Attendance Megan Joe Nathan Koffkee Sarah Reggie Matt Calvin Quinn Call to order at 3:42 Elections Significant time commitment, there is a stipend, communication skills, Process is nominations, speech, and then voting Nominations for Chair Joe nominates Nate Accepted by Nate No further nominations Line item changes Titan TV 3400 in student in assistance, budget cut to 3,100 but was originally approved for 3400. Want 12 more for phones Maintenance and repairs 750 (take some from there) 4 from printing Supplies would lower by 700 Equip and furniture raised to what was approved from before cut. Just rearranging Motion to approve line item changes by Calvin second by Reggie o 5-0-0 STAND would like to take 1000 from rent/film to supplies and prizes We don’t generally fund that large to those areas Food transfer seems reasonable For further transfers need more specification Motion to approve changes to food with suggestions for more specific by Calvin second by Megan o 5-0-0 Budget deliberations Chess Club recommendations are: lectures misc lectures cut, cut polos, food they did not break down what they wanted, food 2 meals 60 dues and memberships, need both fees but would like to reward 2 mems with paid for year, and 10 off for other members misc tourneys should be cut. Calvin: I do like that is a discount to competitive nature but have we been paying individual fees Sarah: competitive we do but like SHERM we cut and that is to a prof org Calvin: do they need both Sarah: yes to compete Calvin: I am fine with funding that, I think it is a creative way to incentivize it Sarah: does anyone have anything else they saw Cut misc lectures, cut shirts, reduce food, cut misc tourneys. printing and duplicating reduce to 20, food reduce to 60, 2272 for dues and mems, services prof reduce to 1400, Motion by Joe to approve changes to budget second by Calvin o 5-0-0 Sisterhood travel is for volunteerism but no real specification. Some of it is supply pick up it doesn’t seem like a common cost we cover. Boys and girls club seems nice but it doesn’t say that in the budget and how much goes for that. Airport pickup, seems ineffective. Matt: it is probably cheaper to use a fleet vehicle Sarah: my concern is it is not specific enough. … my recommendation is to cut the 198 for lack of specificity Reggie: their speakers are from out of town and need to pick them up Sarah: picking them up would be included in services prof. Calvin: I think travel should be included in professional service Sarah: is anyone opposed to cutting this? Reggie: can we move it Sarah: I think it is not a specific breakdown… can come back for one time request. All okay Sarah: women of color history week Calvin: It is related to their mission and we have been funding that kind of thing Sarah: San Juan Puerto Rico speaker seems relevant, I think the next one is miss categorized. Thoughts on the 500. Calvin: I think it belongs under supplies but there is no detailed breakdown Sarah: I say for the event give them 100 in supplies due to lack of specificity Awards ceremony should be cut completely. It doesn’t seem like something we should be funding…. Calvin: it is an internal event. Invite other orgs but invite only. Sarah: and later they are asking for 1000 for that to Supplies seems high and we did cut some events, total for meeting supplies I think it should be 150, Keep supplies total 265 including 100 from earlier Agendas they have at 4.49 each that is high. 30 for total Breast cancer wristbands similar to t-shirts and fundraising 200 for taste of osh Calvin: agendas are a substantial packet. I believe we should keep the 135 Joe: I just don’t understand where they are printing them from do they have 400+pages in these packets. Calvin: lets do 50 Cut services misc Printing and duplicating max I can see 200. Calvin: without a more detailed breakdown that seems reasonable Food, 80 for 2 meetings and fund holidays around the world it is cultural. Don’t fund awards Semester jamboree seems high for one meeting Reggie: it maybe because some in the org may be graduating. Celebrating Joe: look at it like that then take away one of the other meetings. It is like a pizza party. It has to be one or the other. Sarah: sometimes there are special events 2 a year beyond that it is hard to say it is a priority spending…. 40 for pizza. Not sure why it is 130 for this one. Reduce travel to 1343, 3097 service and professional, 515 for supplies, cut services misc., printing and duplicating 200, food reduced to 230. Motion to approve changes by Calvin second by Joe o 5-0-2 French Club remove misc expenses Motion to approve changes by Megan second by Calvin o 5-0-0 Multicultural education I don’t see any changes Calvin: can you point out the suggestion again I think it is a good budget, it is not insignificant. The only thing is the band but it is culturally related and for whole campus Calvin: I think travel could use a better breakdown Reggie: especially if it is in state Nathan: they may be bringing a lot of people Calvin: then they should include an estimate Calvin: without a breakdown on travel what do we do Sarah: it is hard but the purpose seems relevant. Especially because it is instate it does seem high. It doesn’t seem amazingly high Reggie: I would cut it to 1250. It seems high Calvin: what are the fees, is food included. Calvin: If they are expecting reps from other orgs keep it Motion to approve budget by Calvin second by Reggie o 5-0-0 Hip hop dance team I think apparel is something to consider but seems reasonable. I think service internal needs to be cut it is like misc. lacks specify, food is asking for banquet but it may be categorized as end of year meal at 50, and cut awards Joe: what did you say for food One banquet for 250. Cut it as if it was a pizza meeting based on 18 girls I estimated it as 50. Motion to approve changes by Calvin second by Megan Reggie: for sisterhood did we fund end of year jamboree. No But this is like that a banquet is like 2 separate meetings Sarah: I am saying sisterhood asked for 130 for end of year celebration we do cover 2 general meals. Lets cover that. We cover that not big blow outs. This one asked for more than I think we should pay for. Leave them money for pizza or something Reggie: instead of 2 they are asking for 1. Vote: 4-0-1 Nathan leaves Chemistry club Seemed straightforward. Food estimated at 20 for each event. 40 for meetings 20 for special events. Meet in middle at 30 give them 2 meetings so 60 for food Prizes and awards has gift cards cut, plus internal prizes Calvin: is trivia only internal they are including prizes for that Sarah: assume it is open to everyone but it is still gift cards and we can’t do that Motion to by Reggie second by Calvin o 5-0-0 Food 60 Trips more than average… Matt: that is their core mission Sarah: I think we have to decide how many we are funding it is a low amount Joe: If they can get all these trips in for one amt it is better than one big retreat Sarah: SLIC retreat we want to make cuts Travel good Supplies cut last 2 bullet pts. Leave 350 food, 300 seems too high given what we have done before. Leave them with 2 meetings at 100 total … I think t-shirts should be cut Reggie: if they are wearing these shirts at events Matt: I think this group is taking a lot if discretion with cutting. I think there are some groups… I can go wither way. One way supplies is higher and they may still get shirts unless you say no shirts Sarah: this group tries to be fair and we have cut them before. We left them with 675 for travel and others we have been limiting # of trips…. The shirts are not specified why they need them which is why I say cut them Motion to approve budget with reducing supplies to 350 second by Joe o 4-0-1 Kinesiology Club 150 for services professional. Then they say 250. Not sure how that plays in maybe a typo Joe: I would assume typo Supplies seems reasonable. Food is beyond what we would generally fund. I recommend K club party, and end of year party. They break down costs well Reggie: are we doing the first one No just 2 Joe: those seem expensive compared to the others Sarah: I don’t think their math is correct. Joe: this seems like pizza meetings Reggie: 70 for both. They laid it out well. It seems reasonable to give them half the cost of one. 50 per meeting 100 total Cut prizes, and misc expenses 100 for food, cut prizes, cut misc Motion by Joe to approve changes, second by Calvin o 5-0-0 Matt leaves Lost Quorum, brief recess Quinn arrives Back to order at 5:05 Geology Club Math was wrong in travel. 1368 should be 1520. 288 for talks travel totaling1436 Services professional 2750 fixed math on travel and can’t fix the math on the speakers. What is a reception fee Calvin: your hospitality fee, or honorarium. Sarah: non-contractual is 10. So lets figure 2675. Food and food services does not seem reasonable Quinn: that seems like an unreasonable banquet. Change to 110 for 2 pizza parties Travel 1436, services prof 2675, food reduced to 110, Motion to approve by Calvin second by Reggie o 5-0-0 Film Society they want 2500 in maintenance and repairs Quinn: are they saying this is going to break or is it already broken Reggie: what did we do with titan tv Sarah: titian tv has more of an immediate repair necessity Sarah: if they make movies that is different than showing them Quinn: if last year they repaired it why do they need it again. Calvin: I think it is a just in case fund Sarah: it doesn’t seem unreasonable. Reggie: can we look up frotto online to see what the cost is Sarah: I don’t see anything on the site Dues and mems they want to give swag to RTF alumni and students. Not sure how much will be ordered. Any objections to cut it Quinn: how is it diff from giving groups cash for taste of osh. The amount is not reasonable but is it diff. Sarah: this is awarding non campus people and mems which is internal awards. Cut supplies by 1000 Quinn: I don’t understand part on supplies with public service announcement and batman. Sarah: within circles there is debate between film or digital. He wanted to use film and costs associated with film Sarah: okay with maintenance and repairs maybe miss categorized. Professional speaker is questionable and not specific Calvin: example on bottom Good with it Quinn: they want 50 and membership is 200. Peculiar Any objections none. Ad and notices miss categorized probably but reasonable. Food seems okay based on exceptions. Supplies is reduced to 1440 Motion to approve changes by Joe second by Calvin Reggie: what are we doing about tripod bags Sarah: assuming they are accurate because they gave us details of where they found them. We just don’t know what exactly we are looking for o Vote: 5-0-0 CEO They are asking for annual fee but is on per student basis which seems like something we wouldn’t cover Reggie: didn’t we fund one before Sarah: we generally fund national dues for club to be recognized. But if there is individual costs for exec bored we don’t cover that. But this one is kind of a gray area. If in order to be a club they need ten then cover 10 and beyond that they cover with fundraising etc. Seems reasonable First meeting they want 250 for food. 37 pizzas for 100 students. I think we should plan on it being about 45 so max 20 that seems high 15 pizzas. 25 pizzas 4 students per pizza. 15 for 45 is btw 3-4 slices per person. 15*6 that is 90 for 100 that would be 178 for food for that one. Calvin: 100 posters seems like a lot for a meeting. After first event it is 50. 100 for posters. Nope. 50 per meeting. Cut food for meeting 2. Leaves them with 50 for advertising. Cut food at 3rd meeting Nov they ask for conference. 15-30 students. Cut food on conference. Calvin: I would reduce number of people Sarah: out of state total 6 or 7 people. 952 for travel amount. Speaker event. Cut food End of semester event, promotion to 50, cut prize, cut food. Feb 50 for promotion. Calvin: 50 for promotion seems high 50 for beginning meeting and 25 for rest. Cut food from all meetings but the first and last April conference, cut food. 2045 for conference. Calvin: are these individual fees. I left it because I assume they need that. Cut elevator prize. 125 promotion for 1st semester, total 350 Megan: that seems high Joe: give them 150 per semester. Sarah: 25 or 50 flyers seem reasonable. Copy this for black and white is a cent a page. 50 so 5000, I was assuming they were 1 a piece. Technically there are not that many spaces where you are allowed to put posters. 90 advertising 50 players per meeting. Misc expenses, are not specified so cut Calvin: conference fees they have nat conference in Miami, and regional there is no specific WI one and regional conference is free. Sarah: the WI conference has same justification as nat conference. I would say leave them with amt for nat conference and if we are misunderstanding they can do a one time request 285 for dues and memberships, food 356, 90 for advertising, travel 952, prizes and awards cut, cut misc expenses. Sarah: elevator pitch is more than club so it is external. It is there mandate I would never give 500. So maybe 50. Reggie: I would give them 100. Sarah: we usually cut prizes and awards Calvin: would this qualify as event Sarah: it has more than their club draw. Calvin: total of 50. Calvin: isn’t it a reallocation of funds. Sarah: yeah that is a good point. We won’t fund that Motion to approve changes by Reggie second by Megan o 5-0-0 Sarah goes to bathroom Joe leaves lost quorum Joe returns SOL Reggie: they are going to the same as MEC Sarah: It could include SOL but SOL could just be going to the same conference. It doesn’t have a great break down of costs. They are asking for 2900. Joe: 3150 is what they are requesting for travel. Sarah: … Quinn: the other travel is 1500 Sarah: maybe they included it somewhere else. Nope. Entrance costs at 125 per student total of 6. Quinn: what have we done in past Sarah: generally we have covered it is relevant to club. The other one is 125 as well and will be fundraising for 6 other students. Total 1500 for entrance fees Quinn: haven’t we been funding 1 conf if they asked for 2. They are both leadership Sarah: lets fund the USHOI conference. 1500 for travel but just fund the 1 conf. Rents and leases all good. Services professional, cut dinner if it is free for UWO students because we are paying for it and we don’t want to pay for external people. Cut the dinner. Taste of UWO give 50, holidays around the world 25, Quinn: homecoming cut, Calvin: reg fees for homecoming have been cut Halloween carnival Calvin: student orgs make a table, staff and kids go down. 25 for candy for that Multicultural preview day Quinn: averages 600 people 75 for that Cosponsor events not specific so cut Salsa lessons for UWO students they need to provide the professional instructor costs. 200 150 for multicultural month Services professional total 525 Printing and duplicating reduce to 200 Supplies they are asking for 50 for carnival we gave them 25 give it to them or stick with 25 Keep 25 WI White privilege conference according to view pt neutrality we must cover it. I only see 150 for supplies that would not have been covered earlier. Reduce services prof by 50 and [put it in supplies Food 300, higher than normal because they are campus events at each one Cut prizes and awards Travel 1500, services professional 475, printing and duplicating 200, supplies 200, food 300, cut prizes and awards Motion to approve the changes by Megan second by Calvin o 5-0-0 Student Veterans Association travel 1587 for conference Quinn: this is 2500 for 2 people No 1587 for 2 people. Pres and one other. Per diem cut. 1547 for conference guest speaker parking permits. 50 permits seems high. We should adjust to 14 speakers which becomes 28 they have a per diem of 40 cut that 100 for connecting with other near by campuses. Travel total 1475 Services professional 10000 for 2 speakers. 2 speakers at quoted price 7500 services misc, film rights 1000. 200 towards it seems better. Sarah: even if that is the cost 1000 for one is not worth it. I would say value is no more than 200. Quinn: what are they showing? Sarah: they are asking for film rights to be able to show it but they don’t say how many or cost of each. I think cost benefit 200 seems good. Megan: French club asked for 50 for films Reggie: I am in favor of taking this out and asking for one time request Calvin: I agree Come back with one time request but with specifics. Film days need more specifics. Services misc. 135 Printing and duplicating seems reasonable Food does not seem as reasonable, meetings seems more reasonable to have 200 total and cake is cultural thing. 350 for food Postage and freight. We don’t generally cover mailings off campus. In this case it is justified. It is administrative costs Good I think awards is a nice idea but doesn’t go past internal cost Quinn: I agree it would be nice. Calvin: should we reason to cut… Prizes and awards cut Misc expenses is not specific cut Travel 1475, services professional 7500, food 350, 135 services misc, prizes and awards cut, misc expenses cut Motion to approve changes by Calvin Joe seconds o 5-0-0 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship food keep 2 most expensive ones cut others Quinn: they want 125 for 10 students…. Sarah: 100 dollars 10 members 1000 for travel Sarah: I don’t understand winter conference is it a retreat Calvin: both have the word conference but they seem like retreats. Sarah: they are asking for 20 for 20 people. I say 10 for 20 people. But if they are both in WI we can cut it. Sarah: total cost is 45 and want us to pay 20. It is more structured so give 10 dollars Travel 1200 Audio visual move to rents and leases food 420, Travel 1200, 210 for rents and leases, Motion to approve changes by Joe second by Quinn o 4-0-1 Quinn left Quinn returns Computer Science Club straight forward but some changes needed services prof they are asking for 50 per speaker and 10 speakers not very specific so 10 per speaker so 100 total cut shirts, supplies total is 310. Pay for computers cut prizes and awards 100 services professional, 310 supplies, Motion to approve changes by Reggie second by Calvin o 5-0-0 Oshkosh Gaming Society u hauls, some of equipment is high is value and they want to be able to access it after hours. Taking that value off campus doesn’t increase security. There is space on campus they can look. They have said they have talked to reeve. They need an advisor that is taking responsibility and an official check out process. I don’t think that should be off campus. They can make meetings earlier and then they wont go late. Cut 1679 from rents and leases Maintenance and repairs should be one time request as needed. Food they want 800 reduce to 400. 200 per pizza night. They have large attendance Subscriptions I like they are looking for ways to save but it would need to be in an individual name so cut it Ad and notice Quinn: 250 for ad and notice. Sarah that allows for buttons and 215 for rest of year CALVIN: their meetings are events Cut prizes and awards Equipment, table top games are expensive. They do keep these in library so people can check them out. Quinn: I think we should half it. 28 is a lot of new games. Calvin: one new game every other week. 770 for games. Boffer expansion pack, competitive team requires 10 people. Megan: are they keeping it with club Sarah: yes and this seems like something we would incur. 2020 is the low end of what they want. Seems reasonable for 10 people. Computer equipment they want a new Wii U and gaming accessories. 4 remote controllers and 4 pro controller. Calvin: all the controllers are motion sensing. It is addition to tablet. No to pro-controllers. So 280 for Wii Calvin: this is a lot and I don’t know what individual members contribute and should they contribute Reggie: and purchasing new games is a liability. Sarah: they are in library and at club an exec takes them out. The concern is cost benefit. For games we gave them a new one every other week. Gaming console I am okay with it they are a large club. Joe: If someone from the club wants a game and it is gone they said then the club is doing a good job Quinn: the Wii U is struggling in terms of sales. Calvin: they have Xbox and Wiis and they contribute their own consoles too. Calvin: super Mario is a lot of fun and they come with they tablet and you can play the full game with old controllers and pro is a luxury. Take out pro-controllers and keep everything else so 710 Video games they want 9 new games. New system so new games. Reasonable. Cut rents and leases, cut maintenance and repairs, food 400, cut subscriptions, ad and notice is 250, cut prizes and awards, equipment 2790, computer equipment 710 Motion to approve changes by Joe, second by Calvin o 5-0-0 Riffle team Calvin: does the success of the riffle club attract people to the UWO campus Nathan: personally no they only have about 5 people in club Sarah: they have lots come out for the team but the time requirements they lose people. Calvin: given that it is 4 members that cost is a lot. Joe: 6 shooters and coach and assistant coach Sarah: I want to see a reduction in food Sarah: 3 rooms instead of 4 so 185. Food 20 dollars a day is about what we have been doing. So that would be 320. 320 plus 185 plus 210 plus 339 is 1054 for IN 333, food 320, …total for MI is 1292. 303+320+585+ 1788 for OH 4134 for out of state travel. For nationals do we want to have them come back for one time request. Yes. Equipment and furniture. Do they keep the outfits or do they stay with team They stay with org. Quinn: what have they been using so far Old ones that are now worn out Travel reduced to 4134, Quinn motions to approve changes to budget second by Reggie o 4-0-1 Meeting next week next wed again motion to adjourn by Quinn second by Calvin 5-0-0