Budget Hearings 10/9/13 Attendance  Sarah  Nathan Koffkee

Budget Hearings 10/9/13
Nathan Koffkee
University Honors Student Association
Joe: What types of performances
o Guest speakers, performances
Thomas: For travel, how many students do you take
o 36 because of bus but usually 25 go
Sarah: cost
o Close to 5000, they raise it. Used for bus, entrance to museum, dinner, performance of
some kind.
o Cultural experience, alternative to study abroad, adds to a well-rounded study
o Last year was a German theme
Benefit of the banner
o Increase visibility at taste of Oshkosh, preview days, etc.
Types of snacks
o Candy, other events- meetings, Halloween candy, cookies, etc.
o They get most of their supplies from the honors program
Food events
o Pizza with professors
Quin: have you given gift cards in the past?
o No, but this year they are planning to
Quin: more on out of state travel
o Open to all students
o They do a volunteer project. Last year they volunteered in New Orleans
o Good for networking and getting the word out about UWO
Sarah: on pages 3 and 4 you have agendas and
o Certain meetings try to stand out and pass out more professional agendas (example:
when they have guest speakers)
o They produce only the amount they need
o Thought it was printed on different paper
Karate Club
Thomas: can you elaborate on outside funding
o Revenue came from dues and fundraising. They no longer want to charge dues. They do
a Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser, pledges from board breaking kicks in a minute, etc.
Donate some of the money back to the community
Nathan: uniforms
o Uniforms stay with the students
Sarah: is the protection reusable
o Stays with the student unless they decide to give it back to the club
o They have storage in Albee
Travel: how many go to each
o More go to spring because freshman are not trained enough
How many go to each?
o Plan for eight going to each according to average from past
Where do clinics take place
o Same place as tournament. Dubuque Iowa
o Main cost goes to gas and food
His House
Sarah: Is that Crary’s flat fee?
o Organizational connections, haven’t asked specific rate but average cost of him is $1000
Quin: does that cover expense of travel and hotel
o Because they know him with connections they think they can get him for that. They can
pay for the extra outside that.
Speaker Series
Quin: elaborate on $3000 for supplies
o More than 1/3 goes towards magnets and cups
o Have the date for each event on those meeting supplies
 Use of supplies for cabinet display cases ex) caution tape, little crime scenes
Thomas: NACA how many people and where
o Chair, chair elect, advisor
o Boston
Joe: what do they bring back
o Booklets of events, go to all the speaking events, write info down, submit requests for
speakers, bring the info back for speaker selection. Bring all techniques back and share
with committee
Thomas: break down of amount for three people
o Food, hotel
o Two meals: one breakfast, one lunch per day
Regarding cosponsoring, with which group
o … LGBTQ, CARE, student veteran resource center, wide range of requests. Committee
decides if they think its beneficial
Joe: T-Shirts
o Each member has one so at events and marketing people know who to direct questions
Sarah: stipend shows a certain amount but because of the cut across from the board last year.
Where did you take the money from to get the stipend
o Not getting the full stipend
The three day conference, do the students pay for it
o Amount is covered in full
Why do you send three people
o Chair because they keep committee on track with who to be in contact with
o Chair elect goes to learn what they need to do the following year
o Advisor goes because they know things the chair doesn’t. Makes sure they go to proper
ed. Sessions
o They send the multiple people because it is so busy, it gets hard
Do you split up or go together
o Big things like speakers go together and ed. Sessions they split up so they can go to
more of them
How did you come up with $500 per person per flight
o Last year goes was close to that
o Three girls went last year so one room. This year need 2 because the advisor is male
SLIC retreat
o Lodging, bus, meals,
o Games played- each committee brings something of its own
o Happens in city one hour north of here
Promotional items, what are incentive items
o Part of certain incentives is to say glad to have you. At table times things they hand out,
raffle prizes at each event keep members and people going to speakers involved
Chinese Culture Club
Sarah: rental equipment ballpark cost
o Charge for projector ($20/meeting w/internet connection) if not currently in room
Bylaw Discussion
Sarah: one online is horrible, we have different ideas. There are mistakes in doc. The plan is we
come up with funding policies and they need to be view point neutral. Pushes timeline back
No questions
Speech and Debate
Quin: How many people go to debates
o There are 10 on the team and each member is required to go to 2-3 per semester. The
average is 5-6 people at each tournament.
o Each tournament costs a different amount
o Big tournaments the fees are higher to go
 $50/person/event/piece
o Travel includes registration fees
Kurtis: travel some in Midwest and some in CA. What are the benefits?
o Try to stay close but going far gives idea of what other competitors are putting forth in
topics/pieces they are presenting. Helps them have an idea of what people are doing at
Sarah: breakdown of cost within travel why do a certain number of people go
o Depends on students’ needs ex) missing class for the farther competitions
o They pick which competitions they want to go to each semester
o UW Madison, Bradley, UW WW the whole team is going to because they want to show
them that this is UWO and trying to get program known on national level
o They try to have students go to all but they can’t force students to go
Greatest benefit is when the entire team goes
o agreed
Does the travel include food
o yes
Does some money come from students to?
o Allocations have covered it in the past
Dues and memberships, there are three here and you are asking for $300
o American Forensics Association is about $75
o Midwest is about $150
 Allows them to interchange pieces with schools around us and go to their
o National is about $150
 Qualifies them for nationals in spring
What if you qualify for other tournaments
o In allocated funds under travel
Break down travel better for each tournament
Quin: supplies for $500 seems high
o Used for sending info to other people for donations etc.. other ministries and former
Sarah: what does $30,000 donations go to
o Minister, front office, house repairs
Can you walk through supplies more
o Newsletters (printed on campus), mailing Christmas cards, and decorations
Food before the services, how many people go to that
o Varies from 15-20 maybe more, at Christmas time more towards 30-35
Who are the meals for
o Students, professors, pastor, community
Kurtis: food service contracts $25/week
o Keep cost down try to keep meal under $25
o Freeze and save for both masses
o Make a vegetarian meal and gluten free option too. Easy minimal food
Oshkosh One
Thomas: how does a two organization budget work
o Split down the middle for everything
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Thomas: what food is served at farewell dinner
o Never had one but $20 a person is plenty and what isn’t used will be given back
Sarah: why these tournaments and amount of people
o Combat corner is an entry level way of getting used to tournaments. Allows beginning
members to see what its like
o NAGGA is a stepping stone to IBJJF keeps track of roster and ranks them. It’s a good way
to see where schools rank
o IBJJF is trying to get JJ to be recognized in the Olympics
Kurtis: for the tournaments does funding cover everything
o Yes unless the prices change
o Meal while waiting to compete. Something to offset cost since they are representing the
The English Club
Quin: line item 2622 collaborating with other orgs. Why $500
o Speakers, cosponsoring other speakers, refreshments, whatever they need
Read-write-a-thon says 100 people, where did this number come from
o 15-20 now and hoping group grows by then. They are also planning on pairing with
other groups. It is for charity so have some other booths there, faculty, motivational
Thomas: Can you get books through the library for book club
o Need more copies
o After they will either donate the books or keep them for future years
Jim: did your advisor help with the budget
o no
Sarah: $3000 speaker cost
o Based on the speaker coming in the semester and planning to partner with other groups
Read-write-a-thon, walk through event
o 12hr writing contest, write a short story
o $100/semester for pizza
o $800 for read-write-a-thon
Prizes and awards $300 seems high
o Read-write-a-thon 12 hr event, happening twice a year and they think prizes would need
to be extreme, examples are literary books which are about $50 and then prizes after
Women’s Advocacy Council
Quin: 2-3 to conference will they present or not?
o Some students present, others that go only go to the documentaries and don’t feel
comfortable presenting
Thomas: A lot of funding goes towards women’s center
o Co-advisor for WAC works at the women’s center. It’s more of a meeting space. They
use a large amount of their supplies.
Kurtis: Conference- how does it benefit campus
o Several workshops teaches them how to be more active, involved etc. they can bring
that back. They are interested in what other campuses are doing as well
Sarah: benefits to group
o At next meeting they share what they learned, anything they found interesting. Often its
not first years going.
Thomas: look for matching funds from COLS
o Matching funds is both allocations and COLS
Sarah: ink- there is no official cost to use women’s center
o Yes; 2 black 2 color is estimate based on what they used in prior years
Rent $400
o Room rental fee, global Google need tech connections, speakers
Sarah: Dues and memberships benefit
o Small org but exec board does a lot of work and they are paying it forward
What comes from MTNA and WMTA
o Certain weight that goes with memberships of those orgs. Allows them not to pay as
much at conferences
o State=$4 nationals=$17
o Both reduce fee at state conference and national conference
Kurtis: conference in WI Dells cost, lodging and registration. Does it cover food
o No they will support themselves for food
Four exec members are going, how does that benefit the group
o Execs are leaders; they bring back knowledge and share it with members
Does it benefit campus
o Org has specific goal to support future success of music teachers
Belly Dance Troupe
Sarah: $50 professional fee
o Honorarium, thanks for coming down
Pagan Student Alliance
Quin: most of the money has to do with retreat, elaborate on why you can’t achomplish those
o Meditation, each person teaches differently…
Kurtis: how did you choose location for trip
o Cheapest cabin, it is also the place get most people to go and close to circle sanctuary
located a little south of Madison
Sarah: how many people to attend retreat
o 8-10
How is the retreat going to be most productive
o Outside speakers teaching sessions, workshops, lunch
Weekend or week
o weekend
Kurtis: button cost
o 50 buttons at $0.70 was incorrect math
Allan Priebe Art Gallery Board
Thomas: does the university provide other funding to gallery
Funds from allocations, if they need more they go to art department. Apply for outside
funding from Ruth Koeller etc.
o They are in the org realm of school so they need allocated funds
Kurtis: travel and service professionals
o Travel is plane tickets
o Service professional is paying for the artists’ work , presentation (speech), and workshop
Quin: supplies- light system
o Light bulbs
Jim: what kind of light bulbs are they using in the gallery
o Not sure
Sarah: why does it say four travelling
o 4, 8, or 10. It depends on how well known they are
Is there are shipping fee for each
o It depends on where they are coming from
o Advisor deals with $ amounts
o They decide who they want and if it is feasible
Printing and duplicating
o Cost was given by secretary in art departments
Ad and notices
o Different, it is off campus busses, newspaper, etc.
o Oh it kind of does overlap
o Printing and duplicating is important because they are trying to build up community
involvement again
Titan Catholics
Sarah: benefit of trips
o Lived in WI and never been to these places
o Holy Hill and Lady of Good Help are important in catholic faith
o Porcupine is better than parks in WI
Kurtis: is food included in these trips
o No, people will pay for their own
Is there structure on these trips
o Mass and daily prayer