form that will be supplied to the applicant and by which the applicant will claim the grant payment on completion of the project. �Grant Commencement works will Date� means the date set by the Council by which commence. �Grant Completion Date� means the date set by the Council by which works must be completed. �Grant Payment Date� means the date on which the Council pays the grant to the applicant. �Lessee� means a lessee of a property who holds a leasehold interest of ten years or more at the time of the grant payment date and who has obtained the written consent of the Lessor to carry out the proposed works. �Offer� letter. �Owner� property. means the date of the grant offer means the owner of the freehold interest in the �Property� means the building that is the subject of the grant application. THE GRANT 3.1 Grant assistance will be available to assist commercial property freeholders and leaseholders (with a minimum of 6 years remaining on the terms of their lease) for eligible improvement works within the designated CRA. 3.2 The amount of grant towards the approved eligible works will be determined by the Council and will be based on the tendered cost of approved works that are considered eligible for assistance. 3.3 The level of funding support offered by the Council must be the minimum contribution necessary to bring the project to fruition. 3.4 The amount of Grant specified on the �Grant Agreement Form� is the maximum Council contribution towards the project. Should there be any reduction in the cost of the approved works, the Council will make a pro-rata reduction to the amount originally offered. 3.5 Grants are not given automatically. The Council reserves the right to establish priorities within the total budget available for the programme. 3.6 This Grant Programme is only open to businesses who qualify under the De Minimus rule. Under EC Regulation 1998/2006 (De Minimis Aid Regulation) as published in the Official Journal of the European Union 28-12-06, the support provided is a d e m i n i m i s a i d . T h e r e i s a c e i l i n g o f � 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 ( � 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 f o r u n d e r t a k i n g s i n t h e r o a d t r a n s p o r t s e c t o r ) f o r a l l d e m i n i m i s a i d p r o v i d e d t o a n y o n e o r g a n i s a t i o n o v e r a t h r e e f i s c a l y e a r p e r i o d ( i . e . t h e c u r r e n t f i s c a l y e a r a n d t h e p r e v i o u s t w o f i s c a l y e a r s ). Any de minimis aid provided to you under this service will be relevant if you wish to apply, or have applied, for any other de minimis aid. You will need to declare this amount to any other aid awarding body who requests information from you on how much de minimis aid you have received. Aid includes not only grant but also assistance such as free or subsidised consultancy services, marketing advice etc. If you are in any doubt about whether previous assistance received classes as de minimis assistance please include it. ELIGIBLE WORKS & EXPENDITURE 4.1 Works to the exterior frontage of buildings that make a significant contribution to the environmental enhancement of the area will be eligible under the grant. Qualifying expenditure may include professional fees for the design and supervision of approved schemes, provided that it has been accounted for in the application form and the Councils� specific written agreement has been sought prior to the commencement of works. Professional agents must hold a suitable professional qualification appropriate to the nature of the works proposed. Eligible expenditure under this category must NOT exceed 10% of the total cost of eligible works. Structural works and works of an internal nature are not normally eligible for grant support but an applicant may be required to undertake such works at the applicants own cost as a condition of the grant. THE APPLICATION 5.1 The application process will follow the Councils formally prescribed process. The Council will only consider complete applications as defined by the Council. The applicant warrants to the Council that all information provided in the application was and remains true and accurate in all respects, and that any estimates, anticipated outputs or other facts were made after due and careful research and investigation. The warranty will be deemed to be given again at the time the applicant submits the �Grant Claim Form�. Applications must be supported by a copy of all relevant statutory consents e.g. planning permissions and building control permissions etc. that must be deposited with the Council prior to the approval of any application. It is the applicants� responsibility to ensure that all necessary statutory consent requirements are in place to implement the scheme. Copies of the title deeds, lease agreements, owners consent (if appropriate) must be deposited with the Council prior to the approval of any application. It is the applicants� responsibility to ensure that all the necessary land ownership requirements and consents are in place to implement the scheme. If the property is leased there will need to be a minimum of 6 years remaining on the lease from the �Grant Offer Date�. The grant will be registered with the Land Registry as a restriction on the property for a period of five years from the �Grant Payment Date�. Documentary evidence detailing all relevant offers of financial and or other project funding support in place must be deposited with the Council prior to the approval of any application. DESIGN 6.1 Applicants will have to pay particular attention to the design guidelines issued when developing their scheme. The Council reserves the right to require that a suitably qualified person be appointed. GRANT OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE 7.1 On approval of an application, applicants will be sent a �Grant Offer Letter� and a �Grant Agreement Form�. The applicant is required to indicate their formal acceptance of the grant offer and the terms and conditions attached to the �Grant� by signing and returning the �Grant Agreement Form� to the Council before any work commences. 7.2 The applicant and not any appointed agent acting on their behalf are required to sign the form. 7.3 The �Grant Agreement Form� must be signed, dated and returned to the required address within 14 days of the �Grant Offer Date�. If a reply is not received by this date then the Council will deem that the grant offer has lapsed. COMMENCEMENT & COMPLETION OF ELIGIBLE WORKS 8.1 The Council funded eligible works must be commenced and completed as per the �Grant Agreement Form�. Failure to comply with the commencement and completion dates will result in the withdrawal of the �Grant�. Should you have any difficulty in meeting this deadline then you must notify the Council immediately. IMPLEMENTATION OF ELIGIBLE WORKS 9.1 The Council reserves the right to withdraw the �Grant� if the applicant does not implement the works strictly in accordance with the details contained in the approved scheme appended to the �Grant Agreement Form�. 9.2 The Council will not be responsible for any aspect of control of the works including for example, design, related investigations, implementation and supervision. The �Applicant� must accept that the �Applicant� alone is responsible for all health and safety, financial and contractual (i.e. any contract between the applicant and other party e.g. contractor or managing agent) matters. 9.3 The Council has no legal responsibility for such matters, even if they require the Councils� approval. The involvement of the Council in vetting applications, preliminary and detailed designs is solely for the purpose of ensuring that the grant is being used for its intended purposes. 9.4 The �Applicant� must at all times indemnify the Council against all liabilities connected with the works. During the course of the works, if the �Applicant� finds it impracticable or undesirable to carry out the works strictly in accordance with the approved scheme appended to the �Grant Agreement Form�; written consent must be obtained from the Council prior to making any changes. Failure to do so may result in the �Grant� offer being withdrawn or it having to be repaid, unless any statutory body requires such changes to be implemented urgently. In this event the applicant must notify the Council in writing on the first working day after implementation. INSURANCE 10.1 For a period of 5 years from the �Grant Payment Date�, the applicant must comprehensively insure the property with a reputable insurance company and if requested provide documentary evidence of such insurance. The Council may require the insurance to be in joint names of the applicant and the Council or that the Councils� interest is noted on the policy, with the requirement that the Council is notified of any claim. ASSIGNMENT 11.1 The grant shall be used exclusively for the purposes of financing the project. 11.2 Any offer of grant is personal to the �Applicant� and the applicant shall not be entitled to assign. PROPERTY USEAGE 12.1 For a period of 5 years from the �Grant Payment Date�, the property shall only be used for the purposes specified in the �Application� and the �Applicant� shall ensure that all relevant statutory and other legal requirements are complied with. 12.2 Any variation to the use of the property from that approved for grant aid must receive the prior written approval of the Council. Failure to meet this requirement will result in nonpayment or recovery of the grant in whole or in part. 12.3 For the period of 5 years from the Grant Payment Date the property shall be continuously occupied and used for all purpose(s) specified in the application form. REPAIR & CONDITION 13.1 For a period of 5 years from the �Grant Payment Date� the applicant is required to keep the property in a good state of repair and condition. GRANT MONITORING 14.1 The Council and any other professional consultant that the Council wishes to nominate shall have the right to inspect the works at any time prior to, during or after the implementation of works. PAYMENT OF GRANT 15.1 Payment of the grant will be on satisfactory completion of the works and presentation of the information listed below. Only in exceptional circumstances will payment be made prior to the satisfactory completion of works i.e. instalments during the course of the works, which must be discussed and agreed with the Council prior to the commencement of works and incorporated into the �Grant Offer Letter�. 15.2 On completion of the works the Council will not make any payment of grant until the �Payment Claim Form� is submitted. A detailed financial statement of eligible works expenditure, original paid invoices, proof of payment such as bank statements along with architects� valuation and completion certificates where appropriate, must also be provided to support all claims. 15.3 If the completed costs of eligible works are less than the estimated costs specified in the �Grant Agreement Form�, the Council will make a pro-rata reduction to the amount of grant originally offered. No grant payment will be more that the grant rate identified on the �Grant Agreement Form�. The Council and any other professional consultant that the Council wishes to nominate shall have the right to inspect the works at any time prior to, during or after their implementation. In the event of any aspect of the approved works being deemed unsatisfactory and falling below the standard anticipated from the application and accompanying information provided, the Council may at its discretion refuse to pay a proportion or the entire grant. The Council may refuse to make a payment if in its absolute discretion it is not satisfied in any respect with the information provided to support the �Payment Claim Form� or inspection referred to above. 15.7 The Council is not in any way liable for any contingency funding involving property or activities for which it has provided assistance in whole or in part. Responsibility for such contingencies lies entirely with the �Applicant�. REPAYMENT OF GRANT The Applicant must secure the Councils� written consent to any disposal of the property within 5 years of the �Grant Payment Date�. The Council will not unreasonably withhold such consent but may require that the grant be repaid on a sliding scale basis as follows:Within One Year Within Two Years Within Three Years Within Four Years Within Five Years After Five Years 16.2 Full Grant Repayment 80% of Grant Repayment 60% of Grant Repayment 40% of Grant Repayment 20% of Grant Repayment No Grant Repayment The grant must be repaid in full on demand if: - the applicant is found to have made any misrepresentation in connection with the application or is found to have completed the application form dishonestly or incorrectly, the applicant or any other person or organisation acting for the applicant gave any significant or inaccurate information, whether deliberate or accidental, during the application process, or during the period of the Grant Agreement; the applicant has breached any of the terms and conditions; the property is not fully re-instated within 12 months of any occurrence giving rise to loss of or damage to the property. 16.3 For a period of 5 years after the �Grant Payment Date�, the Council may require the �Grant� to be repaid in part or full if any material change, removal or alteration to the assisted works occurs. 17.0 PUBLICITY 17.1 A sign will be provided by the Council and must be erected on site by the applicant for the duration of the works. It must be maintained in good condition and returned to the Council on completion of the works and prior to the payment of grant. If it is not returned in a suitable condition as decided by the Council, then the Council reserves the right to deduct the value of the sign from the grant award due to the applicant. 17.2 The Council reserves the right to publicise any grantsupported project. Any publicity in relation to the grant-aided works must recognise the fact that the Vale of Glamorgan Council has funded the scheme. 17.3 If the applicant fails to adhere to the publicity requirements the Council may consider withholding or reclaiming grant payment. GENERAL CONDITIONS 18.1 The Council reserves the rights to undertake an evaluation of grant aided project through surveys, questionnaires, site visits etc. 18.2 Applicants declare that invoices submitted under this scheme have not been or will not be used to claim grant aid from other sources for the same expenditure. 18.3 Applicants declare that works are not repairs and maintenance but permanent features above and beyond normal maintenance. 18.4 Applicants declare that the works are not relating to health & safety requirements. 18.5 Applicants declare that all elements to be implemented under this scheme are not statutory requirements. 18.6 If asbestos is found to be in the building, which is the subject of a grant, then it will be the responsibility of the applicant to meet any associated costs for safe removal and disposal from site. The Council will check its records for any indebtedness of the �Applicants� business and personal prior to the approval of any grant. 18.8 In the event that the recipient body is dissolved, grant aid will not be transferable to a replacement body and the Council shall be automatically and unconditionally discharged from all its obligations to the �Applicant�. 18.9 The �Applicant� is required to notify F T A I V _ 8 � � & , � � � 7 s � � � � � > @ ^ _ ( 7 � � t e g ` � � � - 9- � � �! �! % -% l& �& ( -( �( ��������������� ������������������������ôéÞ������������ hj 0� h8$+ h8$+ h8$+ B* ^J h8$+ aJ ph h8$+ ^J aJ hil� h� K ^J hil� h8$+ ^J aJ aJ hil� hil� h8$+ hil� h� K h� K h�m� h ( 5 � h�+ 5 � hmP� 5 � : $ % F ^ � � � � @ A � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � & F � � � � � h�e _ U hmP� s h�e- � j t V � k � � � � � � � � � � � � ! 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