Budget Deliberations—Final Called to order at 5:02 Present:

Budget Deliberations—Final
Called to order at 5:02
Daniel Dennis
Nominations: Joe nominates Daniel Dennis. Joe declined his nomination
Budget: Titan TV
Student Assistants—$4300. Looks good. Travel—conferences, any objections? No.
Curtis in at 5:06
Fleet vehicle for the other. Telephone—looks good. Maintenance and repairs—any
objections? Printing and Dup $350, looks good. Supplies. Cut the operations
expenses, that seems like a OTR. Promotional Materials, they should have some,
maybe $500. (Took out $4500 from supplies). Food and Food Services $210.
Equipment—cut out the OTR, so it’s down to $3995.00. Looks good.
Subscriptions—they need this to air. Dues and Memberships $175. Prizes and
Awards—these are to submit, these are more like dues, so will be moved
accordingly $250.
$22,654 moved by Michael, seconded by Daniel 6-0-0
Budget: Titan Volunteers
Travel is at $200, Printing and Duplicating $100. Supplies—t-shirts are necessary
$700 seems more reasonable. Food and food services $400.
$1400 moved by Lindsey, seconded by Daniel. 6-0-0
Budget: UMatter
Rents and Leases $100. Printing and Duplicating $2700. Buttons are cut. Supplies
$100. Lanyards and Pens? Cut the t-shirts? $3500 (that’s with cutting the t-shirts).
$6300 moved by Daniel, seconded by Dana 6-0-0
Budget: SVA
Travel looks good, one conference, except for the registration (-100). S/P $10,000?
Maybe $5000, subtract the co-sponsor. Services Misc. $1200? Printing $100. Food,
they have 4 total, food $550. Postage $100. Advertising $100. Prizes and Awards
$100, we cannot give individual prizes and awards. Misc. Expenses $200—cut that ,
that’s a slush fund.
$8247 moved by Daniel, seconded by Mike 6-0-0
Budget: Wildlife
Travel—do we pay for their registration? No, cut that but still pay for the gas (for
the track training) $120. The rest are fieldtrips. Printing, cut the buttons $100.
Food and Services $$250. Supplies—candy and posters? Posters are under
advertising. Domestic Books? Educational Books can be through the library. Cut
this. Subscriptions are probably already available. Cutting both. S/P, $25 for
speakers. $200 for 4 speakers and their travel, allocate as seen fit.
Mike out at 5:38
$670 moved by Daniel, seconded by Dana 5-0-0
Budget: Wisconsin Review
Student Assistants $3250. Travel $500. Printing $150. Non-State $6000. Supplies
$100, $100 for advertising. $200 for food. Postage $500. Prizes and awards $50.
$10850 moved by Daniel, seconded by Lindsey 5-0-0
Budget: WAC
Travel should be for 5 people, and we don’t pay registration, $407. Rents and
Leases $726. S/P $8000, spend accordingly. Supplies Misc. $1500. Printing and
Dup. $740. Supplies $910.75 Food and Food $200. Misc. should be cut totally
$12484 moved by Daniel, seconded by Curtis 5-0-0
Budget: Women’s Lacrosse
Travel looks good. Fees are at $480 Equipment $248.88. Printing $40 and Misc.
Costs $100
$1514 moved by Lindsey, seconded by Daniel 5-0-0
Budget: Women’s Rugby
Supplies $4052, Capital Purchases $150. Travel $6712. Dues and Membership
$875. S/P $1150. Printing $60. Tournament fees $1295
$14294 Full funded moved by Lindsey, seconded by Daniel 5-0-0
Budget: WRST
Student assistant $12,500. Travel $4000. Telephone $2,300. Membership$847.50
Maintenance and repairs $3,000. Supplies $1500? Looks better. Equipment $1500.
Misc. $5,114.00
$30,762 moved by Curtis, seconded by Lindsey 5-0-0
Budget: Women’s Volleyball
Equipment $1125. Capital Expenditures $500. Travel, looks good except for food ($900), also, the Reno trip is way over estimated. Dues and Fees looks good. Event
entries, looks good. Officials $200. Misc. for $24.
$15815 moved by Lindsey, seconded by Daniel 5-0-0
Budget: YAL
Travel—they get a national and a state $1060
$1060 moved by Lindsey seconded by Curtis 5-0-0
Motion to untable the AT by Lindsey, seconded by Curtis
Budget: Advance Titan
Motion to fund by Curtis, seconded by Daniel 5-0-0
Budget: SAC
$7,000, $6000, $250 for salaries looks good.
Take out the telephone. Rents and leases $245. Printing and Duplicating $100.
Supplies $100 Food is at $300, $100 now. Insurance $
$13824 moved by Daniel, seconded by Curtis. 5-0-0