Vale and Cardiff RCC Induction Pack 1 Vale and Cardiff RCC Induction Pack Contents Overview of the induction process 3 Introduction to the Supporting People Programme 3 Overview of the Supporting People Programme Grant Guidance 4 Regional and National Meeting Structure 7 The Role of the Regional Collaborative Committee (RCC) 7 Local & Regional Commissioning Plan links 8 Scheme Visit Schedule 8 Key Contacts 8 The Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference 9 Declaration of interest form 20 Notes and feedback form 22 Induction checklist 23 Acronyms LA: Local Authority LCP: Local Commissioning Plan LHB: Local Health Board LSB: Local Service Board RCC: Regional Collaborative Committee RDC: Regional Development Co-ordinator RCP: Regional Commissioning Plan RSL: Registered Social Landlord SPIN: Supporting People Information Network SPNAB: Supporting People National Advisory Board SPPG: Supporting People Programme Grant SPLPG: Supporting People Local Planning Groups SP: Supporting People WG: Welsh Government 2 Vale and Cardiff RCC Induction Pack Congratulations on your appointment and welcome to the Vale and Cardiff Regional Collaborative Committee. As part of good working practices, the Vale and Cardiff Regional Collaborative Committee (RCC) has developed a comprehensive induction programme for all members. This document will provide new members or deputies of the RCC with the background information needed to ensure effective collaborative working between all partners. The RCC Induction Programme will ensure that: all RCC members are involved in the induction of new members a ‘mentor’ is allocated to guide new members in their first few months on the RCC new members are advised of their roles and responsibilities new members are briefed about the issues the RCC is dealing with now and will be looking at in the coming months new members of the RCC are able to comment on the induction process your feedback will be used to further develop the induction programme. Principles and benefits of Regional Collaborative Committees The high level principles and benefits that underpin all activity undertaken by Regional Collaborative Committees under the local Supporting People planning / commissioning arrangements include: a positive approach focussing on finding solutions improving services and outcomes to the end user and people in need of housing support ensuring probity, accountability, transparency and scrutiny operating on the basis of equality, collaboration and co-production providing strategic oversight and direction in line with national, regional and local strategy and Supporting People Commissioning plans complying with robust and enforceable grant conditions providing services which are good value for money familiarity with the Supporting People Programme Grant Guidance. We hope that the induction process will provide you with the information and training that you require to take up your appointment as effectively as possible. Induction is, however, only a starting point and the Vale and Cardiff RCC recognise that it should be the first stage of further and regular development. The Regional Development Co-ordinator (RDC) is available to answer any queries you may have and can be contacted on 01446 709736. Introduction to the Supporting People Programme The Supporting People Programme is a Welsh Government funded programme that provides housing related support to vulnerable people. The programme aims to support vulnerable people to maximise, maintain and sustain their independence through the provision of a range of innovative housing related support services. Typically Supporting People services include floating support services, temporary accommodation services (such 3 Vale and Cardiff RCC Induction Pack as, homelessness hostels, domestic abuse refugees), older person services and supported housing schemes. Welsh Government defines the following vulnerable client groups eligible for housing related support services: Women experiencing domestic abuse Men experiencing domestic abuse People with learning disabilities People with mental health issues People with alcohol issues People with substance misuse issues People with criminal offending history People with refugee status People with physical and/or sensory disabilities People with development disorders (i.e. Autism) People with chronic illnesses Care leavers Young people with support needs (16 - 24 years old) Single parent families with support needs Families with support needs Single people with support needs (not listed 25 - 54 years old) People over 55 years old with support needs People who have a range of different support needs People who require community alarm services The Supporting People Programme began on 1 April 2003, bringing together seven housing-related funding streams from across central government. It provides housingrelated support to help vulnerable people to live as independently as possible. Supporting People Programme Grant Guidance (Wales) July 2012 The Supporting People Programme is going through a fundamental process of change. In partnership with local government and the voluntary sector, 25 recommendations are being implemented as a result of an Independent Review of the Supporting People Programme in Wales (The Aylward review) undertaken by Professor Sir Mansel Aylward in 2010. 2012 was an important year for the Supporting People Programme with the introduction of the National Guidance which introduced a new delivery structure for the Supporting People Programme and which puts, co-production and collaboration at the heart of the development and delivery of services. 2012 saw the introduction of the new Supporting People Grant (effective from 1 August 2012) which superseded previous funding streams, and the guidance introduced a revised funding formula to try and provide more equitable distribution of funding across Wales. 4 Vale and Cardiff RCC Induction Pack The new delivery structure includes the establishment of the Supporting People National Advisory Board (SPNAB) which provides advice to the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage to ensure the Supporting People Programme is focused on meeting the housing related support needs of vulnerable people in Wales. The SPNAB is supported by six Regional Collaborative Committees (RCC’s) whose aim and focus is to provide advice to local authorities and through the SPNAB, to Welsh Ministers; on regional and local collaborative delivery of the Supporting People Programme. Membership includes local authority Cabinet Members (or delegated Officials), Health, Public Health, Probation, support providers and co-opted members and appropriate local authority officers. The first Vale and Cardiff RCC was held in November 2012. The Vale and Cardiff RCC now meets bi-monthly throughout the year. The Guidance requires a Co-ordinating Local Authority (Vale of Glamorgan for the Vale and Cardiff region) for each region whose role includes organising the RCC meetings, collating the regional spend plans and developing and supporting effective partnership working within the region. The RCC is responsible for developing a three year Regional Commissioning Plan (RCP) each year, which outlines the commissioning priorities for the region. Local need analysis and identified priorities for development are still determined at a local level by the Supporting People Local Planning Groups (SPLPG). The SPLPG is responsible for developing the Local Commissioning Plan (LCP) which is adopted by the LA Cabinet, including ensuring commissioners, service providers and most importantly service users are involved in the planning, development and commissioning of services. This information feeds into the discussions at the RCCs and into the three year RCP. The most recent RCP is available on the RCC website at Supporting People in Vale and Cardiff currently funded almost £22 million of housingrelated support services in 2014/15. The funding allocation is shown in the following table. This is subject to change with a reduced budget from Welsh Government (WG) anticipated for the coming year. Local Authority Area Funding 2013/14 Funding 2014/15 Vale of Glamorgan Cardiff Regional Total 3,653,972 19,079,923 22,733,895 3,666,688.74 18,111,081.82 21,777,770.56 Indicative Funding 2015/16 3,466,829.23 16,267,470.16 19,734,299.39 Regional Development Co-ordinator (RDC) The Supporting People Programme Grant Guidance introduces the role of the Regional Development Co-ordinator (RDC). The Welsh Government has agreed (in principle) to fund a RDC post within each of the Welsh regions until March 2017. The main purpose of this role is to support the RCCs so that they function effectively and are appropriately served. The RDC facilitates on-going dialogue between the SPNAB, RCC and local authorities to ensure the smooth running of the Supporting People arrangements, and collaborative 5 Vale and Cardiff RCC Induction Pack decision making. The post holder is required to develop and support effective partnership working within the region in relation to the Supporting People Programme, to work collaboratively with other Supporting People RDCs across Wales and to support the Chair of the Supporting People Information Network (SPIN) in rotation with the other RDCs, to administer meetings and promote best practice. The RDC for the Vale and Cardiff is Sarah Capstick, she can be contacted by email at or by telephone on 01446 709736 / 07860784501. Regional and National Meetings A structure of meetings has been put in place to support the Supporting People Programme. The following are a summary of the ones around the Vale and Cardiff RCC. National: Supporting People Information Network (SPIN) SPIN is coordinated by the WLGA and is an opportunity for the Supporting People Lead Officers from the Local Authorities to meet on a quarterly basis, Welsh Government officials are also normally in attendance. Best practice is shared and presentations are provided on upcoming legislation and projects of interest and relevance to Supporting People. National: Regional Development Co-ordinators Network Quarterly meetings are held with all the RDCs and Welsh Government officials, to ensure consistent and effective delivery of the Supporting People Programme Grant (SPPG) is taking place across the regions. It is also an opportunity for the sharing of good practice and for peer support. The Terms of Reference for this meeting were finalised during the Network meeting in April, 2013. These are available on request via the Regional Development Co-ordinator. Regional: The Vale and Cardiff Regional Provider Forum The Vale and Cardiff Regional Provider Forum meets bi-monthly to link in with the frequency of the RCC meetings. The forum ensures that providers have an opportunity to feed into the RCC agenda. Attendance is open to all those it has a strategic relevance to i.e. Chief Executive Officer/Managers of services who are in receipt of Supporting People funding. The Forum is organised by the Policy Officer from Cymorth Cymru. This forum enables providers to share information and exchange views on local, regional and national developments in regards to the Supporting People Programme. It also influences the decisions of the RCC meetings by relaying information from a provider perspective and maintains constructive and effective working relations between all providers and the Support Provider Representatives on the RCC. Support Provider representatives who have been elected to positions within the RCC are responsible for reporting back to the Forum. The Terms of Reference for this meeting were finalised during the Forum meeting in July 2013. These are available on request from the Regional Development Co-ordinator or from the Policy officer at Cymorth Cymru. National: Supporting People National Advisory Board (SPNAB) The SPNAB is a middle body which sits between the RCC and the Minister in Welsh Government. Their role is to review information received from the RCC and other interested parties on the performance of the RCCs, to be involved where there is a conflict that cannot be resolved locally and to advise the Minister as required. Membership of the Board comprises the Head of Operations from Welsh Government Housing team, and representatives from Welsh Local Government Association, Association 6 Vale and Cardiff RCC Induction Pack of Directors of Social Services Cymru, Public Health Wales, Community Housing Cymru, Cymorth Cymru, All Wales Chief Housing Officers Panel, Wales Probation Trust and three independent members. The SPNAB have a number of workstreams all of which have a special focus who report back to the SPNAB before a recommendation is put before the Minister. The current workstreams are; strategic finance and governance. For more information on SPNAB please see the Welsh Government website: The role of Regional Collaborative Committees Regional Collaborative Committees (RCCs) make recommendations to the Welsh Government on Supporting People programme spending in their region. They are informed by information provided by individual local authorities. RCCs are advisory only and do not have executive powers or finance. RCCs bring key stakeholders together from across each region. This ensures that planning and commissioning of Supporting People services makes the most effective use of Supporting People Programme Grant and meets local needs. There are 6 RCCs across Wales: Cwm Taf; Gwent; Mid and West Wales; North Wales; The Vale and Cardiff and Western Bay. RCCs are responsible for producing a regional commissioning plan for Supporting People services. This takes account of local priorities and identifies the most effective way to meet local needs. The Vale and Cardiff RCC also have a Supporting People Participation and Involvement Framework to ensure that those who the services are for also have their voices heard. Vale and Cardiff RCC task and finish groups The Vale and Cardiff RCC has a number of task and finish groups which it has set up to look at specific areas or pieces of work, the groups currently in place are: Older persons services task and finish group: This group developed the timeline for changing all older persons services from tenure to needs based as recommended by the Aylward review (2010). The group are remaining in place until 2017 to monitor the progress of the timeline and identify any issues and report them to the RCC. Outcomes task and finish group: This group have been asked to look at reducing the gaps in the outcomes data for the region and to improve consistency. Service user involvement task and finish group: The first task and finish group developed the Participation and Involvement Framework. It was reconvened in 2015 with new members to review the Framework and to take service user involvement forward across the region. Regional Plan 2016/19 task and finish group: This group have one aim which is to create the three year plan which has to be approved by the RCC and submitted to the Welsh Government on the 18 January 2016. 7 Vale and Cardiff RCC Induction Pack Membership The Vale and Cardiff RCC is made up of members representing the following organisations: Local Authority Cabinet Members (or delegated officials in their absence) Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Public Health Wales Wales Probation Providers (representing long and short term services) elected and supported by Cymorth Cymru Landlords elected and supported by Community Housing Cymru Co-opted members at the discretion of the RCC Appropriate Local Authority officers, the Regional Development Co-ordinator and Welsh Government officials also attend the RCC, but do not have voting rights. Mentors and Partners Each Member or Deputy will be assigned a mentor from a different part of the RCC, for example an LA Member will be partnered with a Provider / Landlord Rep and vice-versa. The mentor will provide additional support and information and ensure that the different perspectives around the RCC are clear to any new Members (deputies). Local Commissioning Plans (LCP’s) and Regional Commissioning Plan (RCP) The Local Commissioning Plans (LCP’s) are produced annually and are available from the Local Authorities and published on the RCC webpage on the Vale of Glamorgan website. The Regional Commissioning Plan (RCP) for the Vale and Cardiff can be located on the Vale of Glamorgan website under Supporting People. Scheme Visit Schedule It is important that as a Member or Deputy Member of the Vale and Cardiff RCC that you have an understanding of the range of services provided across the two Local Authorities. Therefore, as part of your induction visits will be arranged to three projects (at least one from each LA). On the visits you will be accompanied by the Regional Development Coordinator and whenever possible by your mentor. An invite will be issued to all other Members, Deputies and Advisors of the RCC who may also participate in the visits. Please contact: Sarah Capstick, Regional Development Co-ordinator, Tel: 01446 709736 to arrange an appropriate date for visits as part of your induction. Key Contact Details Name Sarah Capstick Neil Sutcliffe Position Regional Development Co-ordinator SP Manager (Cardiff) Email .uk Pam Toms Housing Solutions & SP Team Leader (Vale of Glamorgan) Tel number 01446 709736 029 2053 7275 01446 709788 8 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff Regional Collaborative Committee Terms of Reference 1.42 Name: Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff Regional Collaborative Committee 2.0 Role and Responsibilities 2.1 General 2.11 The RCC will inform and advise the Welsh Ministers on the production of proposed Supporting People Commissioning plans for the allocation of grant against agreed priorities. 2.12 The RCC does not have executive powers or functions. 2.13 To advise on: Regional and local delivery and compliance with national Supporting People Programme Grant Guidance. Regional and local needs mapping. The operation of commissioning and procurement practice. The quality of regional and local services in particular against the Supporting People National Outcomes framework. 2.14 Make recommendations to the Welsh Government and Minister on: Local and regional spend via Supporting People Spend plans against service user group priorities. Virement of SPPG between service user groups (over 10% of total service user group allocation) within the local and regional Supporting People plan and within the region. 2.15 Planning: Produce the Regional Commissioning Plan including a spend plan which is submitted to Welsh Government for confirmation. 9 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference Recommend escalating any issues that cannot be resolved through local and/or regional collaboration to the Welsh Ministers. Develop a mechanism/framework whereby service users can be involved in developing, commissioning and reviewing support services. Ensure local authorities provide appropriate monitoring information of SP spend including timely identification and reporting of under spend. Develop an awareness of local, regional and national SP services in order to identify opportunities to realise efficiencies by coordinated planning and provision of services. Liaise with other RCC’s in order to identify synergies in service requirements to enable singular commissioning and procurement exercises. Liaise with other RCC’s to provide advice on coordinating commissioning, procurement and funding of cross-region and national service provision. Ensure the regional commissioning plan considers the Single Integrated Plan/Community Strategy which includes Health Social Care and Wellbeing, Community Safety and Homelessness strategic objectives. Develop an awareness of local, regional and national SP services in order to identify opportunities to realise efficiencies by coordinated planning and provision of services Maintain a register of services that may be commissioned or procured at short notice should funding become available, these may be new services requiring procurement or expansion of existing services. Maintain an overview and receive reports on the operation of commissioning and procurement practice. Maintain an overview and receive reports on regional and local compliance with regulation, grant conditions, policy and legislation. Maintain an overview, and receive reports on the quality of regional and local services in particular against the Supporting People National Outcomes framework. 2.16 Administration: Ensure effective information exchange between the local authorities of Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff and the RCC and between RCC’s (noting confidentiality requirements). Receive from the coordinating local authority a register of services that may be commissioned or procured at short notice should funding become available: these may be new services requiring procurement or expansion of existing services. Receive monitoring information on complaints and to escalate any issues to Welsh government as appropriate. Advise the coordinating local authority and the Welsh Government where the RCC considers that local practice is in breach of the Grant 10 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference conditions. To also advise Welsh Government on any disputes within the RCC. Maintain a record of attendance and correspondence. Maintain continuous assessment on the RCC Membership to ensure parity of representation, and awareness of and participation by all SP stakeholders. 3.0 Membership 3.1 The RCC will be made up of: A Cabinet Member from each of the local authorities of Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff. A Chief Officer or their deputy from each of the local authorities of Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff. Public Health Wales Cardiff and Vale University Local Health Board Probation 2 Support Providers (representing long term and short term services) elected and supported by Cymorth Cymru. 2 Landlords elected and supported by Community Housing Cymru. Service user representation (the involvement will be determined following consultation with service users or anyone chosen by service users to represent them. The representative(s) must be selected by service users. Co-opted members at the discretion of the RCC. The Regional Development Coordinator and Welsh Government officials will also be able to attend the RCC, but will not have voting rights. 3.2 Selection and de-selection of members 3.21 Each agency shall nominate their own representative/s but with the aim of achieving overall representation of interests identified. 3.22 Members shall serve for a term of three years, after which time they must stand down but may offer themselves for reselection. During the first 5 years of operation, interim arrangements will be made so that there is a staged process and not all members resign in the same year. 3.23 Representatives are expected to attend at least 75% of meetings. If they fail to do so, the organisation/agency that nominated them will be asked to provide an alternative representative. 3.24 All stakeholders are encouraged to ensure that they are fully represented and continued failure of any agency to ensure representation will be reported to the National Board. 11 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference 3.3 Meetings 3.31 The RCC will meet a minimum of quarterly. During the first six months of the implementation period, meetings shall take place monthly. 3.32 The Chair shall be one of the local authority members and shall be appointed annually. 1.42 The Vice Chair shall be selected from one of the other agencies and shall be appointed annually. 3.34 The RCC may set up task and finish groups at its discretion. 3.4 Responsibilities of the Chair and Vice Chair 3.41 The Chair (and in their absence vice chair) shall have particular duties and responsibilities. 3.42 The essential duties of the Chair are to: (a) Ensure the efficient conduct of the RCC’s business. (b) To ensure the RCC operates in line with all SP guidance. (c) Ensure that all RCC members are given the opportunity to express their views before an important recommendation is taken. (d) Ensure that any conflict of interest on the RCC is dealt with correctly. (e) Take decisions delegated to the Chair with the advice of the Regional Development Coordinator represent the RCC when necessary. (f) Ensure good and effective communication with the other RCC’s. (g) Develop positive relationships between the RCC and the constituent local authorities including with elected members and act to resolve conflict. (h) Establish a constructive relationship with, and provide support for, the Regional Development Coordinator. (i) In partnership with the RCC and the Regional Development Coordinator to recommend the regional development priorities. (j) Review the composition of the RCC and the skills of its individual members. (k) Review the attendance of the RCC’s members and bring to the attention of the RCC if individual attendance or conduct of members is not in line with the SPPG guidance. 3.43 The Chair will be required to delegate their duties to the Vice Chair if they have a conflict of interest about a matter that is being discussed. 12 Vale and Cardiff RCC 3.5 Terms of Reference Agenda 3.51 Standard agenda for RCC meetings should include: I. Accreditation II. Financial position against budget III. Needs mapping (on a regional basis including a gap analysis) IV. Outcomes and performance management (including service reviews) V. Proposals for strategic remodelling VI. Commissioning and procurement VII. Any other issues 3.6 Servicing and resourcing 3.61 The Regional Development Coordinator will provide administrative support to the RCC. 3.62 Local authorities will provide quarterly reports to the RCC via the Regional Development Coordinator. These should reflect the content of the commissioning plan as well as additional issues determined by the RCC. 3.63 SP Managers may attend, participate in and support the work of the RCC. 1.42 The Regional Development Coordinator will ensure dialogue and collaboration takes place between the local and regional levels in order to ensure any issues are resolved as early as possible in the planning process. 3.7 Local authority coordinating role 3.71 The nominated coordinating local authority will: Collate the proposed regional commissioning plans for the local authorities in that area. Organise the RCC meetings. Maintain a register of services that may be commissioned or procured at short notice. Employ a regional development coordinator funded by Welsh Government. Develop and support effective partnership working within the region on Supporting People. 13 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference Support the RCC so that it functions effectively and is appropriately serviced. Develop a plan that will incorporate local and regional arrangements and evidence of the outcomes of user involvement to be evaluated and presented to the RCC. Ensure dialogue and collaboration between the local and regional levels with the aim to resolve any issues before commissioning and spend plans are put to local authority members. 3.8 Conduct of RCC 3.81 Members of the RCC will be expected to work at all times according to the Nolan principles of public life. 3.82 The RCC is advisory only and, whether collectively or through its individual members, may not: in particular – a) Incur expenditure; b) Enter into agreements or contracts; c) Make decisions or purport to take any action on behalf of the Minister or the Welsh Government or any other body; or d) Make any statements or engage in any press or media coverage without the written permission of a named official of the Welsh Assembly Government. e) The RCC shall not to make statements without first consulting with the Welsh Government. 3.9 Code of Conduct 3.91 RCC members agree to: Contribute time, expertise, and enthusiasm to ensuring effective operation of the Regional Collaborative Committee Attend at least 75% of RCC meetings Contribute in an open and honest manner Recognise, respect and draw upon the contributions of each member Ensure principles of equality and diversity underpin the work of the Group Positively promote the work of the RCC and raise the profile of Supporting People. Facilitate opportunities for discussion/debate in their own organisation/network and ensure effective 2-way communication. Seek to influence the aligning of other resources to the work of the SP Programme, where this is appropriate. 14 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference Be accountable for their actions and decisions and observe confidentiality. Make recommendations based on merit and in the interests of the SPPG work programme. Adhere to the ‘Conflict of Interest Policy’ and complete an annual Declaration of interest form. Accept majority recommendations. Prepare appropriately for RCC meetings. 4.0 Conflict of Interest 4.1 The Chair will establish at the beginning of each meeting whether any conflict of interest exists and how it should be dealt with. The Conflict of Interest procedure is attached at Appendix 1. 4.11 For clarity the following parties have a responsibility to ensure that the operation of the RCC is not compromised by any conflicts of interest: the individual RCC member the Chair the stakeholders which have selected the member. 1.42 With specific regard to commissioning and procurement, it is the role of provider members to not represent that interest, for example by giving information on the impact on providers of different procurement models. 1.42 Once a project has been proposed by the RCC it will be managed by the SP teams in the Vale of Glamorgan and Cardiff region. The RCC will receive information through the budget monitoring function of spend. The provider representatives (and this may include local authority representatives where they are also providers) should not be privy to any detailed procurement information where this might give them an unfair advantage over other providers. 4.2 Priority setting 4.21 The RCC will develop up to a three year rolling Regional Commissioning Plan, which will set out priorities / spend for the region and be reviewed annually. In the transition year, it will be a one year plan. The plan will be built upon local priorities and the co-ordinating local authority will put together the plan for the RCC to review. The RCC will identify regional priorities and any other changes required and then submit the proposed spend plan to the Welsh Government for confirmation. 4.22 The Local Commissioning Plan must meet the regional priorities 15 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference identified in the RCC Regional Commissioning Plan. 4.3 Decision making and reporting 4.31 The RCC will try to reach a decision with which all members can agree 4.32 The quorum shall be one half of the RCC membership and should include at least one LA representative and one representative from either providers or CHC. Deputies will be allowed to attend but only if identified and formally approved on the deputy register – to be reviewed and updated once annually. Where financial matters are being decided if there is a significant conflict of interest it is expected that relevant members would leave the room when these matters are being discussed. 4.33 The RCC will be expected to demonstrate to the SPNAB that they have developed and fully implemented a voting and decision making system that upholds the High Level Principles of the programme in particular the principle of equality of ownership, co production and collaboration. 4.34 Where a majority decision is made, the minutes will make clear the voting and will describe the reasons for the dissent. 4.35 Summary reports of RCC decisions that were not unanimous will be provided to the SPNAB if required. 4.36 Where an issue of importance arises which necessitates formal discussion in order to reach an urgent decision, an additional meeting of the RCC may be called by the Chair (in consultation with the Vice Chair and other Board members). 4.37 An annual report on the operation of the RCC will go to the National Board. 4.38 All reporting of the RCC will be public except for confidential or business sensitive information, for clarity service reviews will be public information. 4.39 The RCC will work in partnership with the Regional Development Coordinator to prepare the agenda, in addition to programmed business, and to discuss any changes to the programme of work of the RCC and/or meeting dates. 4.39.1 Minutes of meetings shall be circulated to each member, present or not. 4.39.2 Minutes of meetings will be produced and hosted on the Welsh Government website (minus any confidential material). 4.4 4.41 Communication The RCC will put in place consultation arrangements with the following stakeholders: Service users. Local Supporting People Planning Groups. 16 Vale and Cardiff RCC Local/regional homelessness forums. Provider forums. Other relevant bodies. The SPNAB will expect to see evidence of this. Terms of Reference 4.42 RCC members will be expected to communicate with their own constituency e.g. local authority members, other providers etc. 17 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference Appendix 1 – RCC Conflict of Interest Policy The aims of the policy The aim of this policy is to set out the procedure for handling conflicts of interest for the members of the Regional Collaborative Committee. It defines: What constitutes a conflict of interest? The register of interests. The procedures for handling conflicts of interest within RCC meetings. Defining a conflict of interest Anyone who is in a position to directly or indirectly influence the outcome of the RCC business must ensure that their external interests do not compete with their role on the RCC. Examples of interests which would be regarded as relevant are: Directorships, including non-executive directorships held in private companies or Private Limited Companies (with the exception of those of dormant companies) and Registered Social Landlords; Ownership or part-ownership of private companies, businesses or consultants likely or possibly seeking to do business with a participating County Borough Council, Health Board and the Probation Service; A position of authority in a charity or a voluntary body in the field of health and social care; Any connection with any person contracting for Supporting People services including spouses, relatives, etc. Register of Interest Regional Collaborative Committee members are required to complete an annual Declaration of Interests form which is attached at Annex A. These will be reviewed by the Chair and used to avoid potential conflicts during the year. The Regional Collaborative Committee Regional Development Coordinator or administrator will hold the Register of Interests. The Register will be updated on an annual basis and will be made available for internal audit. Procedure during RCC meetings and the handling of matters where a conflict of interest may arise. 1. At any meeting where the subject matter leads a participant to believe that there could be a conflict of interest, this interest must be declared at the earliest convenient point in the meeting. 18 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference 2. Declarations of interest must be clearly identified within the minutes of the meeting, including any need to withdraw and the reasons for doing so. 3. The chair of the meeting must take a decision as to the need for the member of the meeting to withdraw or not from the proceedings. Where this may involve the chair, the Vice Chair will take the decision. 4. If the chair of the meeting is the person to whom the declaration of interests relates the chair should vacate the seat and the meeting for that item. If there is no Vice Chair present at the meeting, the meeting must first elect a chair by a show of hands. 5. Members of the meeting who are employed by any County Borough or County Council are subject to the Council’s Constitution and Code of Conduct. 19 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference ToR Appendix 1; Annex A Declaration of Interest for the period (insert date) I, …………………………………………………..(Name), being a member of the ……………………………………………………..Regional Collaborative Committee and employed by ……………………………………………..hereby declare that I have the following / no interests (delete as appropriate) to declare that are relevant or material to ……………………………………………………………Regional Collaborative Committee. Signed…………………………………….. Date ………………………………… Print name ………………………………………. List of interests: Name of organisation where interest is held Position held / interest held If you have additional interests, please enter these below, (please note that if your circumstances change, you must notify the Regional Development Worker or Administrator of the Regional Collaborative Committee). …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………. 20 Vale and Cardiff RCC Terms of Reference Annex B Declaration and register of interests I, ……………………………………….. (Name) understand the guidance detailed in the Regional Collaborative Committee Conflict of Interest policy August 2012. Signed ……………………………….. Dated 21 Vale and Cardiff RCC NOTES Induction Pack FEEDBACK TO THE RCC 22 Vale and Cardiff RCC Vale and Cardiff Regional Collaborative Committee Induction Programme Task Date Notes completed Overview of role as a RCC member Induction Pack Led by Mentor provided and introductions made Expectations and requirements of members Brief history of the SP programme / strategic links Aims and key activities of the RCC Knowledge of Grant Conditions Principles of the Supporting People Programme Grant Guidance Principles of Funding from Welsh Government Current commissioning plan Current budget / spend plan Outline of roles and responsibilities of members of the RCC Scheme visits Other (please list) 23 Vale and Cardiff RCC Induction Pack 4+1 RCC Induction Tried Learned Pleased About Concerned About Next Steps ? 24