Meeting Minutes 2/8/14 Call to order at 9:13 Attendance Sarah Calvin Joe Nathan Krueger (Nathan) Reggie Megan Budget Deliberations 90.3 WRST-FM Budget Sarah: look at supplies and equipment. The supplies are not specifically laid out. 2000 seems high. Calvin: hard to tell without the breakdown Joe: I would imagine they promote this well Calvin: I feel between 1000-1500 Sarah: good with 1000 o Yes Reggie: I would go down to 1000 on supplies as well Sarah: look at equipment and near term needs. With the vagueness it is hard to determine if 4000 is necessary Nathan: It would be easier to determine what licenses they need Sarah: do we think they allocated properly or on the high end Reggie: I would assume they are asking for the proper Calvin: I would cut it by 1000. Supplies cut 2000, and equipment cut to 3000 Reggie: motion to approve budget as amended second by Calvin o 5-0-0 Geography Club Sarah: I think their travel seems okay. But the lecture trips maybe one could be cut. Food should be cut for these Calvin: the only problem I have is with the exclusivity, they are only taking 10 students Nathan: do they say they only have enough for 10 or can only take 10 Joe: they could spread the money over 20 students and each pay half too Sarah: cut food so cut 200 from travel. Food cut to $74 (2 meeting and adjusted) Cut food to 74 (travel should be 1580, and food 74) Motion by Nathan to approve budget as amended second by Joe o 5-0-0 Boxing Club Sarah: competing not under UWO name/standard. I think this sounds like a good activity for them but not something we can fund. o agreed Calvin: it says previous pizza has been 120 per semester Sarah: figure 50 for pizza plus soda theirs seems high Nathan: 160 Misc expenses are t-shirts so cut that 1527 for equipment, food to 160, cut travel Motion by Joe approve budget as amended. Second by Nathan o 5-0-0 Club Nippon Calvin: on the fence about travel. Sarah: even the Japanese mall, seems more entertainment…. Even boxing club that was directly related and a great thing to do except Both these are out of state. Cut travel Divide food in half for 2 Calvin: I think we should cut equipment Cut travel, cut food to 378, cut equipment Motion to approve by Calvin, second by Joe o 5-0-0 Habitat for Humanity Calvin: I think food needs to be cut in half Sarah: T-shirts, but Nathan: it is kind of a uniform and it identifies them Calvin: speaker series had the same intentions with shirts and I think we cut them. Determined we don’t think we did end up cutting them, but we are going to double check with Nathan Koffkee Calvin: Reduce food to 800, they have 2 per semester so cut ti in half Cut food to 800 Motion to approve by Nathan second by Megan o 5-0-0 Beat2SouL Nathan: we are going to cut food right? Sarah: this isn’t a sport club, but they are going to be competitive. They estimated food high. Sarah: they broke everything down nicely Nathan: I think some things are not in the right categories. They also included cost of gas which is included in the van Sarah: 285 for vans and 300 for sedans. But I don’t know why they need all that. I am guessing they mean wither 3 vans or 4 sedans. Fleet vehicle prices include gas. We are allocating 285 for 3 vans. Reggie: is the roller derby competitive Calvin: they perform at half time and hope for a sponsor. Is this like a cost of fundraising. Reggie: if they get a sponsor they won’t need as much money from SAC Nathan: other groups go to do this and they don’t ask for travel expenses and they still have to pay to rent equipment from the school. I don’t think we should fund this. Sarah: madison trip 1000 for food for that trip, hotel 856, plus 285. Madison trip will be 2141 Other things in rents and leases have been moved and the roller derby was cut. Travel 2141, rents and leases 643, Motion to approve by Nathan second by Reggie o 5-0-0 Society of Physics Students Sarah: travel they are asking for admission. It is a worthwhile trip but we don’t cover individual admissions. Calvin: do we think this is related Joe: I definitely think they are Sarah: food 160. Just with pizza per semester. They did ask for candy and we have been funding that so 20 for that Cut the t-shirts. Sarah: I think the laminated posters could be cut. Calvin: I think the posters are a good idea Sarah: the information changes though. Calvin: I was looking at flyers. Cut t-shirts, leave the laminated posters Cut prizes Cut misc. Travel cut to 205, 180 for food, advertising and notices to 75, cut prizes and awards, cut misc. Motion to approve changes by Calvin second by Reggie o 5-0-0 CARE Calvin: they have speakers under travel and that should probably be under services professional. Move 1340 to services professional Sarah: services professional part is going to cosponsor and they are not specific about it but they go on to say events they do put on so I think we should leave them with 5000. It seems too vague for the amount they are asking for. If they need more they can come back for more. Plus the 1340. Supplies seems high. Joe: bandanas and headbands fall kind of like t-shirts. Leave them with 153 for project supplies. Calvin: the rest seems like advertising. Sarah: the cost just seems high for advertising. Reggie: they are around a lot. Cut it a little but not drastic. Maybe 350 Food and food service may need a reduction. Joe: is that the only thing they are asking for. Yeah Joe: this maybe like speaker series dinners Calvin: maybe cut it in half and assume that half is going to educators and other half speakers. … leave them with 275. Cut postage and freight we don’t do off campus mailing. Cut prizes and awards 6140 services professional, travel 200, supplies 503, food cut to 275, cut postage and freight, cut prizes and awards. Motion to approve by Nathan second by Calvin o 5-0-0 Black Student Union Calvin: travel is there any restriction on how many can attend a conference Sarah: they calculated 9 because they want to take entire exec board. Joe: I don’t think we have had 9 people going out of state. Sarah: we only have for competitive travel. We could cut it down. Only pay for those that haven’t gone. Joe: is this a new club? Sarah: they were around last year for sure Calvin: I think 4 or 5 Sarah: do we want to say 5. Does that seem reasonable? Reggie: I would calculate for 6. To include advisor. Nathan: I don’t think an advisor should share a room with students. Sarah: okay we will calculate for three rooms. Calvin: they calculated bowling in there too. Cutting bowling. 1735 for travel Nathan: their services professional are they cosponsoring with other groups Cut services misc. Sarah: food seems high. We don’t usually fund banquets. This is a culture thing but it doesn’t say that it is for students Reggie: I think the black thurs is for connections Sarah: even honorarium is limited to a degree. They are listing range for black history month but not for thurs. without it being contractually obligated we have been doing 10 for speakers. This I am assuming it is in a contract but it is a big assumption. We don’t know what the 50 guests are. If they are students that is a diff calculation and if it is outside community members its diff. BSU meetings should be cut to 100. Sarah: half the month food. That gives 200 per week. Total 800 Reggie: I am for keeping black thurs food Calvin: that is tough to call but yeah. Group is leaning towards keeping it Misc expenses cut, as well as off campus mailing. Reduce travel to 1735, services misc cut, food reduced to 1500, cut misc expenses, cut postage and freight. Motion to approve by Calvin second by Reggie o 5-0-0 Converge Sarah: cut fall retreat. Little farmer day seems like something we should not pay for Agreed Sarah: that leaves them with 2 conferences Supplies journals seems reasonable. But the blankets I don’t think we should pay for. Joe: cut blankets. Calvin: I’m on the fence about that Sarah: I think it is a good thing but they will have to fundraise because essentially we are giving student dollars to this cause. Makes sense Sarah: there needs to be some reductions to food. Gamaholics night food cut, Joe: they are trying to hand out food at every event. Sarah: they are also asking for ad and notice stuff. Sarah: ice cream social seems standard. I think we should pay for one campus thing. Cut smores and cut pizza. Leave more expensive one (mochas). Amazing race not very specific to what they need it for. Calvin: maybe carry that 40 to rents and leases. Sarah: it just is not specific enough. Food 423 total. Travel they are asking for 7 vans to go out of state. If we reduced the last one then we should reduce this too in order to be fair. Nathan: they are also only asking for the mileage Sarah: they are taking the whole club too. Nathan: so instead of taking 7 we allocate for 4. Joe: this leaves it open for them to take more too. 1360 for the mileage. Megan: cut t-shits Nathan: promotional things for packets is fine Ad and notice to 430 How to we feel about 80 posters? Fine Prizes and awards cut giftcards. Prizes how do we feel about 70 for amazing race. Megan: it is a campus wide event but maybe more like 50 for prizes instead of 70 Reduce travel to 1780, Reduce food to 423, supplies 500, reduce ad and notice to 430, prizes reduced to 50 Motion by Reggie to approve second by Joe o 5-0-0 Women’s Rugby Reggie: the supplies line. If they are painting the county park shouldn’t that be the county to provide. Sarah: another team asked for paint and we gave it to them Prizes and awards are the only thing that could come off. Nathan: food should be looked at. Sarah: if they ask for food at event we pay for it and this is kind of like that Reggie: I would keep prizes and awards Sarah: …. (prizes don’t need to be extravagant) are they appropriate uses of funding. This is internally focused. The spring tourney that comes here pay for that. Cut in half Reduce prizes and awards to 60 Motion to approve by Joe second by Joe o 5-0-0 Umatter move travel to services professional and change to 640 cut rents and leases services professional seems high Sarah: they are asking for cosponsor ships. This seems not specific enough Reggie: cut it in half because we don’t want to say they can’t do anything. And then they can work with others Sarah: if we are being uniform we can’t pay for it as stated in budget and they can come back later. Cut completely and come back later Megan: I think the travel may be them bringing the speaker in Calvin: I think that the speaker should be cut in half. That is enough for one speaker … Reggie: I wouldn’t cut the info half sheets Sarah: I think if they are doing wallet cards then cut the buttons. Calvin: I see more buttons than wallet cards Sarah: splash week posters seems high. Calvin: the purpose is the Umatter campaign they need enough to keep functioning. Sarah: they have lanyards and stuff for advertising too Keeping printing and duplicating Sarah: I think we need some reductions in supplies this is a lot of swag. Cut the lanyards and whistles Calvin: I would rather keep the whistles Cut out water bottles Sarah: they are getting about 2000 in swag Lanyards and buttons do the same thing. Leave them with whistles it is more unique Services professional 2640, supplies 759, cut rents and leases, Motion to approve by Joe second by Calvin o 5-0-0 Hmong Student Union Nathan: what is the history of funding things with airfare. Sarah: we have funded NACA. The far away travel has generally been driving. My concerns on the travel is 5000 is about 1000 per student. Which is a significant expense for a conference but we have for competitive. It is a conference that discusses global issues. Calvin: I have they take 3 exec members and 2 emerging. Maybe 2 exec 1 emerging. Sarah: 4 total then. )plus advisor) Travel for conference 3320 Nathan: I am okay with all the rents and leases Sarah: I am wondering about the DJ. Not saying they can’t have dances but use a playlist, or DJ club on campus Calvin: yeah cut the DJ Cut misc service 250 for 3 events seems like a lot. Nathan: why don’t we say 50 per event. Supplies reduced to 300 Food and food service buffet needs to go ad welcome back picnic to. The conference on campus is not directly for students. Some are off campus so it needs to go. Any disagreement? No Welcome back picnic. Calvin: they already have their 2 food meetings Prizes and awards cut. For internal purposes. Joe: do they have speaker gifts on there Sarah: most of the speakers there is a cost on there but the 10 thing is more when they are not getting paid to come here Reggie: can we go back to conference. It seems like it is going to stay here because it is through seddexo. I don’t think it should be 2000 but leave them something. Sarah: saying 150 are coming and average 100. We don’t know the proportion of students which are the only meals we should be covering. I think it is a fine event but if you are going to have them come and it is for the meals… some students may have a meal plan, or near home. A portion of it is going to be dinner and we don’t know the break down. Reggie: I would provide 500. Around 5 bucks a plate. Megan: I think we have to cut it to be fair to the other groups. We cut one of the religious groups because the dinner was open to the community Nathan: I think it opens a can of worms Straw vote on food for campus 1-4 Megan: I think we should cut prizes and awards Reduce travel to 3455, services professional 2200, cut misc service, supplies reduced to 300, food reduced to 200, cut prizes and awards, Motion to approve changes by Calvin second by Joe o 4-1-0 Colleges Against Cancer Megan: Is relay for life a fundraiser? Fee to participate is for American Cancer Society they don’t get any money. Sarah: The red cross wanted to go to do a volunteering project but some money. But it is funding the experience, the money is not going to the fundraiser. We are not paying for the admission Calvin: It is not directly sponsoring the fundraising. Food on the fence on pizza and doughnuts but they are walking for 12 hours. Keep one cupcake and pizza Sarah: cut t-shirts. If they pay for the event. Nathan: they should include that in the cost. Sarah: they extras are going as prizes for something we wouldn’t fund Reduce food to 395, supplies reduced to 447 Motion to approve changes by Nathan second by Joe o 5-0-0 Motion to take a 5 minute recess by Reggie Women’s Lacrosse Club Motion by Megan to approve the budget second by Nathan o 5-0-0 TAB Sarah: not sure what travel is competitive and what is not Calvin: student assistance ships. They have bio majors come in and work because it is a student job. Nathan: theater students are in the productions. Cut prizes and awards. Sarah: these productions are for the community too. But we are spending money advertising to beyond students. 5500 when a good portion is advertising off campus is concerning. Calvin: … Sarah: for this reason we don’t do off campus mailings. If they were going to use other revenue that is fine but we are primarily internally focused because our funding comes from campus. Reggie: can they use outside funding to do that Sarah: to what level clubs have to report their revenue is …(drawing on board and explaining refer to recording) what is the responsibility to use the revenue on the costs they set Reggie: if they have unrestricted revenue then they should use that to fund the budget. Calvin: I think these are ad and notices not on campus. The exception is banner for A&C building but cut the rest of it. 2500 for ad and notice, include banners and on campus ads. Looked at subscriptions in Polk. Dramatics is in Polk, and so is backstage. Postage and freight, cut season brochure but do cover rented equipment. Lacks specificity of what is for renting and what is for mailing. Reduce to 200 Reggie: Estimate of supplies is okay Calvin: what is the services internal Sarah: It is a specific small amount so I am sure they need it Services professional is kind of vague Nathan: it is a competitive cost. Travel costs, I know sometimes it is competitive but do they perform there Nathan: they don’t just go they perform. Kennedy center. If you are presenting for a scholarship ir grad school invite. We funded law school fair and med school fair but to a reduced degree. What do we think about travel Calvin: I like that it represents campus Nathan: if the production is selected that is one things and then a second component is if an individual student is selected. Since it is not itemized it is hard to make a cut Reggie: If you have grad schools there getting looked at that is good for them… Nathan: It is called a festival but it is essentially a conference. Sarah: lets suppose that it is more like competitive travel. Taking 16 students is reasonable for 4000 travel Joe: this is important to put on shows and it requires a lot of time. People in performances can’t work, and hard to get volunteers. Hence why Sarah asked questions that day Sarah: Ryan brought up if we got to advanced titan yet. They operate at a deficit and the only thing we fund is an accountant that helps them get u\out of the red. He said it is strange that allocations funds that. I said yeah we fund some coaches but not a significant amount. This is essentially the same thing. 20000 for salaries. I am not debating that they don’t need these people but why is it coming from allocations and not the theater dept. Should this be paid by allocations. It has in the past but that should not be reasons for funding it now. But in certain cases this included may not be included Calvin: work study included Reggie: the university is going to be making cuts next year and so they are asking based on that idea. A theater dept facing a cut next year cant pay students 20000 Calvin: I’m not saying that they should not be funded. But why from allocations. Sarah: this is also more than one or 2 people and this is for people in the club that can’t do the job worth that time. It is a salary…. There are other students being paid. I think it is something we should consider this long term not saying we shouldn’t pay it now Nathan: I think it needs to be something this committee needs to talk about. If they didn’t get that money from somewhere and can’t operate without it Sarah:… if they need it to provide …. (refer to recording) Keep as is Cut prizes and awards, Reduce ad and notice to 2500, cut subscriptions, Reduce postage and freight to 200 Motion to approve changes to budget by Calvin second by Reggie o 5-0-0 Advance Titan Calvin: is advanced Titan a recognized student org Sarah: yes but I can double check that to Sarah: I wish Jim was here to give more insight on this but we funded it in the past and so approve as is I suppose Calvin: is this a student Sarah: no it is an off-campus employee and they are paid half time Sarah: lets table this and we will ask Jim about why we are paying for this PanHellenic Council Sarah: we fund things that students are invited to Greek week is geared towards Greeks so that can go, as is public relations, cut conference They were possibly just telling us they do those things Sarah: welcome back bash we funded for IFC so we can fund this in full to. Joe: homecoming is a pretty big deal Calvin: yeah there is a full week of events already but it is a nice thing. I just don’t know what other plans they have Sarah: Greek week trivia. Is probably geared towards Greeks Calvin: they are also gearing them towards all students. Sarah: it is also going to prizes and wards Joe: big prizes to Calvin: I think these events may be geared toward recruitment. Sarah: last year there was a dance they wanted but there was not enough emphasis on getting non Greeks involved. Something held during Greek week may be geared more towards recruitment than for students. For IFC we thought there were events that were more open to all students. Sarah: I would say cut prizes and awards Agreed Conference only PanHellenic can go so that is exclusive so no Welcome back dance DJ reduce DJ to 150 for DJ club, Printing and duplicating they are asking for 720 I only see on breakdown for 90 why are they asking for 720. Reduce printing and duplicating to 90 for the events we are funding Calvin:… Sarah: there arte a few orgs that limit their membership. Our terms are that it needs to be open to everyone. Calvin: how are they recognized Sarah: there are certain provisions for Greek life… Nathan: there is duplication in this budget from the IFC budget it looks like they just copied it from one to the next. CRU Sarah: I would imagine they are doing it together. Nathan: if they are cosponsoring it then I don’t want to short change them on these changes. Reggie: they do say they are putting this on with IFC Nathan: I think they are expecting 800 not 1600 students. Sarah: so we think they cut this in half or not. Megan: they have the food estimate at 500 and are asking for 250 so I think they did split it Joe: the misc. expense is for the all sorority social, and the little farmer trip, and fall ice skating Sarah: supplies 400 for homecoming dance We did not fund reception for IFC, Cut travel, reduce services professional to 2745, supplies reduced to 400, food 250, cut postage and freight, cut dues, cut mic expenses, 90 for printing and duplicating, cut prizes and awards Motion to approve changes by Joe second by Reggie o 4-0-1 Nathan: what equipment are they repairing? Sarah: not exactly sure Sarah: printing seems high. Although 200 students per event is a lot Does that seem reasonable? Suppose Calvin: how does the 20 small group printing work Sarah: it is held in the dorms. Nathan: if they are paying for printing on campus.. Calvin: they are putting a hard cap on printing and talking about giving Sarah: how do feel about equip we don’t know about Cut it one time request if needed. Printing and duplicating seems high. 28*200=5600 figure 5 cents a page is 280 for 2 pages per person every week. Plus small groups. Why would we go over 500 Concerned about retreats and supplies should see reduction Should this come from tech fees and should allocations be paying for it Calvin: no… Nathan: .. Joe: you don’t need the highest software Food: manathon cut, cut ladies night, yes to Christmas party, semester party okay, cut valentines desert, spring desert is open to all campus keep other 2 cut this Sound equip they do sing at their meetings Nathan: and they have a praise team Calvin: lights is that a good expenditure Nathan: they could reuse it Sarah: is it a necessary expenditure right now. I think it is on the fence btw tech fees and allocations. But is it pertinent. If we had extra money it would be nice to give them but we don’t right now Nathan: where do they meet o reeve Sarah: they hold it in the center for equity and diversity Nathan: that looks like something they should look into installing for future events. That sounds like a diff thing I agree that is something we shouldn’t fund. Ad and notice 100 is fine to promote with flyer. 550 for cups is high Joe: that is above what we have given others for that 350 cut prizes 500 for printing, and duplicating, supplies 250, cut maintenance and repairs, food 210, cut equipment and furniture, reduce ad and notice to 400, cut software, cut prizes and awards Motion by Calvin to approve changes to budget second by Joe o 5-0-0 Asian Student Association Calvin: cut MAASU conference in half (attendance) MAASU conference reduced to 1943 adjusted for 5 students Reggie: Lambeau is a fundraiser Calvin: this may be a volunteer project. If there reason to going is for seeing more than campus community they can volunteer in osh Sarah: I think it is an okay thing but we have been reducing trips. This doesn’t pertain directly to mission either Feel fine cutting it Cut banquet Calvin: or is that a campus wide event Reggie: I think it is a banquet, you don’t do that for a reg meeting. I would keep it Sarah: we already funded a lot for Asian heritage month. These costs could go into a ticket cost Cut banquet Pick btw picnic and pot luck that one being the food meeting for that semester. Cut banquet food. Cut both picnics because we have not been funding those. Leave with pizza, pot luck and heritage Cut prizes and awards Cut misc expenses Travel reduced to 2270, reduce rental and leases to 423, food cut to 1256, cut misc expenses, cut prizes and awards, supplies reduced to 400. Motion to approve changes by Joe second by Nathan o 5-0-0 Motion to adjourn by Joe second by Calvin Most likely meeting on Wed We would like to have the numbers back to people back by the end of the month. Seg fees wants us to present again if we over allocate and they may be able to give us some more funds.