Meeting Minutes 2.5.14 Attendance: Sarah Nathan Koffkee


Meeting Minutes 2.5.14



Nathan Koffkee










Call to order at 3:37

One time requests

Chess club line item change

Calvin: what is line 2620 o Professional services

Sarah: they are not asking more they are just breaking it up.

Nathan: the travel is for a tournament

Calvin: motion to approve changes as stated in email. Second by Joe o 5-0-0

Reeve Union Board

Joe: did they understate their budget by 10,000

Sarah: they generally put together an estimation based on price levels but the people are not booked yet so they estimate

 Calvin: it is up to 10,000 with ticket sales it won’t take up to 10,000 it is just

10,000 just in case.

Sarah: why did we go up a tier

Calvin: With just on bye gosh fest and free event. The artists listed a lower cost than they actually are and then it was forcing us to choose a band that did not rank highly.

Located in Kolf

Tickets for students 20-25 and nonstudents 30-35

Generally the campus wants pop. Tickets usually go for 40 range.

Matt: it is also working within the confines of the date

Calvin: the budget on the back may give a better look

Thomas joins

Reggie: at Marion they charge students from the beginning

Calvin: Reeve is through allocations not seg fees

Sarah: they have a fair amount going to advertising.

Joe: are we cutting in the meals etc for this.

Sarah: these follow the same rules and we can be more strict in one time requests too.

Nathan: the T-Shirts. Don’t they have shirts that say event staff

Calvin: they are event specific.

Sarah: maybe next year we should encourage them to make a standard event staff.

Reggie: I would make increments. Folks that work these are working long hours.

Funding is important. So we should only cut it by 20 here or there]

Sarah: another thing to consider is that it is over half of the money we have left.

Megan: weren’t we supposed to save money if riffle club made it to nationals, do we know if that happened yet.

Reggie: if it is not completely funded are there other places you can get funds.

Calvin: things on there will happen regardless of what band. But for this to even go to them we need 10000

 Matt: …

 Sarah: …

Nathan: I am for the 10000 but if they do get them then tickets go first from students and then are offered to outside people.

Calvin: it is also a selling point for UWO to have others come to this campus.

Reggie: motion to approve 10000 second by Thomas o 5-0-1

Jim joins

Oshkosh Gaming Society

Joe: this is only replacing the chargers.

Calvin: it is cheaper online

Thomas: is it staying with the club


Motion by Thomas to approve second by Calvin o 6-0-0

Budget hearing budgets.

Nathan Leaves

Mens Lacrosse Club

Thomas: they are not asking anything for food

Sarah: all travel is competitive

Thomas: motion to approve budget as is second by Megan o 6-0-0

Spanish Club:

Thomas: movie nights are the movies in Spanish


Calvin is leading the discussion

Thomas: motion to pass budget as is second by Reggie o 4-0-2

Economics Student Association

 cut brewers game

Joe: event is funded by COB they are just informing they do that

Travel is for tours

Food cut to 250

Motion by Thomas to approve budget as adjusted (250 for food cut prizes and awards) cut by Calvin

o 6-0-0

Psychology Club

Thomas: the supplies are for food giveaways. Can we fund that? It sounds like advertising

Sarah: 36 to 50 is aggressive rounding

Sarah: they are giving the food away and not selling it. Generally we have been funding that

Reggie: how many meetings are they planning to have

Looks like four

Thomas: for the food they need 34 and travel 36

Its 134

Cut food service to 134

Cut travel to 34

Motion by Reggie to approve budget with changes of food to 134 and travel to 34 second by Thomas o 6-0-0

Biology and microbiology Club

Thomas: reduce travel. I feel like there is museums they don’t seem to have an idea where they want to go and are going twice

Joe: and that is field trips

Thomas: their travel is part of their mission but maybe they could go to museums in MKE.

Sarah: my concern with the trips is that they fall under field trips. And we have been favoring instate for trips like that. We have cut that pretty consistently.

The benefit of the trip they had a more specific statement

Cut the fishing and camping

I would lean towards paying for one Chicago trip and cut everything else

Thomas: it sounds more like an overnight trip

Calvin: that is the trip with the most benefit

Sarah: plus individual admissions we have not been paying for

Cover 126+550+554.40

Rooms, cars, parking

Travel 1230.40

Thomas: Rents and leases are they just renting kayaks from the rec center

Jim: that is he cheapest place

Thomas: 120 for food for two meetings.

Sarah: MISC expenses should be cut

Travel at 1230, cut rents and leases, misc expenses, and food cut to 120 motion by

Thomas to approve with changes second by Calvin o 5-0-1

History Club

Thomas: cut pizza to 210. Fund two meetings. Popcorn is part of movies they show.

Joe: that provides benefit to what they are doing.

Motion by Thomas to pass budget as amended second by Megan


College Democrats

Thomas: they are asking a lot for food. Do we consider this as a noncompetitive

Sarah: there are some we have funded food for conferences

Calvin: they only include food for lunch and dinner

Sarah: they are asking for 5 trips which seems like a lot.

Reggie: cut DC travel

Thomas: the DC one is a big deal. You coordinate at a national level. If they had a choice they would probably prefer cutting all but DC

Jim: there is merit to a national conference.

Sarah: what if we left one in state and DC

Thomas: cut the two leadership institutes. The one in madison is state wide and regional in Eau Claire.

Sarah: I think prizes are taste of osh and rec so that seems fine

Reduce travel to 4667

Motion by Thomas to pass budget as amended second by Joe o 6-0-0

Creative Writers Society

 Thomas: I don’t see anything wrong with it

Sarah: cut T-shirts and markers. Reduce supplies to 35

Motion by Joe to pass budget as amended second by Thomas o 6-0-0

Wildlife Conservation Fund

Thomas: do we want to let them go to Shedd

Calvin: it looks like they are doing one in state

Sarah: I think we should cut the entrance fee, lunch, and tolls

Cut individual fee for marsh

Sarah: the food for 2 would be 440

Supplies 62

Reduce travel by 180, 658.32, 120, 9.40

Calvin: what is the final verdict on books and subscriptions.

 Jim: I can’t believe there is a journal we don’t have

Thomas: I would say no to books and yes to subscriptions. The books they don’t even know what they want. They don’t have a specific need for. The subscription they want a hard copy to pass around.

Sarah: the library has Animal conservation, and wildlife management.

Cut books

Changes: reduce travel to 519, printing to 268, food to 200, supplies 62, cut books and subscriptions.

Calvin: travel we are doing both without entrance fees. Does this conflict with our cutting the out of state and keeping in state?

Some we have cut because they were not structured and others we cut because they were interchangeable. These are directly related to purpose and experiences they cant get in state

Thomas: motion to approve budget as changed. Second by Calvin o 6-0-0

Nathan returns

UW Oshkosh SPJ

Calvin; is there any more insight into these conferences

Thomas: based on what we did for dems we would keep national regional conferences

Sarah: and state

Calvin: why is this not part of Advance Titan

Sarah: tours seem good

Misc includes their entrance fees for the conferences

Thomas: in favor of keeping 2 and cut the WNA convention. The other 2 are directly related to some kind of nation wide professional journalists. But there is not much background on them

Calvin: we have been cutting conventions

Cut WNA convention

Calvin: food.

Reduce food for tours, and WNA convention

600 for food.

Calvin: I say 20 per person is reasonable.

Meeting food to 72. Food total is 672

Misc. registration fees. Cut WNA

Total to 1050 for misc and should probably go to travel.

Matt leaves

Motion by Thomas to approve budget as changed second by calvin o 5-0-0

Thomas leaves

4:54 lost quorum

Quinn enters

5:10 call meeting back to order


 meals cut 240

 admissions cut 300

 cut travel to 1000 because 2000 seems high for 2 day trips and one bus for each trip should be covered by 1000

Joe: Misc expense cut. Food 2 per semester and Halloween party and 100 for treats for each meeting

Sarah: I would say 150 that is 2 pizza parties.

1000 for travel, 150 for food and food service, cut misc.

Motion to approve changes to budget second by Megan o Nathan: what is supplies for o For each meeting o 5-0-0

Oshkosh Collegiate Composers

Sarah: cut travel by 3296. The concert is not what we have been funding

Joe: cut misc.

Sarah: the recording session came up last year as well.

Jim: we cut it by quite a lot

Calvin: there are students that will record it for free

Quinn: if there are other means then yeah

Sarah: they are asking 200 for cups and plates. Change it to their original 100 estimate

Quinn: do we pay individual memberships.

No cut 275 dues and memberships

So far: travel reduce travel to 2600, services professional reduce by 450, services misc cut, reduce supplies 100, cut dues and memberships cut misc expenses.

Quinn: they have 900 for conference fees

We have been covering conferences

Calvin: does cutting dues have impact on conference.

 Sarah: we don’t generally pay for individual dues and memberships

Motion by Quinn to approve changes second by Joe. o 5-0-0

Graduate Student Association

Sarah: I would fund the first one and cut the next 2 travel

Quinn: I thought we have funded those in the past

Sarah: my logic is it is 3 students and the are going to San Diego and it doesn’t seem directly related to the graduate students.

Quinn: I agree with cutting those

Quiin: cut gifts to presenters to 10. Annual planners for exec board cut

 Nathan: if you are a club on campus you don’t need to pay for a table.

Cut rents and leases to 45

Sarah: Reggie do you know why the have to pay for a table at grad school fest

 Quinn: can’t you just send it by email. I understand the point of mailing things but not for 1000. Cut that

Cut subscriptions

Cut shirts and sweatshirts

Cut dues and memberships to 105

Cut laptop

Cut plaques

No 4imprint set up

Calvin: the plaques are recognizing external members.

Sarah: I think it is a great thing to recognize professors. And if those feel like they should honor them maybe they should fundraise. The ones directly impacted by those professors should pay for it.

Quinn: I would rather have a sweet email from a student than a plaque

Calvin: yes slash plaques

So far: Travel 2340, rents and leases 45, services misc 130, supplies reduce to 33, postage and freight cut, subscriptions cut, dues and memberships 605, advertising

and notices 262.50, prizes and awards cut, misc expenses cut, computer equipment cut.

Megan: Motion to approve changes to budget second by Calvin o 4-0-1

Nontraditional Student Organization

Quinn: leadership is part of their mission statement.

Sarah: food for that 20 is above state rate. 10 for lunch -50

Services and professional cut admissions.

Bowling night remove

Some promotional items they will be purchasing are sweatshirts, etc. some were going to be used for bowling night that can see reductions.

Cut supplies to 100

Food and food service contracts

 Joe: we don’t fund banquets.

Calvin they could be calling that their 2 nd


Sarah: although pizza at 10 per person seems high

Keep food for end of year banquet.

 …

300 for food

 cut postage and freight.

Dues and membership

Quinn: no

Jim: it was funded last year

Quinn: what is the rational

 Jim: I don’t remember what they gave as rational

Sarah: it is good team building and creates camaraderie but it should probably be fundraised for

Quinn: it seems like the same as a retreat that other clubs asked for

Cut it

Cut invitations cut t-shirts

Cut advertising and notices to 10

Quinn: that is a pricey conference. Have we discussed putting a cap on conferences

Sarah: we have looked at benefit per dollar

Quinn: this is border line. Not the best value for dollar but it is inline with their mission.

Sarah: lets keep it. It relates. I think in the future we should look at putting a cap on admission for conferences.

Calvin: cut end of year banquet plaques

Not specific on the prizes

Reggie: I think it is just to get their name out. It is an event/promotional cost

Do we think that 200 seems appropriate?

Quinn: 100 seems reasonable

Prizes and awards cut to 100

 189 for travel, services professional 1500, service misc cut, supplies 100, …dues and membership 1795, ad and notices 10, … [refer to above]

Calvin: motion to approve changes stated second by Quinn o 5-0-0

Mens volleyball

Jim: they do raise 40000 of their own expenditures.

Sarah: they are getting some appeal with names on them and they keep.

Nathan: They could be using their own revenue for that

Sarah: that does get confusing because they use that for costs we don’t cover but we have to way to check how they use they money we give them. There is talk to track what clubs are making on their own. But I don’t see why we need to track that….

The only concern I have is the jerseys they keep.

Nathan: then they could just say they use their own money for that.

Sarah: prizes and awards they have at 150 and it is not specified. Before we have said if they lack specificity then we have to rights to cut as we see fit.

They do break down jerseys. The UWO stay with club name stay with them. So we should cut that to 1500. Since half are staying with team

Calvin: they say to offset and not what total is.

Sarah: take out prizes and awards if it is not justified. If it was for a competition specifically then maybe but we don’t know. And at the budget managers meeting we said to do that.

Equipment reduced to 1500 and cut prizes and awards.

What is the individual dues.

Nathan: that is for them to compete

Quinn: motion to approve changes to budget second by Joe o Calvin: student assistance there is a lot on there o Nathan: that is there coaches o Calvin: I would assume that but it is not stated. o 5-0-0


 rents and leases does not seem necessary.

Calvin: if they are hosting event in underground they would need to

Sarah: no to computer o yes

Quinn: reduce food to 50

Reggie: I think cutting to 50 would get them no where.

Sarah: 250 said it would cover all meetings. And not including end of year banquet. And round up to 50

Calvin: you could assume 20. 10 per speaker

Sarah: they said some may be travel


Reduce food to 50, cut prizes and awards, cut equipment, misc reduced to 100 and re-categorized as services and professional.

Reggie: motion to approve budget as is second by Calvin

o 5-0-0

Oshkosh Secular Student Alliance

 food and food service to 150.

Quinn: motion to approve budget as changed second by Calvin o 5-0-0

Hanon-Korean Culture Club

Quinn: trip

If it is not structured then we have cut it.

Cut the t-shirts

Supplies to 200, cut travel,

Motion to approve budget as changed second by calvin o 5-0-0

Kurtis enters

Student Wisconsin Education Association

 cut professional development seminar it is for networking purposes and not structured. o agreed

 cut travel for network purposes

Quinn: the exec board meeting in madison is high

Sarah: it seems like the club goes so keep that

Quinn: cut food in half to 85 for 2 meetings

Professional development seminar again so cut that,

Quinn: misc expenses cut it all. None of it has anything to do with it. They seem to just be getting more food for meetings.

Sarah: why do they need a microphone. I think we should cut equipment to 180. I think we should consider giving them 75 for misc.

Quinn: I motion to cut the misc.

Travel 848, food 85, misc cut completely, equipment to 180

Quinn: motion to approve budget with changes. Second by Megan. o 4-0-2

Reggie left

Collegiate 4-H Club

Sarah: recapping what 4H is and their mission. A couple other orgs have gone out of state but we have funded one. I think we should fund regionals because they take 5 students.

Quinn: I think that is good, and in line with what we have done in past

Reggie returned

Reduce food to 150 ( 2 meetings and taste of osh)

Cut prizes and awards

Travel 2069, food 150, prizes and awards cut.

Quinn: motion to approve changes second by Kurtis o 6-0-0

Quinn left

College Republicans

 travel seems reasonable

 food needs to see a reduction. Maybe leave them with 100 o agree

Quinn returns

 ad and notice cut shirts so 50

 food becomes 100, and ad and notice to 50.

Kurtis: motion to approve changes second by Quinn o 5-0-1

Reeve Union Board

Sarah: regional conferences and the workshops and retreats. NACA are there savings

Calvin: both. There are bookings at both. The summer conference is a 5 day leadership institute. Other schools are represented there. It is student union related, student gov’ts go to.

Calvin: 2 retreats one in summer is to get a jump on planning for fall. Winter is for reeve associated orgs. Is for networking and planning.

Sarah: my personal feeling is to cut the workshop and retreat taking place in SLIC why it is that expensive.

Calvin the winter one is not in Reeve.

Quinn: with rational so far I would agree

Kurtis: yeah

Sarah: four shirts a year. But have them have one staff shirt.

Kurtis: the banquet for 1800 are there any notes on that?

Calvin: there is an end of the year banquet

Kurtis: is the banquet open to students

Calvin: it is for all five committees.

Reduce to 188 for clothing and t-shirts, Travel 900, banquet cost cut (1800 for food).

Calvin: why was the retreat cut

Sarah: generally have not paid for retreats. Why can’t it always be at the SLIC and then other orgs can afford to go to.

Calvin: the Fall retreat is the first opportunity for the new exec board to meet and be on their own and plan for the school year.

Sarah: the fall retreat is all good things but I’m not sure why you need to go to that.

Calvin: it is on campus it is just cost for print outs and caterings.

Cut as well

Cut workshops retreats, reduce shirts, cut banquet costs.

Kurtis: motion to approve budget with cuts stated second by Quinn o 5-0-1

Reeve Union Board Concerts

Sarah: shirts cut since they will already have a shirt.

Reggie: how do we distinguish between RUB and this

Sarah: it is a large budget and it is easier to have it broken down separately.

Reggie: is it a spring concert every year.

Calvin: it all depends on who the performers on. The amount decided here decides who gets brought in.

Sarah: event staff t-shirts reduces supplies to 1500

Kurtis: motion to approve budget as changed second by Reggie o 6-0-0

Motion by Reggie to adjourn meeting second by Kurtis


Sarah: we need to revisit concerts.

 Kurtis: I am confused…

Jim: historically the way the budget has worked is they ask conservatively every year. 50000 has been typical. They can do this with this much etc.

Sarah: do we think it is better to fund 50000 and have them come back next year or fund what we think it will end up being.

Jim: I see pros and cons with one time request. But I think it would be better to give them more now.

Nathan: last year they got 47000

Sarah: and now they asked for 10000 more

Nathan: they cover the rest by revenue

Sarah: fall can go towards spring

Jim: they never break even

Jim: they want to price tickets where students can afford them.

Sarah: what is the loss

Jim: essentially allocations covers the cost.

Quinn leaves

 ….

Sarah: we can fund full 50,000 and know they will come back and ask for more.

That seems reasonable.

Calvin: revenue from fall goes to putting on spring concert and it is still not a lot to work with.

Reggie: it is putting pressure on them to sell out. I am good with funding 50000

Kurtis: I think we should try to avoid one time requests for next year.

 Calvin: they don’t make that much from tickets

Motion by Reggie to approve 50000 second by Joe

Kurtis: I think we should give them more.

Megan: I agree with Kurtis and I think it should be more like 60,000-75,000 o 2-2-1

Jim: tie goes to chair

Motion by Kurtis to approve 75,000 second by Megan

 Reggie: is there a guarantee that they won’t come back for more.

Jim: on the one hand I think it is a good amount but it is a lot of money.

Kurtis: we have not funded this much in past then I think we should because the cost of everything goes up therefore we should adjust that.

Megan: I think that for a higher tier it is on campus which allows more students to campus. And it also will bring more people here as well. It will benefit more students than some of the conferences that only 4 students get to go to.

Nathan: I think we should fund them 67000 on a 3% increase

Motion amended to 67,000 o 2-1-2

Motion to adjourn by Joe second by Kurtis o 5-0-0
