Geographical and Ethnographical Visions of the World Before and After

Geographical and
Ethnographical Visions of the
World Before and After
Columbus’ Arrival to America
“T” Maps
The Land of Marvels Bartolomé “El inglés”
Salterio Map 1250
Ebstorf Map c. 1240
Hereford Map 13th Century
Demonstration of the Earth Sphericity 13th Century
Zuane Pizzigano, 1424
Catalan Atlas Map of Europe, Norht Africa, and Middle East 15th
Catalan Atlas 15th Century
China, Catalan Atlas 15th Century
Cathay Fra Mauro’s Map, 1459
Albino Canepa, 1489
Martin Behaim, 1492
Martin Behaim, 1492
Mapamundi “Cantino” 1502
Martin Waldseemüller Mappamundi 1507
Waldseenmuller 1513
Pierre Descellers 1550
The Monstrous in Hartmann Schedel Liber Chronicarum
Sir Raleigh’s publication
Libro de las maravillas, Sir John de Mandeville
Battle of the Cranes and the Pigmies in Mandeville’s Maravillas and
portrayed in the Catalan Atlas 15th Century
First Images of Indigenous
People by Europeans
Columbus Letter
Columbus Letter
America and Americo Vespucci
First representation of Indigenous people, the use of
European artistic templates
European templates for artistic representations of the
Representation of Indigenous “everyday life”
Everyday life
Mappamundi from a different perspective