ART 355-004L: Teaching of Art Spring 2013

ART 355-004L: Teaching of Art
Spring 2013
Meeting Time: Thursdays 4:10 – 6:20
Meeting Place: Room S211 in Arts and Communication Center (A/C)
Instructor: Dr. Jaehan Bae
Office: Room 526 A/C
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 10-12 and by appointment.
Office Phone: (920) 424-7054
Planning art experiences to meet the needs of elementary and middle school art
programs. The creation of art products and plans appropriate to grades K-9. Preparation,
care and use of art materials. Prerequisite: Art 203: Concepts and Creations and
Admission I.
Course Goals
By the end of the course, future educators are able to:
1. effectively write a cross-curricular visual arts lesson plan.
2. properly learn basic three visual arts integration frameworks: learning with,
through, and about visual arts.
3. comprehensively learn art skills and concepts that can be applied to their future
4. keenly reflect their teaching in order to get a long-term improvement of their
professional development.
Attendance Policy
Your attendance is significant. You must attend entire meeting times. Points will
be deducted from your total score for each absence or late arrival. You lose 10 points for
one absence and 5 points for one 10 minutes late arrival and if you leave a class early
without my approval you lose 5 points. I will not have any make-up times, provide
handouts, or present any significant concepts due to your absence. You have one excuse
for your absence. Please keep your excuse for your emergency. If you missed class more
than 5 times, you fail this course.
Class Etiquette
Please TURN YOUR CELL PHONE OFF and do not text during the class. If I
hear your phone ring or vibrate and if you text, you will lose 15 points per one time and
you must leave class immediately. I don’t allow you to use laptop, mp3, i-pod, radio, or
other entertaining electronic devices in the classroom. You will also lose five points if
you use portable electronic devices in the classroom.
Academic Misconduct
If you violate the University Academic Policy, you will fail this course. Refer to for more details.
Requirements and Evaluation
I grade all your requirements, and you need to grade them as well. Your final
grade will be the average of the two grades. You can earn up to 386 points. Your grade
will be based on six components. Following are criteria and weights for grades:
1. Three art studio projects: 150 points (50 points each)
2. Discussion leader: 50 points
3. Four pages (paper) of your teaching ideas of visual arts for your classroom (70
points), its presentation (20 points), and your example of artwork (10 points): 100
4. Reflections (50 points):
 Keep daily nine chapter reflections (9 chapters and one article x 5 points = 50
5. Daily Note taking (36 points): 12 days x 3 points= 36 points. Write what you
learned at least one page length. .
6. Attendance and Class Etiquette (Read attendance and class etiquette policy
7. Respect of your artworks and the classroom―clean up your table and the area
around you. Please cover your table with newspapers or a smock when you draw
or paint something and clean the table if you make any marks. Please put your art
supplies back where you found them. Do not use large amounts of paper towels or
art supplies. Please save your paper scraps in a certain container for another use.
(Do not leave your artwork in the storage room of the class. I will check the room
on the last day of class to see who leaves his/her artwork. If you leave both your
artworks and private materials in the room, I will deduct 5 points for each item
from your total points.)
Letter grades will be assigned using the following scale:
A = 95% – 100%
A- = 90% – 94.9%
B+ = 87% – 89.9%
B = 83% – 86.9%
B- = 80.0% – 82.9%
C+ = 77% – 79.9%
C = 73% – 76.9%
C- = 70% – 72.9%
D+ = 67% – 69.9%
D = 63% – 66.9%
D- = 60% – 62.9%
F = Below 59.9%
ADA Statement
Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should: 1) register
with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC); 2)
bring a letter to the instructor from SDRC indicating that you need academic
accommodations. This should be done within the first weeks of class. This and other class
materials are available in alternative format upon request.
Academic Honor Statement
The Academic Honor System of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is based on
the premise that each student has the responsibility: 1) to uphold the highest standards of
academic integrity in the student’s own work, 2) to refuse to tolerate violation of
academic integrity in the University community, and 3) to foster a high sense of integrity
and social responsibility on the part of the University community.
Required Textbook
Goldberg, M. (20012). Arts integration: Teaching subject matter through the arts in
multicultural settings (4th edition). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
The instructor will provide all supplies needed for each art project. For your
portfolio, you need a binder.
To Succeed in This Course You Should Know the Following:
Major art studio projects: There are THREE main studio projects that will be
introduced throughout the semester. All art projects are carefully selected and will
incorporate visual arts and other subjects that could easily be applied to your future
classroom. All three projects will require additional research on your part to achieve the
best possible quality. One late submission will cost you 5 points; two late submissions
will cost you 10 points. You need to complete your warm-up activity and submit this with
your artwork.
Your studio project should be worked on in the classroom. You must use full
class time to work on your project. I do not allow you to work on your projects outside of
class. Please bring in your materials and supplies from home. You cannot take your art
project home without prior approval.
Usually, we discuss and deal with the assigned reading during the first period of
class, and then you work on your art studio project during the second period of class. If
you leave early without my permission, you lose five points. If you finish your project
earlier than other students, you need to prepare your presentation, help other students, and
ask the instructor to check that your project meets all criteria.
Discussion leader: I ask you to sign up to be the discussion leader, who will be in
charge of class discussion, for one class period. The textbook includes thirteen chapters,
and we will discuss each chapter in the first period of class. All students must read each
chapter, especially those who have signed up to discuss that particular chapter in class.
Discussion leaders need to cover the following components in order to maintain quality
of discussion:
 Recap and summarize the chapter. (Please do not simplify this!)
 Share your prior knowledge and experiences that are associated with the ideas
of the chapter.
 Make a quality at least 20 PowerPoint presentation slides with visual images.
 Find out purposes or intentions of the author.
 Introduce and explain main ideas and concepts.
 Raise and ask significant questions.
 Discuss each idea, content, and concept from the chapter.
 Provide interesting at least two class activities that allow other students to
better understand the chapter.
 Listen to other students’ opinions very carefully and provide your feedback on
 Share conclusions, findings, and final thoughts about the chapter with the
 Discuss how the main concept can be applied to your future teaching.
 It MUST last at least 35minutes! If you don’t meet 30 minutes, I will reduce
FIVE points per minute.
Please submit your copy of PowerPoint slide and the assessment form after a presentation.
Participation: Your participation is one of the most significant factors of class
discussion. You cannot keep up with class discussion if you don’t read each chapter. I
strongly encourage you to share your ideas, thoughts and experiences during discussion.
In order to get a better quality of discussion you must read the assigned chapter(s)
accordingly. Your notes or doodles may help you remember what you read and think.
You need to type a one-page summary for each chapter with your thoughts and
reflections; this should be kept in your folder. Please remember, you learn not only from
the professor but from your classmates as well. The class discussion will not finish until
each student says something about the assigned reading. I encourage you to speak your
thoughts at least three times a day.
Writing about Teaching Ideas of Visual Arts: You need to write your teaching
ideas about visual arts with other subject matters. Your paper will be applied to your
future classroom. You describe your teaching ideas that could be incorporated with what
you learned from the course. You need to share your ideas with classmates. Your paper
must be applied three ideas: learning with, through, and about visual arts. You also must
make your example of artwork. Your small presentation with PowerPoint slides should
last at least 10 minutes.
Reflections and daily note taking: It can be your useful reference in the future.
Please keep your daily notes, chapter reflections (55 percent for a summary of the chapter
and 45 percent for your critical thoughts about the chapter), warm-ups and guidelines of
studio art projects that you get from both D2L and the instructor, your artworks, notes,
and your reflections―whatever is relative to this course―in your folder.
D2L: I post any documents and evaluation forms that will be used in this course
on D2L. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I
would like to meet with you during my office hours and by appointment. If you have any
questions, please send an e-mail, give a call, or come by my office. As you know, mutual
communication is the best way to solve problems and a key for success in the course.
Please keep your due day. Keeping your due day is a key for succeeding in your
profession as well as in this course. There is no excuse for late submissions. I deduct 10
points for a late submission. Please check the attached calendar.
Day 1 (1/31): Orientation
 Class Activity:
o Go over syllabus and discuss class policy.
o Introduce the textbook, assignments, and classroom.
o Discuss basic art concepts.
 Homework:
o Read chapter 1 and write your reflection of the chapter.
o Bring your guidelines and warm-up activity of Five Senses Book.
Day 2 (2/7): Sing-up for Discussion Leader
 Class Activity:
o Presentation of chapter 1 by the professor and discussion of the chapter.
o Introduce your first project on Five Senses Book Project (Art and Science
o Start working on the project and complete your warm-up activity.
o Submit your chapter reflection.
o Read Korean Sotdae article and write your reflection of the article.
Day 3 (2/14):
 Class Activity:
o Presentation of the article by the professor and discussion of the article.
o Continue to work on the project and submit your reflection of article.
 Homework:
o Read chapter 2 and write your reflection.
Day 4 (2/21):
 Class Activity:
o Present chapter 2 and discuss the reading.
o Work on the project.
 Homework:
o Read chapter 3 and write a reflection of the chapter.
o Finish your project and bring your self-evaluation, warm-up activity, and
your reflection of the book.
o Bring your guidelines and warm-up activity of tessellation.
Day 5 (2/28): Due Day of Five Senses Book
 Class Activity:
o Submit your five senses book with your evaluation, warm-up activity, and
reflection of the book.
o Present chapter 3 and discuss the reading.
o Introduce your tessellation project.
 Homework:
o Read chapter 4 and write the reflection.
Day 6 (3/7): No Class. The professor attends National Art Education Conference.
 Homework:
o Read chapter 5 and write a reflection of the chapter.
o Finish your project and bring your self-evaluation, warm-up activity, and
your reflection of art project.
Day 7 (3/14): Due Day of Tessellation
 Class Activity:
o Present chapter 5 and discuss the reading.
o Submit your project with your evaluation, warm-up activity, and reflection
of tessellation.
 Homework:
o Read chapter 5 and write a reflection.
o Bring guidelines and warm-up activity of pop-up book.
Spring Break (3/17-3/24)
Day 8 (3/28):
Class Activity:
o Present chapter 6 and discuss the reading.
o Introduce Pop-up Book project (Art and Language Arts Connections).
o Begin with the art studio project and complete the warm-up activity.
o Read chapter 7 and write a reflection.
o Bring and read guidelines of a final paper.
Day 9 (4/4): Overview of Final Paper
 Class Activity:
o Present chapter 7 and discuss the reading.
o Introduce your final paper.
 Homework:
o Read chapter 8 and write a reflection.
o Bring your ideas of final paper.
Day 10 (4/11):
 Class Activity:
o Present chapter 8 and discuss the reading.
o Work on your pop-up book.
o Sign-up for your final paper presentation
 Homework:
o Read chapters 9 and write your reflections.
o Finish your pop-up book and bring this, your warm-up activity, and
reflection of the book.
Day 11 (4/18): Due Day of Pop-up Book.
 Class Activity:
o Present chapter 9 and discuss the reading.
o Submit your pop-up book with your warm-up activity, assessment, and
reflection of the book.
o Making your example in class.
 Homework:
o Working on your paper, example, and presentation.
Day 12 (4/25): Presentations for your teaching idea of visual arts (Group 1)
 Class Activity:
o Presentation of your teaching ideas for visual arts.
 Homework:
o Finish your paper.
Day 13 (5/2): Due day for Your Final Paper and Folder (Group 2)
 Class Activity:
o Presentation of your teaching ideas for visual arts.
o Organize your folder and submit your paper and folder.
Day 14 (5/9): Finale
 Class Activity:
o Pick you your portfolio and announce final grade.